Well, darn. (Edit: Not such a woe anymore!)

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Well, darn. (Edit: Not such a woe anymore!)

Post by Paint »

All was well with my little nugget of Neopian world, right up until the usul I was zapping to be adopted out turned Zombie. Firstly, he was a he so I was pretty sure he'd be preferred as a she. But no, I decided that I wouldn't change his gender just yet, in case somebody wanted him as a male. Around this time, I got pretty lucky on KeyQuest and my friend was being lovely, so I magically managed to earn 280k in around a week. Been a bit busy since then, so haven't earned anymore, but seeing as I am awful at saving I'm quite content.

Well, I was, right up until I found someone who wanted the usul. Unfortunately, they wanted him as a her. 'That's fine!' I say, oh-so-naive, and skip off to the Battledome. After realising that hungry pets can't fight, I fed him up and skipped back. Still couldn't fight. Confused, I skipped back to find out that he had an illness, but not just any illness. The dreaded Ugga-Ugga, and Sporkle Syrup is (at lowest) 280k.

But I like having moneys in the bank, I am trying to save up these moneys.

Last edited by Paint on 26 Feb 2009 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

Many thanks to the wonderful Tiel for the set.
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Re: Well, darn.

Post by chocolatefairy13 »

Peppermint Stomach Medicine cures Ugga-Ugga and sells for about 7,800.
You could also continuously try the Healing Springs.
Or, you could change the pet's disease by feeding it a poisonous jelly or something.
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Re: Well, darn.

Post by Ailiel »

Whatever you do, don't spend 280k on medicine. Just keep visiting the Healing Springs every 1/2 an hour. The pet should be healed in no time. The new owner can wait a few days if they really want the pet as a girl, or take him now and change the gender themselves.
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Joined: 20 Jan 2006 08:53 am
Gender: Female

Re: Well, darn.

Post by Paint »

Ohh there's another cure, that's perfect (:
I'll try the healing springs once more, and then buy if he's not healed by then.
Thank you lovely NCers, haha. Wealth of knowledge as always.

Healing Springs worked, finally, and he is now a she and ready to transfer.
Woe to success, whee!

Many thanks to the wonderful Tiel for the set.
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