Glade Pets!

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Glade Pets!

Post by hebdenhippy »

They're here, the Glade pets!

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Kanis | Antlephore | Chai

They're even better than I imagined! I love the shades of Green used, and all of the butterflies and insects. I think the Chai is my favourite of these. Well done artists, can't wait to see some more Glade pets!
Last edited by hebdenhippy on 30 Apr 2009 06:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by Seerow »

Holy shit.

Ohh my, those are stunning! Soooo much better then anything I had imagined they would look like, and they completely blow away Misticpets Overgrown color.

The Chai has to be my favorite of this batch, though the Kanis isn't far behind. The little caterpillar on its ear!I feel like I could look at these for ages and still not find all the little flowers, mushrooms, bugs, etc.
The Antlephor is stunning as well, though the big butterfly on it's nose is a little distracting to me.

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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by Samusan »

Oh my god.

I don't post here a lot, but...oh my god.

I JUST filled my last pet slot with a bloodred. >_<

The Chai's flower antenna are adorable. :)
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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by Rah »

-flops over-

Just seriously, you guys don't know how happy I am that these are finally out xD I've been so panicked that I would post a WIP in the wrong place, or it would get leaked somehow! Not to mention being so excited at the release of a new colour, and the fact that there are a bunch of pets I want for myself! I just totally live for seeing the user response to things like this, and you guys don't disappoint n___n
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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by Sayle »

Seerow wrote:Artists, I adore you.
We love you too! Seriously, all of us in IRC just squeeed over your post. I hope the rest of you love these as much as we do! I'm so excited!
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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by lemonade »


I...I...I can't even decide which one I like best
I'm speechless!

You artists are amazing!Truly, truly amazing *bows to you*
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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by Aqua »

Ooh, neat! *looks forward to seeing more species in this colour* They're pretty. :D
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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by Rah »

Aqua wrote:Ooh, neat! *looks forward to seeing more species in this colour* They're pretty. :D
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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by Mayhem »

The Kanis and Chai are great, but wtf is up with the Antlephore? The purple eyes honestly, it needs some pupils (Yes, I realize Antlephores have one big pupil, but it looks ridiculous here). That's the only thing that throws me off on that pet and it's a biggy.
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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by Seerow »

Mayhem wrote:The Kanis and Chai are great, but wtf is up with the Antlephore? The purple eyes honestly, it needs some pupils (Yes, I realize Antlephores have one big pupil, but it looks ridiculous here). That's the only thing that throws me off on that pet and it's a biggy.
I think a lot more people would have been upset if there were pupils included on the Antlephore. Antlephore's don't have pupils, same way a Kora doesn't have a mouth or Torrey don't have properly shaped feet. It's what makes the species!

I'm actually really fond of the Antelphore's eyes specifically because they lack the pupils. Forgot to mention it earlier, but I also love how it's back is like growing into a little mound or whatever.
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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by Sunwolf »

Awww! This is the best color ever! The detail is just fantastic, every time I look I see something new. The Antelphore makes me giggle every time I see it <3 Excellent job artists, you've really outdone yourselves!
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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by Jessi »

Soooo beautiful! This is just the pet color I've been waiting for ;___; Plants! SO MANY PLANTS. And the Kanis is freaking adorable! The Antelphore is probably my least favorite, though. Something about it just looks.. unfinished? But they're still so pretty!
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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by TCStarwind »

This is a nice, new color. :D I especially like that kanis. I really don't have much else to say other than they're awesome, and I can't wait to see more. 83
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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by Ierosbats »

I like the Antlephore a lot. I think it's the most successful at blurring the line between plant and animal. The Chai and Kanis are cute but the flowers just look like overly-placed accessories, almost like jewelry. The stuff on the Antlephore's back looks like it's actually growing there, almost as if the poor guy's been sitting in one spot so long that grass has started to grow up and over him. I like the idea that if one existed in real life you could walk by it and not realize that it's a living thing until it blinked or moved or something. It really does look like a deer-shaped rock or stump or something with things growing out of it. I think the choice to cover it more with flowers and grass rather than butterflies and snails makes it look a lot more natural and convincing (not that all those little creatures aren't an appreciated touch on the other two! I just think they're a tad overdone).

I appreciate the creative pose the Kanis is in but it makes its face look a little stroke-y. I realize that it's scratching its cheek and squishing its face so that's probably what it SHOULD look like but the eyes are too different for me to get past. I think it's maybe because the one is almost closed and the other is wide open but both eyebrows are in the same raised position? It's too bad because at first the eye-wonk distracted me from all the pretty, subtle touches the Kanis has like the adorable leaf-ears.
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Re: Glade Pets!

Post by AngharadTy »

These are soooooo cool. I love the idea so much! I love the little shelf fungi *makes a squee noise* and the leaf ears on the kanis and the flowery antennae on the chai! It is my favorite chai!
Ierosbats wrote:I like the idea that if one existed in real life you could walk by it and not realize that it's a living thing until it blinked or moved or something.
It took me a while to puzzle out where all the bits of the animal were, but totally in a good way, just like you said. The pupilless eyes always bother me (I could never own an antlephore) but apart from that (which is a species trait and can't be messed with), this is fantastic. I may like it even more than angelic. At the least, they're tied.
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