Fountain Faerie Quest

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Katy... :)
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Fountain Faerie Quest

Post by Katy... :) »

Okay... So, I'm going to warn you right up front that this might be a little long... -lol-

Anyways, as I've said on a previous post I've been on Neopets since the end of 2002. I kind of stopped playing a couple of years ago, and I come back from time to time. Well right before I stopped playing I got a Fountain Faerie Quest, was all tickled pink, and painted my dear Kacheek, Stouik, Plushie. I'd always wanted a Plushie Pet, but I'm not the kind of player that has the ability to hoard Neopoints. I think the most I've EVER had was 200K. So... I got a 'dream pet', even though I hate that phrase, and I decided to dedicate my time adopting pets with good names, zapping them and their petpets, and giving them up for adoption.

Life got busy, blah, blah, blah and I kind of wandered off... Well I've been avidly playing again for a few months, thus why I decided to venture back to Neocolours, so completely thrilled to still have my old account. So I'm just trying to get used to all the new features and trying to get back in the groove of things. Well, last night, lo and behold as I'm just wandering around I get another Fountain Faerie Quest. I totally freaked out.

Yes, I'm that big of a nerd and I'm proud of it... :P

Well, after careful thought and consideration, I made a spreadsheet to help me decide. -lol-
...and a very thoughtful person on the Neoboards I am now the VERY proud owner of a Faerie Tonu.


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Re: Fountain Faerie Quest

Post by zebru »

I have a big soft spot for fairy tonus - so pretty. Very happy for you that your return to neo was with such a nice bang! :D

I screamed than whooped very loudedly when I got my FFQ (and proceeded to be ridiculously happy for the entire day) so I'm right there with you on nerdy and proud part ;)
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