Seattle, Job interviews, potential move... Help, NC!

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Re: Seattle, Job interviews, potential move... Help, NC!

Post by EofS »

It's really unfair of them to mess you around like this :0( I hope it's a sign that she's their preferred candidate and that's why they're messing you around whilst they wait to do the red tape.
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Re: Seattle, Job interviews, potential move... Help, NC!

Post by Alicorn »

Ugh, that just feels dirty. You have to wait on pins in needles just to wait longer. **huggles** Well I hope Wednesday is here for you in no time. I still have my fingers crossed for the best!
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Re: Seattle, Job interviews, potential move... Help, NC!

Post by Jessi »

Again, this is mostly pasted from my LJ so sorry to those of you that see it twice! But here's the final update on the situation:

My last post was me talking about how it was that 'mid to late next week' time and Lindsey calling to ask about the job. She ended up calling on Thursday - and keep in mind this was Thursday, Juen 22nd. When she called, Ryan, the guy that interviewed her, told her he hadn't had a chance to get together with the other recruiter yet and it would be "next Wednesday" - the 28th.

Frustrated but attempting to be understanding, Lindsey told him okay. I talked to my boss again, who agreed to wait with a smile and a patience I didn't even know he had. The waiting game continued.

On Wednesday the 28th, Lindsey called Ryan in the afternoon for an update - this time? "Things happened that are out of my control and I still don't know. It will be early next week now."

By now, we are both frustrated. Not only has my boss been waiting and waiting for me, and he's running out of time TO wait for me, but we are running out of time to get everything together: to find a new apartment, get out of our lease on this apartment, find a moving van, plan our hotels, pack, clean, etc. Lindsey calls him back and says we need to know by Monday. We then forgot everything was closed by Monday, so she let him wait til today, heh.

So she calls him today at 3:00 (our time) after not hearing anything yet all day. And Ryan says, "I should have an answer and be communicating that to you in the next few days."

So that's the third time he's asked us to wait, and we've had it. Lindsey didn't really tell him to shove off, but unless he calls back with a very generous offer AND pushes back her starting date, she isn't going to even consider the job anymore.

Having a 'taste' of what it would be like to get out of here and building up so much false hope has left me feeling really drained. But Lindsey and I have discussed a new plan. Regardless of whether or not she has a job (though she is going to keep looking), we are going to spend the next year saving up all of our money and planning. Next July, when we get ready to get out of our lease at the beginning of August, we are moving to Seattle.

We're going to plan a trip out there in the fall to actually take a look at places we wrote down as potential apartments and have Lindsey scope out some of the jobs, and so I can spy on the Petcos up there, haha! But I've lived here for 5 years now, and we both hate it here. It's time to get out, and we need to take the initiative to do that. So we are.

Editing to add a note - about how amazing my boss is. He has been so patient through all of this, and is still holding my promotion for me. It really hit me today just how wonderful he's been. My boss is probably one of the things I'll miss the most when we move.
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Re: Seattle, Job interviews, potential move... Help, NC!

Post by Marah »

I haven't been posting much lately, but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for you guys. I was so sure that I would read a happy-all-was-well-going-to-move-now-because-of-new-job story here when I clicked on this thread. :( I hope everything works out anyway! (Now or over a year!)
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Re: Seattle, Job interviews, potential move... Help, NC!

Post by Alicorn »

Ugh, that's just annoying how they seem to be just putting off telling you anything like that. You think they have things more in order since there were trying to hire someone. **shakes head**
I'm glad you are not letting this get you down and you are moving on. I think that's a great idea you have there. Why stay in a place that you hate. I wish you the best of luck in whatever may happen. And I shall keep sending positive thoughts both your way. **gives big huggles to you both** Also yay on having such a cool boss! That is always a plus. He does sound like an awesome guy.
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