Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2! (500 pets!)

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Re: [functionality update!] Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by Madge »

Hmm... I was just thinking; would it be possible for you to have some sort of way for us to add items using a form or some such? That way, you wouldn't have to add them manually, and people like me would be able to get instant gratification of having the items on the pet instantly.

Abuse is of course a risk, but perhaps having a "[x]" next to the name of an item means "report this as incorrect/report this as a picture of a weiner" and then you or an approved agent can just check out the items that people have reported and delete or keep them as needed?
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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by Foghawk »

(Hey all - back home for the weekend.)

While I can see having items be submittable through a form (although probably with screening and manual approval) being useful, it's something that is very, very unlikely to appear anytime soon. Allowing visitors to actually edit data stored on the server, such as the item tables, requires server-side scripting. As opposed to client-side script, which changes what's being displayed on the page using the browser's normal methods of handling data, server-side involves transmitting and saving information both to and from the server using its own protocol. It requires not only a completely different language to write, but an entirely different architecture - you basically have to install the entire environment on the server. (It's also significantly slower than the client-side script the generator is written in.) While it'd be a nice feature to have, I can't really justify the headache it would involve, at least not while there are other priorities.
However, there are other ways to ease the bottlenecks. As I mentioned once or twice before, I patched together a code generator - that means that not only does writing the tables go a lot faster for me, but with some instructions, it would probably also be possible for others (even if not familiar with programming) to put together the code for the items. This, plus giving a few trusted people access to the server (thus making it more likely that at least one person has the time and/or the opportunity to actually put things up) would probably make it easier and quicker for pets and items to get added. Opinions?

(Also, someone needs to explain the foreground items to me, seriously. I don't actually use Neopets' wardrobe if I can help it.)
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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by Madge »

And this is a late reply but I suddenly began thinking about this today and was like "what's up with it anyway" and I am saddened that nothing further has been announced.

Foreground items are just things that sit in front of or next to the pet,I guess? For example, the pile of bones next to my krawk there:

If you're asking about layering and which ones can go next to which, then I wouldn't have a friggin' clue. Sorry :)

I was just wondering if you were pursuing this project still?

And, in any event, is it possible for such an automatic submission system whose login is given to a few trusted users to be implemented? I'd sure like to give it a whirl now and again, and I'm sure there are others who would love to do it, too.
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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by Foghawk »

I am definitely still working on this project :D - the lack of updates is just due to the fact that I've been without computer access for quite a while. Now that I'm back, I'm working as hard as ever (I just fixed the trinkets to toggle like the rest of the items, instead of using that annoying erase button).

Yeah, it's the layering info that I need.

The problem with automatic submission is really less about abuse than putting it all together in the first place. I've been considering it, and I've decided that I'd really rather not use it for the pets, as their redraws and stuff can make their tables a bit funky, but it would probably work well for the items (non-multi-layer ones at least). An easy URL filter to make sure submitted images really are from Neopets and of the right filetype and format, plus a quick approval page on my end, could make it happen - but I think it's better to add the rest of the pets first.

Which means, I suppose, that I should go do that. x_x
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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by Foghawk »

So, hey, you can now unconvert pets. Try the checkbox next to the color/species menus. Of course, we've only got those three Gelerts Kudosandhuzzah found, but it works, which is the big thing.
Last edited by Foghawk on 11 Oct 2009 06:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by Madge »

OK I've started adding pets.

And yes, I am doing the UC pets because they're the low-hanging fruit. Leave me alone :)

All the species I've posted with an * are as complete as possible - that is, they're all the UCs I could find in the 4 directories I use. If you find specimens of other UCs post the URL of their image please. Also, if they are not just complete as possible, but complete, please post and let me know.








