Oct 31st Pet Releases

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Amphigorey »

AngharadTy wrote:
Amphigorey wrote:NM Ghostly: Seriously creeps me out. I love it! The addition of a mouth to a usually non-mouthed thing always weirds me out
Ghostlies usually have mouths... don't they?

All I can see on the NM ghostly now is Venom.
Seerow wrote:
Amphigorey wrote:NM Ghostly: Seriously creeps me out. I love it! The addition of a mouth to a usually non-mouthed thing always weirds me out
Ghostlies have mouths :D
He love you
I'm really stupid this morning :( I was thinking Kora for some reason XD
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Wingsrising »

My only comment is on the Bloodred Irion, since I have one, and since being Bloodred was really important to his backstory. So I was really worried about the revamp... and rightfully so, apparently, since I think this is awful. He looks like the legs are broken and like he's about to fall over, the beak doesn't look like a beak. Also, what's up with the tiny squinty eyes... terribly out of place for something with a raptor head.

Gah. I'm SO disappointed in the revamp, since like I said, being bloodred is a huge part of Windbourne's backstory. I think I'll go ahead and paint him twilight and *pretend* he's still bloodred, and refer to him as bloodred on his lookup. (Maybe I can get/make a black and red overlay for him or something.)
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Mongoose »

I've had a nightmare potion sitting in my vault for ages waiting for a nightmare pherret, I'm ecstatic one has finally been released, I love it. Menacing now looks lovely. I'm a very happy Mongoose :) The bloodred wyllop is also making me smile, I need more pet slots me thinks!
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Silverevilchao »

Nightmare Ghostly: Has to be the best pet in that bunch, and easily one of the best Nightmare pets overall. So creepy and evil and BLAAAGH. It definitely looks like something that would chase you in your nightmares.

Nightmare Hikei: Liking the malicious expression and long claws.

Nightmare Pherret: Pose looks kind of awkward. Like the fangs, though.

Graveyard Feli: I didn't like it until I realized that its eyes look a LOT like psycho!Rena from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Then I instantly found it awesome.

Graveyard Cadogre: Liking the detail and overall feel, but it looks to me that the head's too big in proportion to its body.

Bloodred Feli: Liking the pose, but the face looks a bit too...round? I think it might be because of the pose, and I'm just crazy.

Bloodred Mallarchy: Love how it kept the original pose.

Bloodred Cadogre: LOVE the dynamic pose and the insane amount of detail. Awesome.

Bloodred Wyllop: Love the pose and expression. It's almost seeming to look at you as if you're its next victim.

Bloodred Irion: Also loving the dynamic pose.

Bloodred Kerubi: Love the maliciously, yet cute pose and expression.
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by TCStarwind »

I'll go through them how they're ordered. 8D

My favorites of them all are the nightmare pets. The ghostly is insane. I love the creepy grin and the gnarled hands. The skull on its head may be just as scarey as the rest of the pet. Everything about it is just awesome. The hikei is pretty neat (those orbs are beautiful). And the pherret is strangely beautiful. It's fur patterns are really working well for it in this case, and I really like the pose. But it does look like it's yawning. XD

I'm not too crazy about either of these graveyard pets. The feli is a huge step up from the original, but I've never really been a feli person. And it took me a bit to figure out what was going on with the cadogre. It seems strangely compact somehow, but it is a hell of a lot better than the original, which somewhat scared me, but not for the reason it's supposed to.

And contrary to what I said in the last paragraph, my favorite of the bloodreds is the feli. Everything about it is working, and it's beautiful. My second favorite is the kerubi (have the recent kerubis been awesome or what?). I love the little wings on its head. The wyllop is automatically cute since it's a wyllop, but the pose kinda confuses me. I know what it's doing, but not why. The irion looks like it's about to fall over, but other than that I kinda like it. The cadogres pretty good, but it's a bit hard for me to see all its details. And the mallarchy's a mallarchy but nicely updated from the original. For once, the color of its feet and beak don't bother me. :D
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Huggles »

