
Non-neopets general discussion.

How would you describe your sexuality?

No votes
Some other named sexuality (please tell us, if you want to)
I don't know right now/questioning
I choose not to use any name or label for my sexual identity
Something else entirely (again, please explain if you want to)
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Red Mask Corgi
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Re: Sexuality

Post by Red Mask Corgi »

Sneaking my way in here. One of my favorite things to discuss :p

Well, I'm a lesbian. I've been out since high school, though also pretty quiet about it. So basically, I won't tell people but I won't act like I'm not. I do wish I could be pan/bi sometimes because I have a lot of respect for the idea of not discriminating. I think it's just lovely to say "I love everyone." [simplifying it a lot, I know.] And I also wish I didn't use labels. But I'm afraid I just don't/can't find men attractive.
That being said, I love being gay. I'm not exactly sure why, but it's the one thing about myself that I'm completely comfortable with. Like a lot of women, I don't think I'm that pretty, I wonder just how smart I am, sometimes I feel kinda bad about not having a faith and I kind of hate being tall; I'm not comfy in my own skin. Except for this.

As said above, sexuality itself is a topic I love to discuss. Well, love in general actually. I'm so curious about everything related to it. I identify as gay, while my girlfriend of almost two years identifies as straight. Anyone else will tell her "well that can't be, you have to be bi or experimenting" but is that really true? Do you have to be BI in order to love one [stressing one, since she claims it's just me] of your own gender as well as the opposite gender? Is there a name for going "outside" of your labeled preference? Personally, I don't think labels are needed. We just say I'm the "exception" and don't worry about what to call it.
But stuff like that is so fascinating to me. I try to respect and understand all the sexualities, and honestly I'm so tempted to change my major to Psychology just so I can study this professionally. I just love how fluid humans can be, and it makes me kinda sad that sometimes we're forced to check yes or no [and I hate falling for it sometimes].

Sorry for the ramble x:
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Re: Sexuality

Post by Alicorn »

I'm a homosexual. Totally into girls. Though I find guys attractive. I have no problem drooling over a guy I find hot and saying so. Even so much having a "crush" on him. But this is more on fictional guys then real life ones. And like Jessi I don't think of anything below the belt.

Truth be told I've never had a relationship ever until my wife. No dating men, testing the waters or anything. I didn't really have interest in doing so either when in school. I mean I thought, maybe I should have a boyfriend because that was the normal thing to do. But I never tried asking a guy out, I was to shy and guys never asked me out. So my wife is my first everything. I was always the shy adorable girl that (I don't think) guys ever really thought about flirting with me, at least in school. It wasn't until I figured out I was gay that guys started flirting with me. o.O So pretty much I wasn't sure what I was till I met my wife, started to get to know her and started to fall for her. Then I was like, "Ah ha!".

Though reading through this thread makes me think. Would I date a guy? Well if there wasn't anything sexually going on and it was more like hanging out, cuddling and such. Then maybe, yeah. Though that is probably just curiosity talking since I never dated a guy so I can't say if I don't like it or not. I just know for sure I wouldn't have sex with a guy or do something sexual with him.

So yeah, hope you don't mind the rambling. ^-^; And I also went yay for a NC discussion thread. I'm really enjoying reading it. It's so very interesting.
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Re: Sexuality

Post by 11th »

*joins in the delurking. not that I post here much anyway.*

I checked off homosexual, though that isn't exactly accurate. I've been attracted to men, women, and a few in between, too. I guess that technically makes me pansexual; gender isn't an issue to me when it comes to attraction.

However, romantically, physically, and sexually, I'm most comfortable with another woman. I have a girlfriend right now, and even though I'll still find myself being (physically) attracted to men, I can't see myself ever happily dating a guy. (Issues ahoy!) It's just as well, though, since I'm pretty much head over heels for my girlfriend.

So, for simplicity's sake, I'm a lesbian.

And I too yay'd for a discussion post!
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Re: Sexuality

Post by Griffin »

I actually thought about starting a poll like this a while back. That was when the governor approved Harvey Milk day and for some reason, my mom absolutely harassed me into a heated argument over homosexuality. To say the least, I wondered if she'd disown me if I claimed to be a lesbian. Not that I'd care.

I could almost tick multiple answers, but not quite. I would be ultimately heterosexual--if it doesn't have a penis I ain't goin' there. I always say it'd make my life a lot easier if I were attracted to women. I'm always checking out women because their appearances are actually interesting to me, though I don't sexually desire them. On the other hand I seldom take a second look at a guy unless he's got pretty long hair or cute whiskers or a nice body (which means chubby to me.)

My taste in men is extremely particular and bizarre to the point where I could say I'm not into men, just a few individual people who happen to be men. They all have certain feminine features, but are mostly masculine, and they're generally considered unattractive even without the contrast. When I fantasize about them they turn even more physically feminine but retain their masculinity. It's hard to describe and no one else really wants to think about it. In summary, I am fucked up.