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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by Foghawk »

I was adding some Acaras, going down in alphabetical order. The lookups. Male, female, male, female. The Electric one had no horns.
Huh, I said to myself. Must have missed a file.
I went through the swfs again before noticing that it didn't have horns displayed in the lookup either. Ah, I thought. It's that cloak. It's occupying their layer. I'll have to figure out what layer wipes them.
I went to the NC Mall and started looking stuff up and trying it on. Here, this one affects Hat and Glasses, and it makes the horns disappear. Must be one of those - except that it can't be Hat, because of this other one. Must be Glasses, then. Weird.
Oh, wait. It can't be Glasses. This Glasses item doesn't delete them, and this non-Glasses one does. Maybe it has to do with affecting versus restricting? Ugh. That'd be a lot of work.
Huh. Nope.
Identical layers. One deletes the horns, the other doesn't. They're done manually.
Well, that's not too much of a problem. I can just stick an empty swf in the horns layer to block them. We'll have to check all the items, but that's how we have to collect them anyway. They can work just like all the other items that affect multiple layers—

You mean like the ones that affect multiple layers with a single swf?

The ones that have absolutely no indication of what layers they affect?

Aw hell.

To make a long story, a large headache, and a lot of debugging short, the costumes list now displays 'ghosts' of worn items in layers they affect other than the one they're listed under. Sadly, since most of the items already entered don't have this extra layer data, they'll have to have it added, but it's not difficult - and a small price to pay to avoid problems like dropping several hundred k on an outfit only to find it can't actually be worn all at once. Yaaaaaay.
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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by thelonetiel »

Oh dear. That sounds like lots of fun. >> The rarity of TNT adding new wearables outside the NC Mall makes me think they didn't make their system very efficient. I bet there will be lots of things like that. xP

Are you still looking for URLs? I might try and go through my pets tomorrow if you are caught up with all the stuff already posted. ^^
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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by Madge »

Yes TLT we're still looking for URLs

You can PM scimitar (foghawk) and ask for access to the files if you want to put them up yourself - it's very easy to do. But scimitar may not want it to happen so yeah?
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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by Foghawk »

You can still call me Foghawk, heh.

Through the *cough* wonder of PHP, others can now edit the image tables without using my FTP account or working through my host! How awesome is that?
PM me for the link and password if you want to help! Instructions are there in the tables. You won't need programming experience (though it'll help) - a good sense of logic'll do ya.

Alternatively, you can continue posting URLs here for me or someone else to put up. Tiel, we're still looking for them (and I suspect we will be indefinitely), so do post whatever you've got.
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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by Foghawk »

Small fix: The list of worn items now displays in zone order instead of in the order you added them. Should make things a little clearer.
Still trying to find a proper trinket list. Still adding pets. Still looking for people who want to help. Also, whoever linked me on meebo, what'd people have to say?
Last edited by Foghawk on 11 Oct 2009 06:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by Foghawk »

I apologize for the lack of updates. Been adding miscellaneous pets. Just smoothed out a whole bunch of code and split pet and item tables (partially in anticipation of remote item addition, but that's still coming AFTER the pets, really*).

Barring some nasty everything's-ruined-forever error, I'd like to focus on full-time pet adding for a while. This means that I would be immensely grateful if people would start posting pet URLs here as they were doing earlier - it's much less slow and repetitive when the job's split up. I don't care if it's one pet or a hundred; if you can post their URLs, do so! They get added a lot faster when I've got their data handy. Instructions on collecting URLs are in the first post; lists of pets that have already been added are in the second. Help make the generator awesome! :D

(In addition, I'm still looking for layering info on trinkets. Also, a note to those who have contacted me about adding pets - when you put new ones in, let me know so that I can update the list here. A comment at the top of the file should do fine.)

* I am very bad at finishing data collection when there are shiny new features to be added, but I refuse to let this get ahead of me
Last edited by Foghawk on 11 Oct 2009 06:33 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by Foghawk »

I hate to quadruple post, but this is pretty important:
I am actually super surprised that nobody mentioned this.
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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by Foghawk »

I polished up the way pet data is stored; it's way nicer now.

Also, all of the blue pets are up.

Which ones should I do next?
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Re: Neopets Wardrobe Generator v2!

Post by extra4u »

Last edited by extra4u on 12 Jan 2010 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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