Free Realms

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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

I don't believe you can turn it off completely. I'd like it if they'd add a fade-after-time to the text, but I mostly ignore it now. It shouldn't be in your way, really--you can click through it to move or even interact with items. However, if you hover over the chat box (the main tab is "All"--if you whisper with someone, it opens another tab for them), you can change the size of it in the upper-right corner. You can make it ridiculously small (uselessly so)!

Also, check your resolution (escape, Game Options > Video > Screen Resolution) and try making it higher, so you have more space for stuff. I never really even notice my chat box in 1680x1050.

I'm currently going through the card duelist quests. Man, there is such a huge luck factor involved in this game! But I really want the clothes from beating the quests. ^_^;

edit: Okay, I am decided: The TCG is a serious game of bullshit. It's the first thing about Free Realms that I do not like. I would even go so far as to say that I loathe it. No amount of strategy can compensate for the ultimate gamble--flip the card! maybe it'll be a 4! but even if you only have one card in your deck worth one gem on flipping, that'll be the card that comes up whenever it's absolutely worst for it to appear! Invest four cards in buffing your attacker, it won't matter! You'll always lose, often by one point!

I've played Magic and Pokemon and even some game I don't remember the name of, and all of them involved strategy and cleverness and using your cards at the right moment and picking the right card type for each situation.... and this TCG involves none of that. It has a heavy, unshakable base of luck, and when it comes to luck, I don't really have any. And it makes me angry to invest so much in an attempt at strategy only to be rebuffed because I had the gall to include 1-cost creatures in my deck that only give 1 gem on flip.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by Seerow »

Ty, you have my sympathies. I got to level 20 in it a few days ago and that was the most frustrating three days on the game.
If you don't go first, you are pretty much screwed since by the second round you are behind by 3 hunting possibilities.
Near the end, the guys will play level 1 creatures with like 3 defense, which shouldn't be bad. But then their ability is to gain 3 attack/def if a single green gem is used, and they get it every freaking time! So fucking annoying.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

I got to level 20 and I'm doing the new quests and it took me hours and hours to beat Garrison up in Snowhill, because yeah, it's a fun "challenge" to go up against 2 or maybe 3 creatures on my first turn. It became something of a "I WILL FINISH THIS DAMMIT" challenge... I'm not sure I'll continue! Supposedly, all you get is a t-shirt or two, and those look ridiculous on human females (they're like fat shirts that you get to cover up your weight, which is silly on a stick-thin chick).
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

Haha. Whew. I spent hours and hours today and yesterday just dedicated to running around Blackspore Swamp to completely finish out my fossil collections. Especially Skull Fossils, which gives you the Fossilized Hoodie (like the Skeletal Hoodie from the cash shop, but in brown).

Sooooo many hours--and I have 2+ of each of the other skull fossils now--and I finally got the damn hoodie!

And I got a boy's hoodie!

I am not a boy!

Heh, it's an old bug that they said was fixed in the most recent patch, but I guess not entirely. I submitted a ticket and got it fixed pretty quickly. Quicker than it took to find the damn things, anyway. But now I'm entirely done with Blackspore! ...which is kind of sad.

Guess I'll work on keys next--get more clothing. <3 clothing.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by Seerow »

Yay Ty! I'm not concentrating too much on Collections yet, just whenever I see something sparkly while I'm running around the world on quests. It's taking me ages to level up my fighters though :( My highest so far would be Brawler, which is almost level 11, and Mage which is level 8.

They may take a little while to level up though: I picked up the Sims 3 yesterday :D
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

The best place to level, once you can handle it without dying left and right, is Snarling Hedges in the Briarwood maze. You can get 600-700 exp per run-through, and it has pretty nice item drops, too. It's a members-only area, so take advantage of it as long as possible, of course! I'll probably pay again next month so I'm not too worried. I did get my ninja to 20, and then kind of stalled on the rest, hee. But if you ever want to go through a zone together, let me know.

