Normon Borlaug dies age 95. You don't know him, but should.

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Normon Borlaug dies age 95. You don't know him, but should.

Post by Madge »

First off, Michael Jackson got his own topic, and MJ didn't save 1 billion lives, so I think Norman Borlaug deserves at least as much.

This isn't an "oh I'm so sad" topic, though it made me a little sad to hear it, this is a "you have no idea who this guy was, and now he's dead, so, um, it's a bit late but this is some info".

Basically, he was a scientist and humanitarian who worked to breed and genetically engineer (through crossbreeding) more robust varieties of various grains such as rice and wheat. He went overseas to the countries that needed better grains and stuff and helped them develop it by crossbreeding with local populations.

His wheat alone made Mexico go from famine to being a net exporter of wheat.

He's been credited with saving anywhere from between 200 million and 1 billion lives, just by using the powers of SCIENCE to develop awesome food that will feed more people and resist drought and such.

And you probably have never heard about him. I hadn't heard about him 'till two or three years ago.

And, most awesomely of all, he was still out there working and developing new grains until very, very recently.

He's been given all sorts of honours and recognition including the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize and a bunch of other stuff, but man, he rocked so he desrved it.

I mean, seriously, this guy ACTUALLY HELPED PEOPLE EAT. Think about that.
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Re: Normon Borlaug dies age 95. You don't know him, but should.

Post by AngharadTy »

I knew of him because he was on a great episode of Bullshit. I admire him and his work so much! It is kind of astonishing to think that someone could change the world so much and not be a household name. But we know about him! =)
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Re: Normon Borlaug dies age 95. You don't know him, but should.

Post by Madge »

Yes! The two of us can sit here and know that he will be remembered at least a little.

It kind of makes me sad that he's got less attention than the Michael Jackson thread. Michael Jackson was nowhere near as awesome, damnit. :(
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