Maraqua revamp

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Maraqua revamp

Post by Larkspurlane »

Nice! Subtler than the Terror Mountain one, I think.
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Re: Maraqua revamp

Post by mellaka »

They also redid:

I think they're both pretty nice, actually, if we must have flashy designs. And the little Maraquan Shoyru outside the Jubble Bubble game building is so cute.
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Re: Maraqua revamp

Post by Seerow »

While I still prefer the old one better, these actually are pretty nice.
While there are still many more animations then I would personally like, it isn't nearly as horrible as the Terror Mountian/ice caves catastrophe so I'm happy! At least everything didn't get moved around too much, and the buildings do look quite pretty.
The Ruins are neat too, but I wish the map was a bit clearer. I know it's supposed to be murky depths but I think they might have overdone it a bit for my tastes. I also miss the giant GET OUT! Slugawoo that popped up.

Overall though, good job TNT :)
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Re: Maraqua revamp

Post by Gumdrops »

Both maps are very nice.

I do wonder why they've redone Maraqua though. The maps were relatively new, at least compared to the likes of say, Tyrannia.

What's next? With the way TNT have been operating lately (revamping newer things), Shenkuu wouldn't be out of the question. lol
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Re: Maraqua revamp

Post by varii »

I like it. MUCH better than Terror Mountain. That one still hasn't grown on me.

Lol, I wouldn't be surprised if they redid Virtupets. New art, yes, but no animation.
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Re: Maraqua revamp

Post by Usul_Princess »

Wow! I never thought I'd say I actually love it over HTML!

I'm sure it's inevitable to say goodbye to all the other non-flash areas, but I think that TNT got the hint to turn down the "glitter" a little.
I think they're both pretty nice, actually, if we must have flashy designs. And the little Maraquan Shoyru outside the Jubble Bubble game building is so cute.
I know! Awwww. I didn't notice him at first. I was just looking at how beautiful the backdrop is drawn with the school fish. Doesn't it kinda remind you of Atlantica from 'The Little Mermaid'?

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Re: Maraqua revamp

Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

Seerow wrote: I also miss the giant GET OUT! Slugawoo that popped up.
He still pops up! Click in the upper right corner of the ruins map. I checked for this already. XD

Also, is the faerie statue... thing... gone now? I glanced around for it but couldn't find it.

Overall, this isn't terrible, though the animation is still a bit much for me. My computer sucks so it really bogs me down when there's much of any animation on the maps though, so.
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Re: Maraqua revamp

Post by TCStarwind »

I'm glad TNT toned down the animation (Ice caves is horrible), but they may need to go down a bit farther. Why does there even need to be animation on a map. I don't know about you guys, but the maps we have generally don't move. XD I have a fairly new laptop, and it's getting bogged down with all this extra crap.

That said, I do like the artwork for this. It is very nice. But I also don't think Maraqua really needed a revamp; if memory serves (and it usually doesn't), it was new enough. I know it was revamped during the Maraqua plot, which was a crapload of a long time ago, but it was still fine. And it didn't drag down my computer.
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Re: Maraqua revamp

Post by Kamil »

As most have said, so, so much better than the eye-gouging horror of TM and HW. Still too much boxy crap for my tastes, but better by far than the last two they've put out. So that's good.

After FMD's comment, I went looking and couldn't find the faerie statue on the new map. It's been ages, so memory may not serve, but wasn't it important in some way to the Altador Plot thingee? Because that thing's still up and running, so to speak. So they may want to look into that.

Err, assuming, of course, that I'm not completely wrong about her being necessary to the completion of the plot. Because now that I'm thinking about it, it seems maybe they said in an editorial that she was just there to provide a bit of a distraction during?

I dunno. =D

Either way! Yes. This is easily my favorite of the new worlds so far. *nods*
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Re: Maraqua revamp

Post by ZomgethMew »

Fullmetal Dragon wrote:Also, is the faerie statue... thing... gone now? I glanced around for it but couldn't find it.
She's still there! Right by the whirlpool sign. Very small, but at least she's still there.

I'm.. surprised they revamped it, actually o-O The first map was fairly recent, though I guess I can see revamping the Ruins. The main map is okay, but I dislike the ruins. I *am* happy that it's not so sparkly and crowded as the last two maps (four if you count Ice Caves and Happy Valley), and I like the fact that they remembered the sea slug and the statue.
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Re: Maraqua revamp

Post by lavender »

I like them both. Not nearly as cluttered than the TM/HW maps, although there's less stuff to link to with Maraqua. The animations are low-key and... it's just pretty to look at :)

I did notice they needed to update 'the bubbling pit'. Poor pets :(
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