Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

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Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by Pyrostatic »

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So, two more revamped Angelics today on this fine Christmas day! I must say I like the Wyllop. The art and anatomy is so much better. I would have preferred a more pastel blue though, but that's minor. I also don't know why the halo is placed so far away from the crown of it's head. Kinda confuses my eyes into thinking it's supposed to be around the tail. Oh wait, I never noticed the old one had the same thing. I think the halo should have been placed closer to the head for this new one. At least the wings actually look like wings now. xD
But all in all, a very nice job on Lindsey's part. I was expecting this revamp and I'm so glad it went through. ^^

The Kanis, however, is such a disappointment, even though I hate the species in general. The old one, while the anatomy was horrifying, at least it had some character. Everything recognizable from the old one is gone and replaced with this pink/purple bunny that is just staring at us, trying to look cute and playful. The pose is too simple and again, lacks the character it once had. Why couldn't it act more like a bunny, like as if it were bounding through the invisible clouds? The colours are okay, but it's hard for me to separate the pink from the purple on it's leg bands. They seem to blend in a little too much. I dunno, I hated the old one, but I am going to miss the winking eye and just funny expression in general. =/
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by Cranberry »

Oh come now, you know that if Rah had changed the pose drastically (i.e., had that cute little bunny bounding through the clouds), people would have complained that she should have kept the pose exactly the same and just updated the lineart. :P ;)

I like both of these -- the kanis looks better without the wink, in my opinion. I also prefer the lighter colors. The new wings are so soft and fluffy-looking and I like that the tail now sticks up, more like a bunny tail, and that the kanis itself is a bit chubbier instead of so long and lean. The eyes are gorgeous. :) The wyllop is a great update (although I did prefer the old blue a bit); the wings look bigger and better able to keep the thing aloft, and the little curled toes are adorable!
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by hebdenhippy »

I adore the Wyllop, what a fantastic revamp! I love its wings, they look so big and soft. This is an excellent example of a revamp which is true to the original but with vastly improved artwork. If only I had a pet that would fit this, I really think it's lovely!

The Kanis is nice, but I feel that more could have been done, as it seems a little bland. I like it, I just think it had more potential.

Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by Pyrostatic »

True, but I think people will still complain in general. Can't please everyone. ^^;
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by Jazzy »

I think people have grounds to complain given it looks nothing at all like the old one; wasn't that the argument of the Kora thread? The wyllop's even blue, so it's not as though it's a disallowed colour.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by Cranberry »

Oh, I know; I was just being facetious. :P I doubt there will be too much complaining, though... I may be wrong, of course, but I don't think the angelic kanis was a very popular pet.

Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by Pyrostatic »

Lol, I felt kinda unsure to post cause I knew everyone else was on the rather tense side with the Angelic Kora revamp. It's a bit scary. xD
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by Aisu »

I think they're both adorable! x3 The Wyllop was a much needed and perfectly executed revamp. It looks lovely!

The Canis is soft and pretty too. I love the colors! I understand why some people would be made, though, because it's so different from the old Kanis - but they can use overlays, like I did with my Reborn Paralix. Both are good. <3
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by Joey »

I think I've found the colour for Virtuosa! I love love love the Wyllop! It really fits the personality I came up with for her, it's perfect!
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by Seerow »

Hmm I liked the old Angelic Kanis better. I mean, the new one is adorable, no doubt about it, but I liked the thinner look of the old one and the mischievous feel it had. I wasn't ever going to own one though and I'm not going to own this one, so it really doesn't matter to me though.
The Wyllop is a nice update, though I think I would have liked a softer blue color better maybe. The curled toes are adorable and I like how the whiskers were still kept curly :)
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by TCStarwind »

I think these are both good updates. The wyllop is beautiful; everything about it is so much better. The only thing that bothers me is the pink, though. I would have preferred a more pastel pink or a lavender, but it's still very nice.

I also like the kanis. The artwork is very much improved, but I'm not sold on the colors. I liked the blues of the old one, but otherwise I've no complaints.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by ZomgethMew »

Ehh.. the Kanis is alright, but I loved the old one :c It had more spunk, in my opinion. The Wyllop's alright, but I don't pay much attention to the Wyllops anyway XD.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by Sarivonne »

I think revamping Angelics are something the artists and staff kind of dread. Since Angelic is such an expensive color you're going to have a LOT of people who will be furious if they paid for it and hate it. But the art on the old kanis was super outdated, and I agree it's a drastic change from the previous form, but at least the art is leaps and bounds better. I think for the artist it's hard to decide what measures and extremes to take on revamping these species.

Needless to say I quite like the revamps on both of these.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by Fuzzy »

In my opinion, the Kora was the same pet, but the Kanis is not. I can understand being upset over paying real money for one thing and ending up with something you do not like. However, in the Kora's case, the revamp was very similar to the original. Not so much with the Kanis now. I really liked the expression an the colors of the old one. It is very nicely drawn, though. Also, it doesn't match the Lilapin. :\

The Wyllop is lovely. I really like the wings and tail fluff. My only complaint is that the pink is a bit too strong. Nevermind, my screen made it look funky.
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Re: Revamped Angelic Kanis and Wyllop

Post by shaelyn76 »

I used one of my Loyalty Boxes to get an extra pet slot and agonized over which pet to create and what personality it would have. I settled on the Kanis because I kept coming back to it. I really loved the Angelic Kanis and the mischievous wink. The super fluffy looking wings and the blue tones used were perfect for the personality I had for my new Kanis. I almost used my second Loyalty Box to get change it to an Angelic, but decided that since the art was obviously older that I would probably be wasting that Loyalty Box. I feel better knowing that I was right , but feel bad for anyone else who already owned an Angelic Kanis and loved it for being so different. The new one is completely different from the old version and I hate when that happens in a revamp. The new Kanis is pretty...don't get me wrong...but it looks like a completely different pet now. The personality the old one seemed to exude is gone. The new one looks very soft and cuddly and very much like a rabbit, but I really preferred the older versions wings and halo as well as the bolder blue tones used in the older one. I guess Suthern will become glacier instead of Angelic now, which should make me happy since that is $20 less I will have to spend to color her.

The Wyllop is very well done. Not too many changes, but enough of an update to make it seem fluffier and softer. Much more detailed and I love the new wings.
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