Faerie Skeith

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Faerie Skeith

Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

Well, this came out of the blue.


I'm not automatically overly keen on Skeiths, but I think there's a lot of incredibly good things about this. The colours aren't overloaded as some people have complained about with other Faerie pets, and the wings are absolutely lovely (as are the bubbly antennae). I think the wings themselves could have stood to be a bit bigger, given that they're supposed to support such a large, broad-bodied pet, but that's probably just me not knowing much about how wings work. I'm a little puzzled about the random purple spots on the elbows (it looks a bit like a rash), but the overall combination of the purple and turquoise is quite pretty and a lot less clashy than you might expect.
Last edited by Rainbow Daydreamer on 02 Jun 2010 01:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by EofS »

The faerie skeith had the potential to be absolutely disastrous. Yet somehow, this is not. The wings are really pretty, the antennae too. I like the turquoise and purple palette. The only thing I don't like (apart from the base design of the skeith ;0) is the colours of the green on the spines/edge of the wings. It's out of place with that turquoise.
Rainbow Daydreamer wrote:I think the wings themselves could have stood to be a bit bigger, given that they're supposed to support such a large, broad-bodied pet, but that's probably just me not knowing much about how wings work.
Nah, they would need to be a LOT bigger. And not butterfly style. But very few Neopets have realistically proportioned wings, so it's forgiveable.

Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by Pyrostatic »

I wish it were a more pastel colour, but that'd probably result in seafoam green. But I like the antennas and wings. Something about them is cute. ^^
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Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by luvas »


Well, ignoring the observation that this Skeith seems to have stolen the Faerie Techo's Wings in the same subtle way the Faerie Ogrin stole the Faerie Wocky's Wings...The vivid colour scheme, small, subtle markings, and funny girly antennae make this pet likable, even adorable somehow. Actually, the undersized wings gives the Skeith a comedic effect sort of...I can imagine this guy flopping around trying to fly. He sorta reminds me of CandyLand's Jolly, or DragonTales' Ord.
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Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by Larkspurlane »

they yoinked the outline of the wings from the techo... :(! It must suck to be an artist working at TNT stuck with these mindboggling & inexplicable constraints (why couldn't they just design a new wing outline, omg, that takes 30 seconds to sketch, tops -- it probably took longer to steal the techo's wings and make them look like they fit the skeith).

I really like the colour scheme, especially the mauves and blues on the wings. This pet could've been totally qt pre-conversion, I imagine something like the UC faerie tonu -- hefty but still airborne.

A for effort colour-wise!
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Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by Noble fauf »

I think the turqoise is a good addition to the mostly pink faerie pets. I do think the faeire skeith looks a little like "Ord" too.

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Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by Jax »

Despite the wings being ripped from the Techo, it's a beautiful Skeith (wow, never thought I'd say that). The colours are soft and not incredibly clashing and the wing patterns are just beautiful.

Also, even if it was an eye blinding shade of yellow I'd still love it for one HUGE reason: THE WINGS ARE NOT COPY PASTED, THEY DON'T LOOK LIKE THEY'RE COMING FROM THE SAME SHOULDER .__. That to me was one of the worst issues with faerie pets post 2.0. So yeah, props to them for that
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Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by Kantark »

A faerie Skeith is always going to have a slightly comical air about it and this one doesn't disappoint. The wings suit it, depsite being gakked from the Techo. Definitely too small, but hey... I'd like to see someone draw one in flight (or at least trying to fly). It's made me chuckle this morning.
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Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by Faun »

I kind of want one. The colours are really pretty and don't look too girly. And the wings, although stolen from the techo, are very pretty and make this pet look kind of funny. :D
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Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Look at how colorful! That alone, without it being eye-gouging (even with traces of yellowy-green i normally hate), has huge props. Although the wings were ganked from the Techo, this was still tastefully done - again with the lovely coloring (good use of gradient) and transparency, and sure, the wings could have been bigger, but eh. And oh those awesome antennae! I am also among you who appreciate the comedic effect, though it doesn't look painfully ridiculous either. The normal Skeith expression is a fitting "what are YOU laughing at?" here.

Yeah, i'm not usually a Skeith fan, but i enjoyed seeing this one! That right fist still bugs me, though.
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Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by Marah »

I like the colours, the wings, the cute antennae. I think the artist did a great job. But still the fists of doom ruin it for me, I know they have nothing to do with this specific colour, but all the faerie parts of this pet have a cute, bubbly vibe. The fists look clenched and angry. It clashes, which is a pity.
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Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by Plushie Lenny »

Am i the only person who HATES THIS? it just screams lazyness to me! the wings don't suit skeiths at all and i hate the antenna, the colour Scheme is far to boring as well, grrr. lazy TNT :(
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Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by Huggles »

Of all the colours I would call lazy, this one hardly qualifies considering the post customization constraints. I personally think this is hysterical and the wings should have been even smaller. Has everyone forgotten that skeiths are supposed to have disproportionately small wings and dubious flight capabilities even within the Neoverse?
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Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by Kamil »

Yanno, I hate that the wings are pastede on yey from the Techo, but at least the artist took the time and effort to make them the Skeith's own, with some really pretty coloring and shading. I would have loved to have seen this as an actual redraw, but for the limits placed on the artists now (if it's really amazing, it goes in the Mall)(says the girl who spends . . . way too much there each month) it's a pretty amazing pet.

I kinda wouldn't mind it if my lab pets could spend some time as one of these. I've had a soft spot for Skeiths anyway, ever since Ocy spent a goodly portion of time as one. =D
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Re: Faerie Skeith

Post by zebru »

Kamil wrote: I've had a soft spot for Skeiths anyway, ever since Ocy spent a goodly portion of time as one. =D
*beams* Heh me too - they definitely grew on me.
Lazy wing and concept stealing aside (antennae are very similar as well), it really is an adorable pet. Just looking at it cheers me up.
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