Avoid this artist!

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Avoid this artist!

Post by Jessi »

Normally I wouldn't make a post like this, but after I discovered this last night, I really want to just give everyone here a warning to avoid the artist Centurymon on Subeta.

Her commission thread was just locked so no one else can commission her officially on the forums at least right now, but here's the deal: At least with all of her last batch of commissions, Centurymon has been tracing official Subeta artwork. She chops it up and traces it 100%. Of course, no one knows this, and not a single one of her commissioners have ASKED for a pet in the same pose as an official pet, or a recolor of another pet, and she's playing as if this was her own art. Basically, the whole situation leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I don't want any of my fellow NCers getting screwed!

Here's some of the examples I put together with a few friends last night so you guys can see. Will put behind the spoiler tag just because it gets very image heavy:
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This first one was two -separate- commissions for two separate people, but clearly are both traced from the Reborn Irion:

Image -> Image Image

And here are some animated gifts that Sayle, Arbor, and FMD put together:

Image Image Image

And here's some examples of how she chops up art -immensely- to make it into a picture:

Image Image

Image Image

There's tons more, heh, but I figured that was enough. She even has some eyes favorited on DeviantArt from another user that she just copies and pastes onto her images when she needs different eyes.
So yeah, I obviously wouldn't normally make a post like this, but someone pointed out she has over $400 in prepaid commissions (she makes you pay in advance) waiting right now for art that is basically a blatant ripoff... I don't want any more of my friends to get screwed ;_;
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by Tiki »

Oh, for the love of...

I'm super disappointed, if only because I liked her art. A whole lot. She was one of the artists that I aspired to be like eventually, making awesome overlays that people were happy to pay for. And now I feel like an idiot for not noticing how traced they all were. :( I always noticed some similarities, but I figured that people had specifically asked for her to use official poses. I'd never actually scrolled through her sales boards to read what they were actually asking for.

It's just astounding. Thanks for alerting us, I won't ever be looking at her overlays in the same light from now on.
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by AngharadTy »

If she had charged sP for pet edits, it would have been just fine. It's so sad--they're great edits. But they're sooooo not original art, and she so should not have been charging real money for it. Making real world money off someone else's art. Haha. Isn't that prosecutable? (As prosecutable as internet-stuff ever is, har.)
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by Jessi »

It's definitely against Subeta's TOS, as Andi/Luxe pointed out here:
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And yeah, even bigger than her charging real money is the fact she's claiming the art 100% AS HER OWN. That's what's really pissing me off =/ People who do overlay edits are doing just that... editing existing art. She's editing existing art and taking all the credit.
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by Fullmetal Dragon »

This whole situation is just so, so incredible to me. It astounds me to think that someone would go through that much effort to rotate and trace over art just to pass it off as "original." It also just ... disgusts me as an artist that she could do that :/

I had been admiring her overlays from a distance but wondering why they seemed so familiar looking, and now I know why. I certainly won't be looking at her overlays favorably anymore, either. Even if they are original, I won't be able to give her any admiration for it, knowing this is how she's conducted business. AND she makes people prepay, which is just... very unprofessional in my own opinion. Ugh, just ugh.
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by Snow »

Oh wow...My friend on Subeta actually bought me one just recently too. I really hope she gets her money back. And to think I admired her .__' with these overlays done of her work and official art I don't know why I didn't see it.
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by Goldenchaos »

Wow..Im not even sure what all to say that hasnt already been said. :\ quiet a disappointment, considering she IS a good artist..
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by TCStarwind »

Well that's just pathetic. I guess the last two weeks have been art tracer weeks (anyone else hear about that thing with Gene Simmon's kid?). These situations always piss me off because it could end up giving the rest of us a bad name. I'm not familiar with this girl's work, but like I said, this stuff really pisses me off. Is it really that hard to learn how to draw? I mean really.
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by Jessi »

TCStarwind, i did hear about that (I think through someone here? Maybe it was LJ) and was really, really disgusted by it. It's sad how long people can get away with this kind of thing.
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by Huggles »

Well, Ty has said all that I was going to. This kind of reminds me when my mom bought a "new" printer that was actually refurbished. She's pretty dumb, but the people selling it to her didn't exactly tell her what refurbished meant either. As of two weeks after the purchase, it's been making a lovely paperweight on my dresser. I agree that this is all rather silly when she could have just sold them for sp as edits and gone merrily about her way.
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by Snow »

So my friend Fashion recently got an overlay from this person, and after reading this board I decided to do an experiment....What I found was really shocking... I know there are examples up in the first post but...I had to post these too.
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She's even mixing them up... I couldn't believe it...

Here's a few Kafei found:
They spotted ones even I couldn't have guessed...

And finally, here are some I found after I looked at Fashions...
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by Red Mask Corgi »

Oh wow. Artists who do strictly pet overlays and don't make /real/ money off of them don't even go the trouble to edit and rotate that much!
I hope the fact that her thread was locked means a customer noticed. It's unfortunate that she's actually very good; the Ruffie that's based on the reborn actually looks great. I don't think her account will stay active for every long now, if it hasn't been frozen already. If the staff know, I can't imagine they wouldn't freeze her.
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by Chinchilla »

As Snow said, we played the 'find out what's traced' game. Here's one more I managed to find.
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It's a real shame, if they were just sold as edits...and not for actual money...I could see myself wanting one of these. However, even after people called her on it, she seemed to be denying it. What a bummer. Now whenever I see her work, I'll only remember this.
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by Alicorn »

My jaw dropped when I looked at these examples. I just can't believe it. I agree with all that's been said here. It just baffles me that someone would think they could do this and get away with it. And baffles me even more when they deny it when the proof is undeniable. But the whole hand caught in the cookie jar thing comes to mind and an instant reaction is to deny it even though you're caught. I know I've done such but never with something this bad. I just hope people can get their money back if they want it. **shakes head** Just wow. I share in Jessi's bad taste in mouth.
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Re: Avoid this artist!

Post by Pyrostatic »

I cannot believe this. I mean, I do and I take everyone's word for it, but man...And here I was considering of commissioning her for overlays. Thank Martel I didn't have the funds to do it. This is just low and sad; she seemed like a really good artist. I knew it seemed too good to be true though. Her prices were rather ridiculous anyways.

I may sound heartless, but I hope they freeze her. And I hope she refunds everyone's overlays. I know I'd be pissed.
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