Oct 31st Pet Releases

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Tiki »

....there's a whole bunch of them :) If it's not okay to put them all in one post, feel free to split?

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Will edit in my feedback in a few minutes... need to take them all in to begin with. XD
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by ZomgethMew »

None of the Nightmares appeal to me, but Nightmare is a very 'meh' colour for me anyway. Graveyard Feli is nice, that's a revamp, right? :3

I liked the old Bloodred Feli more, but this is good too! :3 I love the Wyllop, and the Kerubi, the others are good but very 'meh' pets for me anyway, so I've got no strong feelings on them anyway..

But that Kerubi is awesome :O I may well have to get one.. Eventually.
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by hebdenhippy »

Wow that's a lot of pets to take in all at once! Lets see...

Nightmare Ghostly - very scary! All those teeth really freak me out. But I guess that's good for a nightmare pet.
Nightmare Hikei - like the pose, and the tails especially look really good.
Nightmare Pherret - my favourite of these three, I just love the face, I can just imagine a really high-pitched scream/moan thing going on.
Graveyard Feli - this pet seriously needed a revamp, and this is definetely an improvement. There's not really anything special about it, but it's fine.
Graveyard Cadogre - I like the rust and the missing legs with all the wires hanging out, that's a great touch.
Bloodred Feli - nice pose, I like the movement and the blood looks really good. I like how it's still licking its lips, too.
Bloodred Mallarchy - same pose, improved art, can't complain!
Bloodred Cadogre- good movement, I like the bloody footprints.
Bloodred Wyllop - a much needed revamp, and this looks really good. I love its expression.
Bloodred Irion - I really like this, looks very viscous and the pose is great.
Bloodred Kerubi - love this! My cat does this exact pose when he drinks water. I like how its slightly hidden behind its tail and its expression is great.
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Tiki »

Alright, so here are my thoughts...

Of the NM pets, both the Hikei and Ghostly look really nice. I especially love the Hikei's orbs in this version. The Pherret throws me off with its right hind leg peeking out from the arm- I just see a disembodied claw coming from the wrist and it seems odd. Also, for the leg to be way up there, those hind paws must be really splayed.

The graveyard Feli does not look like a Subeta pet at all, and I can't put my finger on the reason why. It somehow stands out all by itself in comparison to every other pet. :| Perhaps it's just me? It seems unusually out of focus (both the lines and shading) on my screen.

I love all of the bloodreds, although I have to say that the Irion and Cadogre are my favorites. Frolicking through pools of blood, yay!

Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Pyrostatic »

Man, so many to look at...This is gonna take a while.

I'll work my way backwards: The Kerubi is perfectly malicious. It looks like it enjoys killing. My favorite kind of Bloodred. Not one I'd own, but I can admire from afar.

The Irion doesn't really seem to impress me, and it's such a disappointment cause I usually love Irions. I think there's too much fluff on it's chest that it could either fall forward or topple to the side, due to it's position. I get the idea that it's running, but it really looks like it's going to fall in the next step.

The Wyllop, I don't really care for. Haven't cared too much for the species in general.

Loving the Cadogres, both Graveyard and Bloodred. I'm so glad these 2 got an update. SO GLAD. The poor GY one lost it's leg it looks like. Nice details with the wires. My only nit-pick on the BR is right front leg. It doesn't look natural or flow with the arm anatomy. I don't know how to describe it. But that aside, good updates on both of those.

The Mallarchy is pretty dark, but I can still make out the details like the neck area. Don't really care for the species either.

The two Felis, two revamps that needed it. Although, the Bloodred one is so dark, I can't even see it's wings. Unless, it's wings are missing, which they appear to be. The Graveyard's expression reminds me of the NM's somewhat. But, on a lighter note, it reminds me also of an alley cat that just lost a fight. Very cool scratches and such. Maybe the BR and GY got into a fight and the BR won. xD

The Pherret is rather simple, but that's expected. I kind of don't like where the right front paw seems to blend with it's right back paw. Very confusing to the eyes. But it's cute.

The NM Hikei is nice addition. It's one of the few I've liked. The tufts of fur around it's front legs is interesting and wild, as is the mane. I like how the mist spikes out like the mane.

The Ghostly is the only one that I really don't like. I'm not sure about the whole perspective. It looks peculiar. The teeth are the only thing that are cool, though they remind me of a whale's.

-sighs- I guess the Kumos and Montre will have to wait a whole 'nother year. ;-;
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Fuzzy »

That ghostly is AMAZING! I don;t really like the species, except for chibi, but this is wonderful. It truly is nightmarish. The hikei is lovely; I especially love the pose. However, the pherret is a bit lackluster. It looks more like it's yawning instead of having a fierce expression. The body is also a bit confusing. I know ferrets can bend in odd ways, but it's not working for this pose.

