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Post by Seerow »

I log into Neo just now, wander to my bank, and instead of the ~1mill I should have I find 1337nps. My SDB, which had over 8yrs worth of AC prizes, plot prizes, and a whole butt load of pretty and rare items has been reduced to mere dung, fishing, and misc worthless junk.
Thank the lords I had PINs on my pets, battle equips, and gallery as I honestly don't know what I would have done if those were now gone. I used my bank and sdb too frequently to bother with pins though now I wish to god I had. And think my lucky stars they didn't think/weren't malicious enough to convert my Citian or Hoofbeatz or steal their petpets.

Sad thing is, it was entirely my fault. I logged on at the campus the other day (Friday last week) and was in a hurry to get to work so I must not have logged out all the way. I'm not sure when exactly the hacking occurred as I didn't really do much on Neo the past few days other then zap my pets so it wasn't until just now I noticed something amiss. So unless I got cookiegrabbed, I can only assume that someone from campus found me still logged into Neo, as I was using a general comp and not logged into my campus username there.

I changed my password and added pins to everything I could just to be double safe, as well as email TNT about it though since it was my fault for staying logged in I don't really think they can even do much let alone reply.

Not a good Memorial Day :( But a silver lining I guess, I still have my pets and gallery, and they only had access to one account. *Sigh*
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Re: Hacked

Post by Ailiel »

Oh, Seerow, I think that's everyone's worst neo-nightmare. If it had to happen, at least it was things that are replaceable-- at least it wasn't any of your pets. Still, that was quite a lot of neopoints and items gone. Is there any way you can report this to TNT, and perhaps have them at least track the money trail?

I really, really, reeeaaaally wish TNT would add a pin to converting pets. I had never even considered that possibility before. It would be a PERFECT place to add a pin, really. Because I would never, never need to use it.

So sorry this happened.
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Re: Hacked

Post by Madge »

Man, that sucks :(. I didn't think people of university age played neopets anymore - I know my friends all make fun of me! But at least I wouldn't be low enough to steal items from somebody :(.

(A little off topic, but does anyone here remember someone posting that they found somebody logged in to Neopets on a public computer, and send them a yellow PB, deleted the event, and put it in their SDB, to thoroughly confuse them when they find it? No? It sounded pretty cool.)

I hope there's some way for you to figure out who it was if only so you can give them an angry neomail and/or match their name to a photo so you can go kick their arse.

At least TNT will be able to find out who it was by tracking your items, and they'll get frozen. Mua ha ha!

In the meantime, I sent you 120k worth of dubloons - it's not much but if 9 other people follow my lead you'll at least have your money back :(
Last edited by Madge on 26 May 2009 01:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hacked

Post by Kamil »

Aww, man, Seerow, I am so, so sorry. :-(

I agree with Ailiel about reporting it; I'm glad you did that, if only so they can trace, and then hopefully ice, whoever did this to you. It probably won't get you your items back, but hopefully they won't get any joy from them either. >.<

And at least your pets did survive intact, petpets and all. That has to be a tremendous relief.

Do you remember some of what you lost? I'm sure some of us here would be thrilled to try and help you recover some of your losses. At the least, please stick some over-priced junk in your shop. ^^

Again, I am so sorry.

Edit: Excellent idea, Madge. =D
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Re: Hacked

Post by Seerow »

I don't care what anyone says, NC has the best userbase anywhere on the internet. I came here all sad and angry at myself for getting into this situation, but everyone here has turned my day around. Thank you all so so much for your concern, and the items for getting me back on my feet. I love you all so freaking much. *Hugs the collective group*

No word from TNT yet, but it's only been a few hours. I'll keep you all in the loop though and let you know if anything happens. Maybe I'll hang out at the comp lab a bit more this week and see if I can find anyone else using Neo.
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Re: Hacked

Post by Larkspurlane »

Good idea, Madge! *follows suggestion*

I'm really sorry to hear about your loss, Seerow. I'm going to verge on the redundant now and join everyone in agreeing that reporting it might at least result in them being iced, if nothing else.

It sucks that neo doesn't keep an easily-accessible trades log à la shop history, so you could view who you traded with in the past. (Might be only marginally useful, though, since hackers/scammers self-ice accounts like mad.)

I'm so glad your pets are safe, though. And that the thief wasn't low enough to get your acct iced by posting profanity on the boards or something like that. :twisted:
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Re: Hacked

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Yikes!! :( I'm glad that they only took things that were eventually replaceable, and like others (and you) said, not messed with your pets or gotten you iced.

EDIT - I have something for you. Just check my trades. :)
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Re: Hacked

Post by Kudosandhuzzah »

Oh that's just awful. Good luck recovering (I sent something by to help out a little). I'm so very glad they didn't mess with your beautiful pets.
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Re: Hacked

Post by hebdenhippy »

Oh gosh, that's terrible. I'm really sorry to hear about that :( As people have said, though, at least they didn't mess with your pets, that would have been awful. I also submitted an Editorial question asking for pins on the converting pets section and the Rainbow Pool (because painting our UCs would also convert them), hope they answer it.

If you set up a junk trade I'll send you some NP, won't be that much since I'm pretty poor but every little helps!
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Re: Hacked

Post by ZomgethMew »

That's horrible D8 Everyone's worst nightmare. At least they didn't get your pets :/ We need a pin on converting pets. The risk is just too high :/. Sorry to hear that, I hope TNT do something, even though they likely won't.
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Re: Hacked

Post by mellaka »

I'm so sorry to hear that this happened to you =/
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Re: Hacked

Post by Seerow »

Little update, through there really isn't much to say. No word back from TNT on if they found out who got into my account, and I didn't spot anyone at campus playing Neo either heh.

Thanks to the help of all you guys, I got back to where I had been! Used the np and replaced all the old AC and Plot prizes I was missing. So nice to see all those items back in my SDB. *Hugs you all*
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Re: Hacked

Post by Usul_Princess »

I'm sorry Seerow, I sent you over my FC winnings from yesterday. The first thing I thought of was your gallery. I'm so glad you pinned The Golden Goblet, but I could be wrong because you've been working on it for years.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

FC bets: http://www.neopets.com/~DazedBoy
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