Pet wishlist

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This idea:

is cool, and I would use it for Subeta.
is cool, and I would use it for Neopets.
is cool, and I would use it for both.
is useless to me but is still cool.
is useless to me and shouldn't exist.
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Pet wishlist

Post by AngharadTy »

This is not my idea; it's Ierosbats's and some of Bon's too. I'm just fleshing it out for posting.

Subeta has the item wishlist, where you just add any items you want to buy, and you can go look at all the items you want and ponder buying them. It would be great if NC had a pet wishlist, where you could add a few pets that you wanted, so you could go look at your pet wishlist any time you had a free spot. It would be very helpful for deciding which pets to get.

Does anyone else think that would be useful? If so... would you use it for Neopets or Subeta? How many pets should be able to fit onto a wishlist? Maybe 10, or...? Should other people be able to see your pet wishlist?

It's probably impossible to display crosspaints for Neo because we don't have a clothing database. But maybe it'd be worthwhile to be able to add a couple pets, like a pirate and a desert draik, and also add a note, reminding yourself to paint the pet desert first and then pirate. And anything else you might want to note, like what kind of petpet (or minion) to give it, how much you'd spend on it, even a name you might use. What do you think of the note idea?

I talked to Jazzy about it (who suggested some of this stuff) and she says she could do it, as long as people want it. Also, Jazzy is awesome, y/y?
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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by Enriana »

I would definitely use this for Subeta. There are numbers of pets I've gone, "ooh, I want one, if only I had a personality!" and being able to put them on a list for when I was feeling particularly inspired would be rather handy. I think 10 is a good limit for pets; with Subeta especially, very few people are rolling in 10 extra pet slots all at once. ;P

I think an option to make the wishlist visible to others or just you would be neat; and a notes section for things like minions/treasures/personality and whatnot.

Also, Jazzy is always awesome.
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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by Larkspurlane »

Also, Jazzy is awesome, y/y?

I like this idea a LOT. I've vaguely wanted to make a "these are my dream pets ok" petpage but never gotten around to it, and a 'wishlist' feature like this would serve that purpose and more. Such a feature could also function as a supplement to the existing Pet Requests thread here, in that we could look at other peoples' pet wishlists (? if we can make them public) and see if we don't have one of their desired pets rotting away on one of our accounts. And we wouldn't have to harass Jessi to update them, either. :D

I wonder if there's another name that you might use other than wishlist, though, because wishlists are so strongly associated with the acquisition of items on both sites, whereas this is for pets... idk. I have no suggestions for an alternate name, either, so maybe I should just shut up.
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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by Kantark »

I'm considering starting a second side account and have recently been thinking about creating/painting pets so yes, I'd definitely be interested in using such a feature for Neo should one become available. I don't do the Subeta thing anymore so can't express a preference either way on that.

And, yes, Jazzy is awesome.
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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by daisybell »

At the moment, I don't think I'd have a use for it, but I think it would be a good feature for both sites. Maybe when/if I have another burst of interest in Neopets and feel like spending np then it would be good to have some potential colours in mind.

And yes, Jazzy is awesome.
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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by Marah »

I have excel files for that, but they aren't very easy to navigate and quite a mess, so yes I would use it.

And yes, Jazzy is awesome!
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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by Joey »

I'm indifferent to the idea because I don't play neo anymore and I'm happy with my pets on subeta, but Jazzy is always awesome :D
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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I would use it for both. I play Neo more than Subeta, and i probably won't request any pets from either one. But i do zap-adopt Neopets and like knowing if i zap a pet into something someone really wants. For Subeta, it'll be more item stuff, but i would also potentially want to see what people want if i happen to get/have a pet someone else wants more than i do.

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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by Ierosbats »

I haven't played Neo for a long time but this is definitely something I would use on Subeta! Although... I guess that has already been implied, heh. Yay Ty for making a thread! And yay Jazzy for never not being awesome!

Deciding on new pets is fun, but sometimes so frustrating! It would be nice to be able to view all your potential choices right next to each other on one page. Like Enriana said, I think it would really help me to match pets to personalities.

I would totally look through everyone's pet wishlists. I hadn't even thought of that being an option, but I like it! It would be like seeing what their accounts would look like if they had 30 pets. Sortakinda.
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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by bonecrivain »

Haha, this was about 95% Topher's idea and 5% me nodding in agreement. But I do think it is an excellent idea! I vote yesyesyes please.

I also like the option of being able to make it visible to others; I enjoy snooping around in other people's pets, and it would be neat to see all the NC wishpets.
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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by Madge »

Indeed, I agree on the utility of the list though I'm not sure about having a limit - if I zap, say, a rainbow lenny, it would be nice to know if anyone wants such a humdrum pet because so many people would fill their 5 spots up with nigh unobtainable UCs.
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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by Marah »

Oh, so it could also replace the adoption forum list in a way?

In that case, maybe the neo list could have a little sub-thingy? Pets you want for the clothes, or want naked (wooo) to get the clothes elsewhere. Think desert and halloween pets. I can see that becoming a verrry long list...
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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by Faun »

I think it is an awesome idea and I would definitely use it all the time. Yes, jazzy is pure awesome.
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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by Foghawk »

This would definitely be neat, though I share Lark's reservations about calling it a "wishlist" - "favorite pets", perhaps? Or just "dream pets"? I'd also support the option of having your list be visible or private. Anyway, I'd use this all the time; it's a great idea.

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Re: Pet wishlist

Post by lavender »

I seriously just looking at my (subeta) pets and thinking of changing one or two... And then I see this thread! So, yes, I approve of this idea. :)
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