The two grveyard pets where much needed revamps. I really love the feli's expression. It keeps the spirit of the old one, while bringing new life (hah) to the pose. At first I was a bit confused on the positioning of the cadogre, but now I see that it is missing a leg entirely. The rust is very well done, and the wires are a nice touch.

I'm glad the feli is still liking the blood, and the pose is quite nice. The wings kind of get lost in the dark body, though. The mallarchy was kept similar to the old one, which I like. I wish the tail spikes had been kept. The cadogre is a bit overly bloody. I miss the little chompy robot head appendage thingies, and I liked the silver color of the old one. Though silver isn't really with the color pallet.

The wyllop is wonderful, as always. Another great revamp. The irion looks like it's falling over, instead of running. The position of the back legs really confused me at first. It also looks a bit small. The kerubi is wonderful. I love that it's liking its paw. I also like that the bat head wings were kept.

Overall a wonderful batch of Halloween Morostide pets! Now I can rest easy knowing some pets have been left untouched for another year. (Unless there are some stragglers)
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by AngharadTy »

The GY feli looks completely different. It's not bad art, but wow, it's so massively different. Sure, all the elements are there, but the feel is really strange now. I always liked the old one. But of course it doesn't matter, because it was clearly old art and I didn't own one anyway. I still can't get over how different the mood is, though.

GY cadogre is like magic. Absolutely freaking perfect.

The claws on the NM hikei are so long as to be distracting. It's disappointing, because the rest of the pet is good, but all I can stare at are those claws.

The NM pherret is gorgeous. Luxurious in such a dark way. I love the teeth, the pose, the tail and how it wisps away. And the eyes are so great! Nightmare pets can have really odd eyes, but it works here wonderfully. I love love love this pet.

The bloodred wyllop is the main pet I'm concerned with, because I own one (for the concept of a bloodthirsty rat, not for the art, which was awful). This is a good revamp; I love all the wyllops. It doesn't feel like Mezzanine to me yet, but that's probably because she's so old (and I tend to think of her as having more red). But the face is a perfect blend of adorable and cruel, and I love the blood spatters.
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Alecko »

I love the basic Mallarchy pose, but all of the redraws just don't click with me, and this one isn't the exception. :( Which is odd, because it's already been mentioned that it's so close to the original (which I did like). Looking at it, I think it's the beak/feet colour that's throwing me off, although it seems very....upright and straight? I can't seem to put my finger on it. I like the tail.

I can't figure out if I like the Irion or not. >_< The pose is nice enough, and I can overlook the fact that it does seem to be leaning a little too much to the left, but again, there's something off. Maybe the beak, which looks really short and stubby. Or because it's just so small. But I like it more than the Mallarchy, and I can see myself warming to it more. I'm also pleased because I was hoping we'd get a Bloodred Irion and/or Lain this year.

As for the rest, the Graveyard Feli looks a little cartoony, and the Pherret has the odd issue with its legs, but beyond that, they're all beautiful. The Bloodred Feli is easily my favourite out of the lot; it's expression and pose is just gorgeous. The Harvester is also jaw-dropping.
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by C. Dagger »

WOW, I will edit in just a minute! Like everyone else, I'm still taking all of this in. Absolutely amazing.


Nightmare Ghostly -- Wow, those TEETH! I love the look, it's absolutely incredible and I know it will be a huge hit with people who are fans of that pet. Hell, I even like it and I'm not a fan of the species!
Nightmare Hikei -- I really like the face and the back feet, although the pose seems a bit awkward.
Nightmare Pherret -- My GOD that is beautiful. I can see from the comments it's probably going to be one of the most popular pets from this bunch, and I can see why. The pose is sleek and the face is haunting and bizarre. I love it.
Graveyard Feli -- Fantastic update to a very old pet. I actually love how the pose is so similar to the old one, but the face has twice the feeling and the art is amazing. I'm growing so fond of the Feli, they can look so insane sometimes. :D
Graveyard Cadogre -- EASILY, FAR AND AWAY my favorite. Absolutely beautiful, the rust effects and almost sad face are such a lovely touch, truly fitting for a broken robot. I love this pet with all of my heart, and will be getting one with my next slot.
Bloodred Feli -- Ohoho that POSE is WICKED! And the FACE! Sometimes with Bloodred pets the dynamic poses can be a hit or a miss, and this one is a serious hit. I love it.
Bloodred Mallarchy -- Solid revamp! Well, in my opinion. Nice shading especially, and I love that ritual-esque blood mark on the forehead that was kept from the old one.
Bloodred Cadogre -- Another very successful dynamic pose, I love how consistent the Cadogres bodies are. I love the sharp and sleek look it has, just awesome.
Bloodred Wyllop -- omg, whatever he just ripped apart I'm so glad it wasn't me. XD Amazing pose, and those ears are just as lovable as ever.
Bloodred Irion -- Honestly, this is actually my least favorite of this lot. The pose seems a bit awkward and I'm not fond of the mouth. The blood effects are very lovely, though.
Bloodred Kerubi -- AHH YES THE BATWINGS WERE KEPT!! I absolutely LOVE it, so feline and adorably evil. Fantastic!

