RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I had another FABULOUS concert experience!

Quick backstory: my favorite live band, The Alan Parsons Live Project, had gotten rearranged, so four of the guys who i really like were no longer on the team. The four of them still play together for other musical pursuits, including a few individual and group albums, backing band for other musicians, etc. One of the albums is Godfrey Townsend's Easy Journey to Other Planets which also has nine tracks featured on their contest page to play at Eric Clapton's Crossroads Guitar Festival - the sound is a little bit like instrumental Allman Brothers. Go take a listen if you're interested.

Anyway, they're currently the backing band for The Happy Together Tour, which includes performances from some of the band members from The Turtles, The Buckinghams, Paul Revere & The Raiders, The Grass Roots, and Micky Dolenz from The Monkees.

The show at Chumash Casino in California was a BLAST, and it made me wonder why i had neglected listening to this music. Micky was absolutely hilarious! He signed my Monkees album. "My guys" weren't at the signature tables, but i had brought Easy Journey for them to sign. John recognized me when i shouted his name, and then Godfrey smuggled me backstage to hang out with everyone. I got another surprise when Alan Parsons and his wife showed up, as they had come to see the show! They've seen me often enough to recognize me too. It was a real treat to get to hang out and chat with all of them, to round off having experienced that awesome show!

If any of you like the bands in the Happy Together Tour and can get to see the show (various cities in the USA), i highly recommend it. Here's the best list i could find online for shows and ticket info: Pollstar listings
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

I was getting my new friend Aaron to get more social, meet people (particularly women people) and all that by learning to skate and becoming a ref for roller derby (for roller derby is fun as shit).

Sunday night was his second training session and he's not got the hang of skating yet. He fell, fell badly, and hurt his ankle. Smeg said I should take him to the emergency room and get an x-ray, even though it's probably nothing. 4 hours in the emergency room later, the x-ray shows it's a broken ankle and he's got a cast, an appointment to go to the fracture clinic on Wednesday to get surgery (he needs a metal plate in it), crutches and painkillers. Then I drive him home, and drive back to my house (the hospital was way far from both our houses, since it was close to roller derby. his house is way far from mine).

I get pulled over by the friggin' cops on the way home! I'm doing 120 in a 100 zone, which means I should be fucked. They let me off with a warning, woo. (My last warning was about 3 years ago, and no tickets or offenses since).

But yeah. That was some night. I'm also impressed with the Australian health care system, cause Aaron doesn't have insurance but he apparently won't need to pay for any of the shit that happens. The only bad thing he has from not being insured is having to wait a couple of days for his operation and he doesn't get a private room in the hospital. Fuck yeah socialist economy. (Actually taxpayers without insurance have to pay extra tax, so it's kinda like insurance I guess?).

Figured I would post about the crazy adventure! Worst part is, the week before Aaron was curious if injuries were common. I said they weren't really, he has nothing to worry about. Um. yeah!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by EofS »

We don't get many Bank Holidays here in the UK. A couple at Christmas and Easter, just three outside that time. The first, a month ago, was rather ruined for me as I had to work it. The next is not until the end of August. So for this one I decided to come home and see my family.

Today, Mm and I were going to make jam for me to take to my boyfriend when I visit in a month. The fruit is bought and ripe.

But we are not making jam.

Because I am curled up in bed with food poisoning/a stomach bug.

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by TCStarwind »

Hey, guys. Guess what.

We got ants! 8D *reads through thread*
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I went to another really fun concert thing. This time it was a fundraiser for helping autistic kids. :-) I'm having a lot of fun out here, might as well indulge while i'm here.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

Bittersweet woe:

My France trip was postponed mainly for financial aid reasons, and I don't know when I'll be able to attend in my senior year. :( But, I'm in the process of transitioning to another college and changing my major to something field work worthy. Plan B is to forget transitioning, suck it up and commute 75 miles to college and go to work on off days. I just want to get my undergrad over with already! Junior college only got me so far.

Edited: I will say that I've chosen to stick with CMU and get college the hell over with! I'm only working part time teaching now, and will be finished in a year.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Cranberry »

Woe: My camera broke! I've only had it for a couple of years. Now I get a lens control error when I turn it on, and it won't take any pictures. It's probably my fault for getting sand in it at the beach last weekend. :( I tried cleaning it with compressed air, but it made no difference. Apparently you can send it in for a fix, but I just ordered a new camera instead. It's the same brand, the newer/best in the same series, and it uses the same kind of special battery, so at least now I'll have two of those. Apparently it takes great pictures, especially in low light, just like its predecessor.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alicorn »

**comforts Cranberry** I feel for you. My camera just died too. I think it's older then a couple years, can't remember. Mine just has a white screen on the display screen when I turn it on. And when I take a picture it's just black. The display screen has been wonky for awhile (making things look grainy and like an old film) but the pictures always came out nice. Then just a couple days ago the white screen. Atleast we have our video camera that takes pictures, though I don't feel they are as good as quality as the camera did. I'm glad this newer camera is similar to your old one, don't have to learn a bunch of new things. And it's always good to have extra batteries. ^-^
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Huggles »

Ipods suck! I got this stupid thing for free as it was a gift for my brother and he didn't want it. I bought 2 albums from iTunes and downloaded them to my ipod. After a reinstall and reformat it gives me the option to completely erase the music on my ipod, or replace it with the non-existent music on this computer's library. I'm going through the current work arounds I've found online, but none of them are working. *angryface*
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Miguel »

Many thanks to EofS for the avatar and signature images.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Huggles »

No, unfortunately. I can't do step number eight because that folder is closed as soon as I open iTunes. I tried saving those files and importing the folders, but that doesn't work either. The only way it seems to work is if I burn those files to cd first using explorer, then add the folders directly from the cd. Only that takes as long or longer than just burning them all over again from cds. I do have the two I purchased from iTunes back, but that's so incredibly dumb. I remember there being a reason why I never wanted an ipod, just not exactly what it was.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

I tripped over some steps yesterday while walking around town, and took a tumble. I've done something nasty to my ankle. Now I can't walk without it REALLY hurting. We rang NHS Direct; they said to keep the leg elevated. I'm currently lying on the floor on my stomach with my laptop in front of me and my leg on a heap of cushions-- it's not comfortable but at least I can type like this.

I have to hop on my good foot if I want to go anywhere, which is distinctly worrying since my "good" foot is the one that's had a trick ankle since I was thirteen. Just going upstairs requires a crazy amount of effort. We're deciding tonight if I have to go to A&E.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kantark »

Ouch, bad luck RD :-( I hope it gets more comfortable soon.
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mod fiddling

Post by Faun »

My internets been down for three days. Ive been lost without it. But, I got a charger for my old laptop So now I don't have to share with my brother. :D

Also, on my way home from school today my friend Jimmy tripped me over. I landed on the grass and now I have a massive red graze over my right eye. It really stings. Luckily, I brought jimmy down with me when I fell, he has a bruise now, so its all good. :D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Foghawk »

Achievement: I am leaving for a month to brush up my skills and make thousand-pound beasts do my bidding!

Woe: It's 2200 and I haven't finished packing yet.

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