Revamped Spectrum Terracoon + Anyu

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Revamped Spectrum Terracoon + Anyu

Post by Pyrostatic »

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Wow. I really love both of these. Especially that Terracoon. I love the floppy-like ears and chest fur because it really gives you that feel as if it were running. The expression is adorable and I love the details on the tail. Rah, you sure do love tail details. Man, I might get one of these one day cause it is just that awesome. One revamp I was waiting for and it turned out great. x3

The Anyu is my least favorite of these two, but it's still pretty nice. I like the colourful feathers on it's wristbands, very creative how they complement each other (like the blue with the green on one band). However, the face reminds me of a happy dog. I know it's a bear but it's kind of hard to see past the lolling tongue and eagerness of that of a puppy dog. But seeing as I'm a dog fanatic, I think it's quite cute.

both are wonderful revamps and I'm glad they were this year. =)
Last edited by Pyrostatic on 11 May 2010 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Terracoon + Anyu

Post by Rah »

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Re: Revamped Spectrum Terracoon + Anyu

Post by Vertalus »

As much as I like the revamps I wish they'd come out with ones that haven't come out yet.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Terracoon + Anyu

Post by Rakumel »

The Terracoon may be the better revamp, with more details in the fur and stripes and such. It's a definite improvement. But I like the Anyu more, because it's just so lively! It reminds me of a big ol' hairy dog bounding up to greet you with big sloppy kisses. My favorite aspects are the eyes and the colorful feathers on the bands, such a nice touch. The only thing I don't like is the very back leg; it looks like it's just short and stuck out there rather than bent and's more clear on the original.

Overall though, two very successful revamps that improved greatly on the originals while keeping their spirit intact. *thumbs up*
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Terracoon + Anyu

Post by thelonetiel »

I think they should've released them at different times, because seeing them side-by-side makes the similarity in their poses much more obvious.

The hair on the terracoon is a bit spiky/rubbery looking to me. The anyu is very soft looking in contrast. I think I also prefer the style on the Anyu, which seems to be to have the base of the color be white and no really worry about highlights, making the pet look cleaner, less grey, overall. I can't be bothered to plug them into Photoshop to confirm it is true white, but the anyu looks much closer.

Which is funny, I thought Rah did both these species? Anyway, both are vast improvements over the old artwise. Good revamps. :)
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Terracoon + Anyu

Post by Joey »

They're both really nice revamps, but neither of them really fit for my future spectrum pet, Theremin. I'm sure they'll come out with a perfect one someday, here's hoping for more soon :D
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Terracoon + Anyu

Post by Haken »

They are both very cute and lively revamps :3
They both look so playful, but I do agree that the way the anyu is right now makes it look more doggish, I would imagine the Ruffie or another dog like pet to be in such a pose. But I still like it nonetheless^^
I also like how they changed the markings on the Anyus, very pretty. Though something about its back leg looks rather awkward to me. Like it's more so a straigh leg than that of the older one. But that may be just me XP

Very adorable :D
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Terracoon + Anyu

Post by Alicorn »

Yay for more Spectrum! I'm always happy to see more spectrum. And yay for dire needed updates.
They are both really nice. I love the fur detail on the terracoon (you're getting really good at that Rah!). The wings on the Anyu are just lovely. I love the double colour they are sporting. And the way it looks so playful is so cute. I want to pet it's tongue. I don't know why, it just looks so petable (new word?). In all, great new updates and I like how they stay true to the old ones.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Terracoon + Anyu

Post by MissBatty »

I must say, I love the fur on the Anyu. But, as Pyrostatic said, it's more doglike than anything. And even though it is a bear, it's a bit too round for me, especially with that back leg, there. Otherwise, it's a brilliant revamp, Rah~

And the Terracoon...I don't have much to say about it, but it's still a great revamp! It's nice to see Spectrum pets getting attention.
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