There are sooooo many collections. I find that focusing on just one is both frustrating and invigorating. I'm so close to completing a key set! I just need a General's Key. I'm really in love with the Snowhill items I got for finishing the Fancy Keys. White clothes look great on my character.

edit about a day later:

I try just to edit, but I'm so excited I nearly bumped the post anyway! I completed ALL my key collections. MUAHAHAHA. That was soooo much work (in the sense of being easy, but time-consuming)! If anyone is looking to do theirs, I can recommend spots for channel-hopping at max efficiency. I could mark a map with details, but they're generally found in the rare robgoblin piles in the middle-south of the map--north of the Crossroads warp, south of Sanctuary, and east to the lake system. I can do a similar map for Blackspore, haha--maybe I should. I memorized so many of the collection spawn points. Even three or four of the pet treasure spots. ;P

Next, I dunno... Snowhill, out of curiosity to see if anything good comes out of there?
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

I keep not posting about this because they keep pushing the overall deadline back. But there's a Seaside Summer Splash event going on--apparently it'll end on the 15th at midnight (Pacific time). Right now, you can get sparklers, a really super annoying (but super pretty) held fireworks item, a sand castle bucket, and some other stuff. If you're a member, you can get more (and if you become a member, submit a help ticket ASAP to get the members-only sparklers! I had to, but there are a few free ones too). Here is the FR wiki's page about what's available in game right now.

But also, it's double-ticket time until the event ends, which is pretty awesome because you spend tickets to gamble on clothing, equipment, etc. I've been pretty lazy about it and I still made about 6k tickets, which is sooooo many chances to win awesome stuff.

And really. More people should try this, because the freedom, the customization, the sheer amount of stuff you can collect in Free Realms... it's right up your alleys! All your alleys!
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Re: Free Realms

Post by Seerow »

Wish I could play it again! The comp I'm using until I can get mine back from the police really really hates running Free Realms :( It's so laggy you can't really do anything.
I miss you Lake, my adorable puppy!
That and I paid for a months subscription right before this whole ordeal happened. Waste of $5 right there.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

Did you try turning the graphics options down all the way? On my old computer, I had to run it on really nasty settings because of some conflict it had somewhere. It also loads (not runs, just opens) differently if I run it from IE as opposed to Chrome.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by Seerow »

Hmm I might have to try that later on tonight and see if it works. I forgot you could change the graphics settings, seeing as I almost never have to do that with games.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

I love my new computer, I get to change the graphics settings now... to turn them up! =D =D =D

edit: You can see my new hat. It's from a free quest. Who doesn't want this hat. ;)
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

I know not many people care... but there's a new feature that's a prize wheel, and you can spin it once (sometimes more than once) every day. So, log in every day. Sometimes you don't get really great stuff (I keep getting conditioner for my pets), but sometimes you can get cash shop items and other really worthwhile prizes.

Also, I need help deciding on which dog to get. Fill out my poll (or if anonymous users can't, you can leave a comment on my LJ).
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Re: Free Realms

Post by Seerow »

Well this isn't LJ...but you should get the second dog (Arun) as that's the dog I have and I love her to death. Mine is named Lake though.

I haven't played FR in ages, I really should start up again.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

I thought that was the dog you had! I wanted a friendly dog that only costs $2.50, with that floppy-eared base, and those two are the possibilities. I bought all the outfits I want (lobster! bionic dog!) so I might do trials and see which look better. Arun looks fantastic in the lobster outfit. ;D
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Re: Free Realms

Post by AngharadTy »

Oh mannnnn there are so many new things for Halloween! FR added so much great content. There are a lot of costumes in the cash shop, but I understand that you can get some from Halloween quests, too. I just went trick-or-treating and got a lot of candy that turns me into stuff for 20 minutes at a time. There's an NPC who is a skeleton and I want to steal him. They have a Halloween wheel to spin once a day in addition to the regular wheel. There's so much stuff!

Also, even though I *just* bought my dog, there's a new dog in the shop I might have to get anyway. Muggy, a mummy pug! I'm not a huge fan of pugs, but I do think they're cute, and this one is a mummy. With white eyes. Man.
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