RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jamie »

KauKrazy - that's horrible. I know I cried all day when my five-year old dog had to be put down because of cancer. I wish you all the best with it all! :*(

Achievawoe - My last exam of the year is tomorrow! And I have so many amazing plans coming up for the break, including a week in Japan and a few weeks back at home with my mother, sister and friends who I've been missing a lot. However, I feel horribly unprepared and it's a 60% Bioscience exam. Ouch.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Well I have kind of a big woe. Today I was 'diagnosed' (because it doesn't really have a diagnosis) with Bell's Palsy, a temporary paralysis on one side of your face - mine is on the right.

What that means is that I have trouble blinking and have to use frequent eye drops, I only half smile kind of like Two-Face, and eating is really, REALLY hard ;__; Amazingly hard. I drool. It's kind of embarrassing. Also, the taste buds on my right side don't work either! It's been an awkward experience.

I'm on quite a few meds, because what exactly causes Bell's Palsy is unknown. It could be due to a virus so I'm on anti-virals, and it could be due to swelling so I'm on Prednisone to help with that. It can also be just completely random. The good news is it IS temporary in all but like 2% of cases and should go away.

The bad news is that could be anywhere from 10 days to 6 months. -Sigh-.

The worst part of it has been the headache I've had, right on the back of my head on the right side. It was -awful- and relentless. Luckily, my doctor gave me something to help with that too - some wonderful Oxycodone/Tylenol 3. Mm pain meds.

If I feel particularly brave I'll take a picture of my crooked smile for everyone to see. I just got a -really- cute haircut, so I want to show that off anyway xD
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alicorn »

Awww poor Jessi! **huggles** I'm glad to hear it's not a perminent thing. Sucks that it could be a 6 month thing. Well you got me hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that it's the quick version. **more huggles and offers getwell cookies** Also I hope you do show off your cute haircut! I wanna see! XD
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Faun »

Poor jessi! I hope It goes away soon! :D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

I have some happyfuntimes to contribute!

First of all, I am pretty confident that I passed my exams, which was good because I don't know if I mentioned it here but my Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering exam freaked the fuck out of me. We had to calculate how many cars could go down a road before it would break, and you expect about 10,000-10,000,000 cars normally, but the answer I got was 0.00002 cars which was like wtf. I checked and re-checked all my calculations but they all pointed to the answer being right, despite being ridiculous! Then halfway through the exam the lecturer goes "oh by the way where it says 909 in that question I actually meant 90.9" and of course that made the answer make sense. Completely threw me off my game since it was one of the first questions I attempted. >=(

Second and most importantly of all, I GOT THE VACATION EMPLOYMENT THAT I APPLIED FOR! I am really happy because it was the only one I'd applied for and if I didn't get it I'd kind of be in trouble since I need 16 weeks of vacation employment for my degree. That said, it looks like I might not actually start working this break, or at least not until Feburary, which is a bit lame because getting 16 weeks in the interim will be fun, not. But it'll be good, they'll pay 2 years of my uni fees (instead of going to the loan that the government gives us...) and they'll give me a bunch of other perks too like a sustenance allowance. The 'downside' is I'm forced to work for them for 2 years after I graduate which isn't that bad since it's security, or something.

Yeah Madge's rambly post about herself wins again!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by champagnesoup »

Congratulations Madge!

Sadly I have a ToW - I am having real problems with the Housing Benefit office (they contribute towards my rent as I am on a tiny income) - they think I am at military college and that my benefits have been stopped because of this. If they had actually read the letters I had sent them, they would know that I am on a MINISTRY training course and that it is part-time, so there has been no change to my benefits whatsoever. It should be sorted out soon, but it's a pain!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jamie »

Achievements: I'm on university holidays now until late next February. Right now I'm 'home' seeing my parents and sister and all of my friends that I only see a few times a year. On Monday one of my friends and I are going to Japan for the week! I'm excited because we've organised very little of the actual trip except for the first two days. From there we're just going to do what we feel like at the time - maybe jump on a shinkansen to Kyoto or something. I'm so excited for it!

Of course after that I go back to work... but I'll be so broke that I'll be happy for it I guess.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »


Seerow just bought her plane tickets to come visit in January EEEEEE
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Jessi, I was hoping it was something to do with your bighuge woe (which I hope resolves quickly!), but I suppose that's an OK alternative. ;-) I do plan to visit you at the tail-end of next summer, because daggone it I want to devote properly to seeing more friends while I'm in that general region!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Arviragus »

Achieveawoe, I guess.

For a very long time now I've been unhappy in my career; I'm overworked, underpaid, and am essentially tasked with rehabbing injured people who are quite content to stay injured and collect workers' comp payments to not work. After a month of boring my wonderful boyfriend with "omg what do I doooo" conversations, I finally discussed it with my parents as well and have decided to apply to go back to school to get my respiratory therapy diploma. Hopefully that, in addition to my kinesiology degree, will find me some job prospects that don't make me want to break down and cry every morning I have to get up and go to work. I may not even get in, but if I don't apply I definitely won't get in. If I do get in, however, I'll have some big life decisions to make.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Seerow »

Ohhh Arviragus, best of luck. You already have experience in the health field, so that should help!

AND YAY JESSI. I got cheap tickets too, so that's always a big plus. I've never been to Kansas, so something new and exciting (at least more exciting then Indiana) at least. I can't wait to see you (AND LINDSEY!) again. And meet your kitties and ratties and all the rest of the gang :P
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by EofS »

I was also hoping it was good news on the face drooping front, but Seerowness is even better! Jealous!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by champagnesoup »

I have an interview tomorrow at the University of Chichester and I am very nervous - I would love to get in there as I loved it at the open day.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

I finally got around to upgrading to windows 7! It is everything I have ever dreamed it would be, and the upgrade itself is completely painless because it saves all your programs and prefences so you don't need to spend 2 hours installing all your programs and tweaking your theme. Masterful! :D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

Madge wrote:I finally got around to upgrading to windows 7! It is everything I have ever dreamed it would be, and the upgrade itself is completely painless because it saves all your programs and prefences so you don't need to spend 2 hours installing all your programs and tweaking your theme. Masterful! :D

Madge, is it compatible with PC games. Did you get the Windows 7 basic or professional? because I heard the latter has an "XP mode", which I wouldn't mind getting.

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