RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »


Lindsey and I are in Chicago on vacation, and today we got to hang out with SEEROW! It was so much fun xD we went to the zoo with her and two of her friends, and then we got lots in Chicago (which was utterly terrifying and I kind of flipped out but she was so good natured about it xD) and then we went out to an awesome dinner and Seerow as all sorts of awesome and I love her ;_;
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Seerow »

It was indeed so much fun!! I hadn't gone out on a "vacation" for awhile now and this was utterly perfect. Getting lost on Michigan Avenue (DURING RUSH HOUR!) was scary, poor Jessi for having to drive. Dumbass pedestrians and guys in suits in fancy care who believe they own the world. But that aside, it was an amazingly fun trip, and it didn't rain like I thought it would.
There will be pictures shortly!! My camera died about 10 minutes after turning it on, with fresh batteries to boot, but Jessi and my friend took pictures so yay :D

Lindsey and Jessi are so friendly, I can say with confidence they aren't 40yr old murder-rapists living in their mother's basement intent on eating you! In case anyone had any doubts.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Twofold Black »

Seerow wrote:Lindsey and Jessi are so friendly, I can say with confidence they aren't 40yr old murder-rapists living in their mother's basement intent on eating you!
Well, there goes that fantasy.

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Well, Twofold, I wouldn't necessarily say that. Seerow could be lying. Seerow could also be a 40-year-old murder-rapist living in her mother's basement. We could have had a huge 40-year-old rapist gathering...

...Nevermind that Ty and Joey can vouch for me as well and I'm most likely fine xD;
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alicorn »

I can't wait to see pictures! I love pictures! XD

Anywho I had a fun morning today. It actually started last night. Twice my computer did an unexpected shut down while I wasn't around. And when I went on at night I checked the problem history and found that each time before it went down, there was a problem with the video card. So I gave that an update last night and went to bed. Then I get up in the morning, turn on my monitor and find that it's not waking up. I turn the computer off then on. It boots up to the windows error screen. It asks me if I want to run a restore startup thing (can't remember exact words) or start windows normally. I decided to go through the restore thing. It goes through it, and while it's doing it there are vertical lines across the screen. Then it goes to start up windows and as soon as it reaches the login screen the monitor goes black. Frustration creeps in. I go ahead and call Dell tech support and that was no help. Phone connection had bad static and the guys I was talking to had thick accicents. They seemed to be more intrested in selling me warranties then helping me fix my computer. So I got off with them. Tried restarting it again and starting windows normally and again once it reached the login screen the monitor went black. Durning all this I come to the conclution that it must be my video card. I call my dad, who is quiet computer savy, and he is pretty sure it's my video card too. So now I have to get a whole new video card. And make sure I get the right video card that will fit into the slot. Fun times! I'm just glad I'm a computer nerd and have and old computer I can use as backup for now. XD
Now I must say thank you for taking time to read my vent. ^-^'
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I'm sore and grouchy and all loopy in the head. But yay safely home from surgery and looking forward to the benefits after recovery! The "baby hotel" is now demolished! :D I am officially 100% foolproof childfree. And when this heals over, I'll probably have more energy and less icky stuff and pain.

TMI / mild ickiness:
Spoiler: open/close
The uterus was 5 times normal size, yikes! So yeah, it was good to get that out with that nasty fibroid tumor!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Fjorab_Teke wrote:The "baby hotel" is now demolished! :D
I laughed at that. A lot.

I already gave you congrats on LJ, but have some more xD Congrats on ridding yourself of your inner tubing you had no use for ;D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kantark »

Glad to hear it went well, Fjorab.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jamie »

Today I turned 18, which is the legal age here in Australia! To celebrate I'm off to work for only five and a half hours. Also, I successfully got into another university and changed my degree. From Law --> Nursing. Big change but I really want to get into the medicine field and without a current GPA I could only get into nursing straight away. So hopefully I'll do well enough and be able to transfer into something else mid - end of next year.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Happy Birthday, Jamie, and congrats on becoming a man ;D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Happy birthday! And I hope that field is fulfilling to you or at least leads to something that is! :D

Haha, looking at the date and time of my after-surgery post, I guess you all were among the first to learn I survived it. :P Thanks for the sentiments!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jamie »

Thanks heaps Jessi and I hope so too Fjorab! :D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alicorn »

Happy Birthday Jamie! Congrats on getting into university, good luck with that!

Also congrats to Fjorab for getting rid of the baby hotel! I'm glad everything went smoothly and without problems.

Yay: My new video card came in a day after I ordered it. I installed it and my computer booted up with no problems. I did a little happy dance for a bit, I'm was so happy I was right. It's so much better then the older one. Pictures look so much better, videos play smoother. And I was glad cause it was able to run with Sims3 when I got it, which was very important since I'm a simsaholic. So fast forward to today and I get Sims3 and happily install it. Let the fun begin!
Boo: Sims3 doesn't run right on my computer. It starts up fine but when it loads the town everything gets pixalated, choppy, the picture jumps, screen gets goes blank then comes back then goes blank again. I did some troubleshooting, it still does that. Lower the graphics menu stuff to low, still does it. So I went and e-mailed EA support and hope they can tell me whats up. Though after I did, I did some looking and I think my CPU isn't up for the task. **head desk** I never even checked to see if it was, I just assumed I be okay. My own fault of course for not checking things before I preordered Sims3. So I'm not sure what to do. And I was so very excited about playing the new sims too. **sighs** [/rant]
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Big Achievement for Me-- I've been promoted!

Since about September of last year, my title at work has been "Team Lead". Basically, that means I'm a shift manager. I have all the responsibilities of a manager - handling money, closing and opening the store, being the only Manager on Duty, etc. Well, as of Sunday, I am now the Department Manager of Companion Animals!

What does that mean? Well, I keep all my old Team Lead responsibilities (which really aren't much xD), plus I am now 100% in charge of all animal care at my store. I've been in charge of Small Animal care for a while (since about 6 months after I started working there, heh - Jessi, in charge of rats? NO WAY), but now I'm also handling birds, reptiles and fish! I don't have to clean them all (thank goodness!), but I basically oversee the specialists for those sections. I'm also in charge of all ordering and receiving of critters (including fish, which is a totally new thing for me!), all vet care (I was kind of doing this already e_e), all animal supply ordering... what have you.

I'm also in charge of reporting any and all problems to corporate. In fact, this Monday, our RCAC (the guy in charge of animals for our entire district) is coming in, and I have to do my first store walk-through with him as Dept. Manager. *eek* Needless to say, that'll be a bit nerve wracking! But I'm sure I can handle it :D

I'm pretty happy with this! It's a lot of what I've been doing, but more responsibility. I love having an area of the store that's -mine-. It really makes me feel very needed and successful in this job. It's funny. I took this job almost four years ago just as something temporary, but now I'm making really great money, I get great benefits, I love (most of) my coworkers, and hey, all of this is going to look pretty fabulous on a resume some day :D I'm so excited!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Woohoo you go Jessibean!! :D

Well that stinks Alicorn. I hope you can figure out a doable fix to your CPU capacity.

I've discovered a possible unexpected benefit to having this thing taken out. Back when I started having the whole "always tired" issue, I also developed really annoying allergy problems. Now for the past week, I've hardly had an itch, sneeze, or sniffle. I'm allergic to cats and dust mites - and being holed up in my apartment not feeling like doing anything from post-op soreness means I'm surely surrounded by copious exposure to both (an affectionate cat and plenty of dust buildup). Hm! And when I told Mom, she says she noticed something similar when she had hers.

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