The Warador and Cybill need updating

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The Warador and Cybill need updating

Post by Bacon »


Compared to every other pet, they look most outdated in terms of art. Have these not been updated due to the original artist? I hope they're on the to-do list

EDIT: RAGE! Apparently, on the Subeta forums, I have to say what about them needs to be revamped. I copy and pasted this exact thread. Wasn't saying these pets look outdated enough? Guess not... grr!
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Re: The Warador and Cybill need updating

Post by Seerow »

I'm confident in saying that it is well known amongst artists that those two species could use some attention. However users can't just say "Revamp the Warador!" and have the artists magically get inspired to do so.

Just saying art is outdated isn't really a reason. Some of the "outdated" items on the site are my favorite. What about these two don't you like? I think most forums like to have threads with at least a shred of thought put into them.
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Re: The Warador and Cybill need updating

Post by Pyrostatic »

I think Rah now draws the Cybills, so an update is sure to come. She knows what needs to be done as far as updating goes. There will most likely be a poll if there's a drastic change in the species, so no worries. Just get rid of those blinding highlights. It makes the poor thing look like it was made of rubber.

As for Waradors, whoever the current artist may be (obviously they have one), they will be updated too. Waradors are good anatomy-wise (in my eyes), so just some texture and shading updates will benefit them.
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Re: The Warador and Cybill need updating

Post by Jessi »

Both will be updated when the time arises. Until then, like Seerow said, just saying "They're outdated and need to be updated!" isn't exactly going to make it happen. We just had the kerubi update, and Subeta has been doing a great job at getting out of date pets revamped. Sooner or later it'll happen. I'm sorry, but I have to agree with the general Subeta populace; just posting "These two look the most out-dated" isn't exactly explaining other reasons why you think they need an update.
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Re: The Warador and Cybill need updating

Post by Rakumel »

I'm an artist (not a Subeta artist, I mean just in general) and I have to agree that saying "These two are outdated!" without explaining exactly what you don't like about them isn't very helpful. If you don't like the art, it really really reeeeeally helps to say specifically why you don't like it, so the artist knows what to change (or at least consider changing). I can't speak for other artists, but I don't have psychic powers that allow me to magically guess why a total stranger wouldn't like my drawings. Simply being old art isn't a reason by itself, either - I still get favorites today on artwork that I drew and uploaded to deviantart over two years ago.

Personally I don't think that either pet is such an eyesore that it needs updating right away. And even if they were, like other people have already said, I assume the artists would know about it and it'll eventually get done.

You might have had a valid complaint if the Subeta artists just sat on their hands all day. But have you seen the news lately? New items have been released. Kerubis just got a makeover. An entire costume trunk got revamped. All of this tells me that they are, in fact, working. So...just chill out and enjoy the rest of the site. :) If those pets need new art, they'll get it in due time.
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Re: The Warador and Cybill need updating

Post by Iggy »

The Charlie is also a runner-up.


However, just posting what you posted on the forums...well, it's your opinion. And, when you give your opinion, people sorta expect to see meat around the bone.

Not just "It sucks, fix it"
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