Kanis revamps

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Re: Kanis revamps

Post by Kamil »

I feel almost exactly like Topher does. Maigrey was a graveyard bunny forEVER, but I too ultimately changed her because I feared a revamp -- and I am SO glad I did that.

I'd have been appalled to log on and find her looking like that new one. The HUGE square eyes with the gigantic black eyeliner (wtf?), along with the new simpering smile, and the all-but-invisible neck screw just . . . no.

I'm really glad I don't own a redraw bunny, because I don't think any of them have been improved. But instead of ragging on each color individually in depth I'll just mention bloodred's caved in skull, spectrum's loss of expression (and topknot!) and then point up at Topher's post, where he says exactly what I'm thinking.

As usual. =D
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Re: Kanis revamps

Post by Sunwolf »

Regular pose kanises - have they always had those terrifying, staring eyes? They still have the same wonky back legs. Hmm . . . I still miss the old, old kanis - how slender and active and happy it looked.

Graveyard - suddenly it turned fat and fluffy and way too cute for a graveyard pet. And it has the eyes of Gaara.

Bloodred - nice, except for the face. The forehead is HUGE. And it could have used some bloody claws or fangs.

Hydrus - excellent! My only nitpick is that the ear/horn/seahorse is too cluttered together.

Darkmatter - my least favorite revamp. The face became very flat, and what's up with the stupid square eyes? Before it looked, you know, evil. Why can't the kanis narrow its eyes into slits?

Chibi - excellent, but I still want to take scissors to its hair.

Spectrum - good overall, but the grey buck tooth bugs me.
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Re: Kanis revamps

Post by zebru »

New graveyard strangely appeals to me. I liked the old one - never wanted one but it had a certain something about it.
This one for me also has certain something about it but decidedly different something. It reminds me of a evil intentioned cat that's putting up a cute act. Sort of like Lucifer in Disney's Cinderella.

I can understand how a lot of old owners of graveyard won't be happy though - it's an entirely different pet despite the similar pose, colouring and expression.

I'm pretty ambivalent about the others as I'm generally not a kanis fan. Nearly all of them (aside for chibi) had a bit of a personality change through expression (or pose in hydrus case).
Oh, tail of the new hydrus is a very cool touch!
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Re: Kanis revamps

Post by ZomgethMew »

I just noticed something - the new Cream Kanis has blue eyes!
I don't know why, but whenever I see a revamped Kanis I'm reminded of the Chipmunks o_O; Very odd. I think the new art is *nice*, just not my thing. Does that make sense?
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Re: Kanis revamps

Post by Usul_Princess »

Okay, maybe I'm just an idiot, but most of the changes seem so minute and consistant. I don't like the Kanis--even when I was looking at the colorfills I had to stare at them because almost everything about the species is forgettable. Aside from that, the artwork itself is nice. I welcome all the changes except graveyard. Graveyard had a nice "sinister" balance, now it just looks boring. Like it's dressed up for halloween.

Subtle changes don't bother me much. In fact, I like seeing them. I want to say if I owned a Kanis I'd feel different, but this is coming from the person who didn't notice her own chibi devonti was updated for weeks. I guess I'm not that observant.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Kanis revamps

Post by TCStarwind »

Thanks for the side-by-side, Mew. :D Lord, that's too many bunnies for one page... XD Although, now that I can see the before and after, I have to agree that several of them lost something in their expressions in the revamps. I think it's something with the eyes, like maybe they should have been kept triangular instead of becoming more square-ish? I dunno.

And hey, there's nothing wrong with Gaara! D: Says the person with 6 posters of Gaara in her room. I like Gaara. :<
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Re: Kanis revamps

Post by Sunwolf »

I like Gaara too, just not as happy fat bunny :wink:
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Re: Kanis revamps

Post by daisybell »

I don't normally read the Subeta forums (since I don't play now), but when I saw the topic title on the index I had to come and look. I guess I'm glad I don't play Subeta any more, because I would not have liked to see my bloodred kanis revamped. The main problem for me would be that the character is so different, instead of the innocent and cute expression "You don't possibly think that I have anything to do with this blood, do you? Because of course I am totally innocent and you couldn't think I was guilty in a million years."

I prefer the old upturned whiskery hair at the sides of the head, and the blood bands on the forelimbs are much more natural looking and fit better with the colour than the new dark grey ones. I can see why it was revamped, but the result, however good artistically, is just not as attractive for me.

I don't think I really needed another nail in the coffin of my Subeta playing days, but just in case, this has really hammered it in.
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Re: Kanis revamps

Post by french »

I love all the new ones except Darkmatter and Spectrum. The Spectrum one looks dorky now, and the eyes look weird on the Darkmatter. Shading is definitely an improvement, though. :D
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Re: Kanis revamps

Post by bonecrivain »

I seem to always be late in posting to these threads...whoops. But since I was across the country without computer access during the week these were revamped, I didn't see them right away. And it's apparently taken me this long to decide how much I like the Hydrus revamp. I changed Effluvium to the Hydrus Kanis last night, and I'm very pleased. The only problem I have with it is minor, and I think someone else already commented on this -- the placement of the seahorse-ear. It feels odd, as though that ear should be more to the side, or perhaps in front of the horn. I'm not sure, though, whether either of those positions would make it look more odd, and anyway, the seahorse is adorable and distracts me sufficiently. I love the eyes, the fin on the back, the seaweed, the coral....the little teeth....I just think it's a gorgeous revamp.

The art on the other revamps is also good, of course, but I'm with those who feel the personalities of some were changed by the revamped expressions. My opinions aren't too strong on most of them--spectrum is very close to the old bunny, for example--but I'm glad I had changed my bloodred kanis to glacier. That was a difficult decision to make initially, because the bloodred kanis was the first pet color I LOVED on Subeta. I don't think it was the first pet I'd potioned -- I got a reborn potion in a token shop restock shortly after joining the site, and Spurious was a reborn montre for a while -- but the bloodred potion was the first I'd saved up for. I loved the deep red bands on the ears and front paws. I loved the minimal amount of thick blood dripping from one paw and ear. There was something about the pet that made you not quite certain if the bunny had caused the bloodshed, or just stumbled through it.

Looking at the old and new art side by side, I can see that it did need to be updated, but I don't understand why some of the changes were made. The facial shape was shortened, and now seems chubbier, which is also the case with the ears. It's funny that the bloodred ears were shortened, while the darkmatter ones seem to have been lengthened significantly, to the point of being TOO long and floppy.

I guess the bloodred kanis lost, for me, the elegance of the old one. I loved the colors, the clean lines, the ambiguous facial expression. The new one just looks grumpy and a bit like a playground bully.
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