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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Seerow »

You know, I really hate when they do these massive uploads. There's just so many pets to take in that it's hard to let them all sink in and pets that I might otherwise love are shadowed by the massive amounts of other pets. Wish they could spread out the release of all these in the days surrounding Halloween.

Here's all the old versions of pets to compare:

The NM Pherret and Ghostly are quite nice. The Pherret hasn't had any colors for awhile so it's great to get one for them. The Ghostly pulls off the coming right at you pose far better then last years Illumis. I love the details on the skull and the dagger claws are great! The Hikei's claws are distracting, though otherwise a nice color.

Of the revamps, thank god the Cadogres were finally redone as those were the two most hideous pets on the site! Both of the new ones are lovely and I'm thrilled that FMD didn't even attempt to keep the old poses. The Bloodred Irion looks too gray or something, and the blood doesn't look right. The Mallarchy is actually really good and I could totally see a duck covered in its victims blood. Ducks are evil after all. The Wyllop is cute and I like the "stick em up" pose. Neither of the two Felis do anything for me, but I dislike the species in general so not really surprised by that.
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Aisu »

WOAH, so many pets!

NM Ghostly: Amazing. It's creepy as hell and the teeth are wonderful.
NM Hikei: I like it all except for the forelegs - they look kind of smushed. /: But its tail-orbs are beautiful.
NM Pherret: I like it! It looks kinda like it's yawning, thought, not very scary. xD The glowy stuff around it is so pretty.
GY Feli: I like how emaciated it looks. xD Its teeny little pupils look almost cartoony, haha.
GY Cadogre: Oooh, pretty rust. But what's going on with its right hind leg? Is it missing just the lower half, or am I looking at it wrong? xD
BR Feli: Awesome evil kitty. I love the tongue, and the pose is perfect! Well done!
BR Mallarchy: Good revamp~
BR Cadogre: I don't have much to say about this but it's very nice. c:
BR Wyllop: An evil mousie to go with the evil kitty! I love it all around, good pose and everything. ^o^
BR Irion: Hm. Looks a little squished to me. /: I want to see the full size one.
BR Kerubi: My favorite pet gets another amazing color! ♥ The tail looks a little squished but the paw-licking pose is great!
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Amphigorey »

NM Ghostly: Seriously creeps me out. I love it! The addition of a mouth to a usually non-mouthed thing always weirds me out (Final Animorphs book anyone?)

NM Hikei: Nice pose, nice feet, nice face. Very evil-looking.

NM Pherret: Something looks... off about it. I think it's the size (pherrets are usually a lot smaller than that) or the open mouth.

GY Feli: Seriously needed a revamp! Wasn't it the lowest rated pet? The new one is good. Nothing I'd get, but still a nice pet.

GY Cadogre: It took me a minute to figure out what the hell was going on with it. It lost it's legs and gained a mohawk, apparently.

BR Feli: Gorgeous. Love the pose and the licking-lips.

BR Mallarchy: Not much to say. Looks just like the old one with better art.

BR Cadgore: More cadogre love! This is one of my favorites; the pose fits it just right.

BR Wylop: Pretty, but I can't quite tell what it's supposed to be doing. Miming?

BR Irion: I don't like Irions, but this one's okay. It looks really tiny in the box, but then again all Irions do.

BR Kerubi: I agree with hebdenhippy; it looks just like my cat when she's grooming. If my cat were more ofbloodthirsty maniac.

All in all, nice revamps. Most of them were common poses before, so there's not much to complain about!
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by lavender »

I have to say, out of all of them - the Ghostly and the Pherret are my favorites. The Ghostly scares the crap out of me and I LOVE IT (it's gonna bite yo face off!). The Pherret isn't over the top and it works so well. It looks like my cat when he's pissed off! :P

All the other ones are fine, but they're aren't *spectacular*, imo.
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by AngharadTy »

Amphigorey wrote:NM Ghostly: Seriously creeps me out. I love it! The addition of a mouth to a usually non-mouthed thing always weirds me out
Ghostlies usually have mouths... don't they?

All I can see on the NM ghostly now is Venom.
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Seerow »

Amphigorey wrote:NM Ghostly: Seriously creeps me out. I love it! The addition of a mouth to a usually non-mouthed thing always weirds me out
Ghostlies have mouths :D
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