Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by Silverevilchao »


Totally liking the better lineart on the Charlie, and it's nice that the poses for both were kept.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by TCStarwind »

Something about the charlie's face is bothering me. Can't figure it out. Otherwise, these are both nice updates.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by kaitouX »

Old pictures for comparison:
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I'm not a big Chai fan, but I really like the new Spectrum one. It's so much more detailed, and the markings on its face look really nice!

The Charlie revamp is an enormous dissapointment. To be honest, I've never understood people who were crushed by the revamps, until now... Spectrum Charlie was not only my favourite Charlie, but my favourite Spectrum pet; I thought it looked completely adorable with its unhappy expression and bought a GA just to finally be able to add one to my roster... I'm still going to do that, but I'm not as excited anymore.

The new one's outright ugly! The proportions are completely off, especially on the head and paws. The face looks horrible, it looks like it's not sure whether to be happy or not and is pulling its cheek away instead of covering its eye from the spectrum trail. Thank god I'd saved the old image, I'd be able to overlay it, at least.
Last edited by kaitouX on 09 Jul 2010 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by Jessica_G »

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chai is sóoooooooooo much better=3
I really love how the leaves around the eyes are coloured, and revamped, very nice=3
the spectrum on it's body, awesome!:D

with the charlie:
what has been changed?

Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by Pyrostatic »

The Chai is solid and so so much better! I actually like it now. Better anatomy, better shading and much cuter and consistent. Ah Rah, you've done it again!

The Charlie now somewhat makes sense. I think it's trying to pull the rainbow off it's face, which is very fitting of the species to be that way. xD
It is so much nicer too look at with the updated colours and shading, possibly the best Charlie we've had in forever. Whoever the artist may be, thank you for not changing it too much. Although, my only critique is the open eye; I thought the white fleck was supposed to have the iris colour wrap around it. It looks rather unusual now. But it's minor.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by TCStarwind »

I think I figured out what I don't like about the charlie's face. First, it looks like it has some weird smile. Second, all those damn colors. D: What was wrong with the dual colored eyelids? Why do they have to be six colors now? And they go straight down. No slight curving around the eyeball or anything. :< The spectrum used to be one of my favorite charlies, too. None of the rest of it bothers me; just that face. I'm now scared for the angelic revamp that will inevitably happen at some point.

The chai is still a huge improvement. I love the little splotches on the paws. *3* So cute.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by Kamil »

The lineart is better on the Chai, and the shading, etc. is much better. I don't like it fully though, as I really dislike the rainbow do-dads around the eyes, and I hate the new smile, as it completely changes the personality of the pet, and I LOATHE revamps that do that.

Speaking of which, Jesus, am I glad I didn't own the Charlie. Its right arm (our left) looks crippled and deformed, as it's about half the size of the other arm. And aside from that, holy mother of personality changes. The old one was pissed off that it couldn't get rid of its rainbow. This new one seems delighted, and trying to make its rainbow trail longer, if anything. And I really, as with the Chai, dislike the rainbow patches on the eyes. , and I too wonder why the patches are just splotched on, instead of following the conformation of the pet's face.

We've a fair few members who own this pet; I really hope they like it more than I do.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by Pyrostatic »

Actually, the more I study it, the Charlie kinda seems to like the rainbow. The mouth confuses me.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by AngharadTy »

I'm surprised by how much I like the chai. It has a sweet face. And I love the subtle coloring on the little, um, antennae? stalks? But I do agree that the personality changed--gone from kind of a sweet but slightly worried, almost plaintive, expression to just plain cheerful. Of course, that's just, like, my opinion, man. I don't own one.

And I agree with Kamil. Really glad I don't own the charlie. Wow. That is just such a huge change. I... I may hate it. Yes, I think I do. The mouth is so huge it's alarming. The subtle changes in the pose... it makes it a completely different pet. Also, I hate the toes. Charlie toes have never looked like little spheres stuck onto its foot before, and I was glad of it. I love charlies--but if this keeps up, I won't love them in the future.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by Red Mask Corgi »

For the Charlie I love the quality of the new art, but for the pose itself..I can't figure out what it's doing. It looks like it's trying to get rid of its rainbow - like the old pose - but somehow it manages to /also/ look like it's trying to rip the rainbow off its face/eyepatch, or just rip at its face in general. The way its smile reaches under its right eye makes it very strange to me. And the pattern over its eyes, as someone said above, is way too straight. They don't really curve with the face at all :< I really like everything else on it, but the face is just..too weird to me x3;;

For the Chai, I'm not sure I understand the idea that the old one /wasn't/ smiling :\? I see a very obvious smile on it's face - the new one is just more defined due to the muzzle, while the first one was more of a shy look.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by Masshiro »

The old Charlie looked like it was kinda punching the air, in anger. New one looks like it's happily punching it's face...
I think it is supposed to look like it's polling off it's own rainbow markings or drawing them on with it's paw, like war paint.... but still. New pose would of been a better idea, overall.

LOVE the Chai. They even kept the order of the colors the same in the rainbow! It's a 100% fantastic piece of work.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by Jessica_G »

now I see the uglyness of hte charlie0_o
yesterday it showed for me the old pic,...
omygod,... it's so ugly0_o
the first thing I thought was this:
0_o what the heck?!XD
the face is odd etc, but the shading etc are much better^^
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by Cranberry »

I think it looks much clearer in the new Charlie's art that he's trying to get that damn rainbow off his face, but this is a great example of how you can take the exact same pose (and outline) and still end up drastically changing the look of the pet. The mouth is oddly huge, especially the tongue, and I think that's where most of the problem is coming from, but the arms and legs somehow also look stumpier despite (as far as I can tell) being traced almost exactly over the old outline. I don't love all Subeta pet art, but I usually don't dislike anything enough to actually bother posting about it. This Charlie, I really dislike. I don't own one, though, luckily for me.

I complained about this in another thread, but the Patches minion's revamp has the same issue -- the outline is exactly the same, but things have been changed inside of it, and even slight modifications have thrown the look and personality completely off.

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Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by Jazzy »

I keep seeing the Charlie as though he has some sort of strange rainbow conjunctivitis that he's trying to scratch off. It's very distracting.

edit: so distracting that I forgot to mention that I've reset the ratings on these two pets. Oops.
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Re: Revamped Spectrum Chai and Charlie

Post by Rakumel »

These two pets are excellent examples of how seemingly minor details can make or break a pet.

In the Chai's case, it makes it. I like how the paint splotches on it run together now. I like the the curled whatsits on its forehead. And I even like how the patches around its eyes and its smile were changed; in fact this is probably one of the few times where I don't mind that the mood of the pet has changed. I think it looks a lot better. Reminds me of a book I had as a little girl, called something like "Panda Bear's Paintbox." :D

As for the Charlie, he's fine until you get to the face, as many other people have already said. (Except I keep wanting to turn the wings slightly so they'll line up with the back and shoulders...) I think the main problem there is that its mouth is too big. Part of it is hidden by his paw, so it's harder to tell what kind of expression is supposed to be there. It's much clearer, to me at least, in the old art. The other big issue I have is the rainbows around the eyes - I think they should have been darker than the little rainbow trail it's trying to pull off. I mean, it doesn't make much sense to me that the rest of the markings on its body are nice and vivid, while the ones on its eyes look paler.
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