I remember as early as age 3 that I wanted to be a boy so desperately that I was depressed. But I was not biologically transexual. Growing up I felt like I must be an alien, either genderless or some kind of third sex. I eventually settled into female sexuality, but due to my gender identity issues I've made a lot of characters that are lesbians or very strong androgynous women who have little to no female mannerisms. They represent a kind of ideal to me, or at least something I look up to. It really has nothing to do with sex, but the average guy would be like "OMG LESBO D<" if he saw my characters, hee. I guess my final answer is I'm just a really weird straight chick.
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Re: Sexuality

Post by Huggles »

I think a lot of my disinterest in at least being perceived as girly in the way I dress has a lot to do with having developed at an early age. I pretty much have the same body now that I did when I was 12, only about 2 inches shorter and 15 lbs lighter. I've never been sexually assaulted or molested, but I did receive enough harassment about my breast size to make me extremely self-conscious by the time I was 15. I had a reduction surgery straight after high school, but I'm still a DD. And there are times I think I could be perfectly happen without having any boobs whatsoever if I didn't mean another surgery. I've joined this weird sort of post reduction club where we don't really think of them as a defining part of our sexuality or gender. I could probably sit around with a bunch of topless girls and compare boobs with as about as much sexual tension as I would were we comparing dental work. That said, I'm still somewhat shy and would rather blend in or disappear like a ninja in a crowd. I just got over total strangers coming up and talking to me about or worse TOUCHING what I thought was my perfectly normal hair. For whatever reason people think I look like a nice and friendly person who would like nothing more than chat with them, and at least dressing more feminine would add to that in my mind. I don't like strangers. I don't want to talk with you about potato chips at the grocery store. I hate people. Go away. Shoe! >:-[

Oh well. At least I didn't walk into a wall the last time a guy paid me a compliment. I did the one time before that. Yeah.
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Re: Sexuality

Post by Kari »

I checked bisexual. I suppose that's what I am? I've only really been attracted to women, but there's a couple guys I've met that I'd date.

I feel bad for having nothing else to say on the matter, really. I don't care who you are or what you like, just don't piss me off and I won't hate you.
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Re: Sexuality

Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

Het and monoamorous, and happily in a long-term relationship with V. For various reasons we're probably never going to get married, but we're definitely committed to spending the future with each other. Despite the insistence of one of my friends that almost every woman she's known has been bisexual to some degree, I've never been romantically attracted to a female, though I did have a non-romantic girl-crush in high school on the smartest girl in the sixth form.
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Re: Sexuality

Post by Amotten »

I’m pansexual.
I don’t care about what gender the person I’m with is/identifies as, just that the person I’m in a relationship is compatible with me.
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Re: Sexuality

Post by Iggy »

While I had a period where I was asking myself my true sexual identity, especially during my late teens, where I was bicurious, I know I'm straight.

I'm in no rush to find someone, rushing can only lead to bad experiences! But, when mister perfect will past by, I won't miss the opportunity. :)
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Re: Sexuality

Post by Gibblywibbly »

I'm so straight it hurts. If men didn't exist, I would probably melt like the witch in the Wizard of Oz out of anguish.
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Re: Sexuality

Post by Spivsy »

I'm very offended that zoosexual isn't an option. I like girls, probably.
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Re: Sexuality

Post by TCStarwind »

I generally identify as heterosexual, with a sub-category of asexual. Attracted to the mens, but no interest in dating or sex. Or talking. I'm [almost] a hermit; I admire from afar. I just don't enjoy being around people very much in general. I wish I could add more, but I really haven't bothered to explore my [almost non-] sexuality that much further. :/
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Re: Sexuality

Post by DamionDarkheart »

From Meghan (FaerieInGrey):
There was finally a conversation that I wanted to login for, but I have no idea what my password is, or what email address I signed up with! Despair! Please mentally add on a "bisexual" vote from me.

I am completely equally attracted to men and women, I'm in a long term relationship with a man, and we'll be getting married in October. However, I could just as easily be marrying a woman.
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Re: Sexuality

Post by Fury »

I feel almost boring to say that I'm heterosexual - reading this topic is so interesting and I must admit to never having heard of Poly or Pansexuality before. I find the whole subject fascinating even if I myself don't have a particuarly exotic sexual orientation.

I've been through the whole 'Am I, Aren't I' when I was younger but it lasted a mere week or so. I've never had serious doubts as to whether I fancy women or not so I can safely say I'm a tick for the penis side. However, I am pretty much only attracted to older men but I suppose that's a different subject entirely. Or is it? *twilight music* I'm in a steady relationship with my boyfriend and have been for almost 3 years - we've just moved in together, yay!
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Re: Sexuality

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Romantically, i'm hetero. So i picked that. I like man-chests and acquired an appreciation for male genitalia that i don't think would work out with women. When it comes to boobies, it's something of immature amusement (look, it jiggles!) but otherwise no interest.

Visually, i'm bi/pansexual.

I think also, especially when i was younger, i tended to get idol-fascinations with certain types of girls and puppy loves on certain types of guys. When the hormones kicked in around 7th grade, i got weird intense crushes exclusively on guys, but i'd still occasionally find girls pretty. Certain features on androgynous people are really alluring to me somehow. Light-figured and athletic (translated in women as small-chested) with medium-light skin and straight dark (or occasionally blond) hair and brown eyes will get overappreciative gawks...sorry.

Then again, i'm a weird overgrown tomboy anyway. I have very definite female characteristics, but there are times when i wonder if i've got a bit more "masculinity" hardwired - i'm avid in sports and things that guys tend to dominate, and i've got that weird vague facial hair thing going on (i think it looks cool, but social insecurity and all that nonsense about it...). There are also a bunch of "expected" interests most women have that are just alien to me. I'm in a happy long-standing hetero marriage with zero interest in children (even a repulsion toward the things that parents usually have to tolerate for them). I tend to bond with one person and selfishly claim him all for myself, hehe. I even feel guilty for ever having crushes on more than one guy at a time. He's my best friend with official benefits, and he's very tolerant of my quirks.

So yeah, i don't see gender or roles as anything clearly defined, and i hope society quits expecting their ideals of gender and romantic "normalcy" to work for everyone. As long as people are happy with who they are and who they're with, and not hurting anyone, i see nothing wrong with it.
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