I must acquire a nightmare ghostly. It reminds of an Iz, and various other creatures from horror movies that I can't quite place.
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by firost-the-dragon »


i guess i will do only the ones i like/intrest me

NM Ghostly: THIS SKULL O ITS HEAD IS FREAKING SCARY! I LOVE IT! *not that im gonna get one- i already have my pet slots in mind*
NM Pherret: i guess if the artist tried to pull off a wolverine instead of a weasel, they did a good job.
BR Mallarchy: the pose is kinda awkward, but it definitely DOES look evil
BR Wyllop: it says come here. i wonder why...
BR Irion: i would consider but... i dunno. offish anatomy? :/
BR Kerubi: HOLY GEWD. I LOVE THIS. RAH OVERDID HERSELF HERE *falls in love* but... i guess i'll wait till i has another pet slot. :/ im full.
see this picture and more at http://www.darkpidgeot10.deviantart.com . this is by ME!!!
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by Foghawk »

Wordy Foghawk is wordy:

Nightmare Ghostly: Nice. Nightmare needs more freakishly improbable anatomy. Remember the Kumos, with the melting mouth? Yeah. I don't particularly care for ghostlies, but this one is pretty good.

Nightmare Hikei: It seems a bit short, somehow - perspective a bit off, perhaps? - but the tails and back legs are great, and I love the expression.

Nightmare Pherret: Terribly reminiscent of the hydrus tigrean. I like the deep shading on the back leg, and would enjoy the face if the eyes didn't seem so sleepy (it looks more like a yawn than a snarl).

Graveyard Feli: Someone said that it didn't look much like a Subeta pet, and I entirely agree. Maybe it's the thin, almost blurred lines, maybe the really light shading, but the style seems very off. Kinda neat other than that.

Graveyard Cadogre: ew ew ew. :< Its head isn't attached in the right place (the neck should be at the back, not the bottom) and it looks really bulbous. Also, its crest is huge, or perhaps the earfins are small. The chest is strangely rounded. The pose is dull and static, not even broken; its seat is too even - it looks more like the missing leg hasn't been drawn in than that there is actually nothing there to bear weight. I can get a sense of the idea behind it, but it really didn't come through. I definitely won't be getting one of these.

And - well, I know that this doesn't make much sense considering it's rusted metal, but is it just me, or have Cadogres in general gotten less shiny recently? The lines and shading on this one just don't look like metal; neither did some of the other recent colors, really. Actually, something about it reminds me of the Graveyard Wyllop - maybe the unusually light, thin lines, maybe the almost waxy look of the shading, I don't know. But it looks distinctly off. (Not in the same way as the Feli, but still odd.)

BR Feli: Awesome. I'm not a Feli person, but this is a really solid pet. The expression is great; the pose, well balanced. It works.

BR Mallarchy: Great revamp; all the right changes.

BR Cadogre: At first I was really disappointed by this, probably because I've been waiting for it for so long, but having managed to swallow my improbably high expectations, well, it's OK. It has the same lack of shininess that I mentioned above with the GY, there is so much blood that it's actually a bit distracting, and the back spikes are so close together that they look a bit confused, but overall it's passable - and maybe a good base for some tweaking for an overlay. Worth a try.
(I must admit that I will kinda miss the snakes. Those were pretty unique.)

BR Wyllop: Something about the unbroken highlights on the tail kinda bothers me - aren't rat tails usually rough? - and it seems a bit grey, but other than that I like it.

BR Irion: I'll just echo what others have said about the pose - very, very, weird. It just looks completely wrong - too tilted, and with the back legs in a very strange place. It doesn't even look like it's falling over, just like it's... hmm... actually, I'm not sure. Not a normal position, anyway.

BR Kerubi: Pretty good! The only criticisms I would make are that the eyebrows disappear a bit into the grey (and that the lines at the inside corner of its eye look like cartoony lashes), which make its expression flicker between "aren't I so cute" and "heh heh heh".

Overall, a decent batch - some good, some bad. I think the Nightmares came out the best of the lot, but then, I like Nightmare.
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Re: Oct 31st Pet Releases

Post by AngharadTy »

Foghawk wrote:BR Wyllop: Something about the unbroken highlights on the tail kinda bothers me - aren't rat tails usually rough?
Wyllops consistently have a shine to their tails. And rat tails are only rough if the rat is unhealthy! My rats have soft tails that I love petting. ^_^
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