Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by AngharadTy »

Argh. So many minions I love have been changed. And so many of them didn't even need to be changed. I'm confused. Some were in the wrong style (e.g., colored lines and shadows and such), but some were just fine. Different art, yes, but not bad at all. "Simple" is not a bad thing--they didn't need to be overcomplicated.

A lot are good, a lot are vast improvements. But the few that I don't like... they're really, really disappointing. I'll have to sort through my pretty gallery and take some out, because they're just not the same. There's too many disappointments to even bother listing... but I'll mention the pie minions. The simplicity suited them perfectly. Now they're far too detailed. The cheery cherry pie, one of my previous favorite items on the entire site, now looks like it has a rash. (Bitten, too.) And the teeny pie minion (also one of my favorite items on the site) has bad animation: neutral to grin is smoothly animated, but grin to neutral is a jump. And the eyes are too small/white. Lineart seems strangely thin. Maybe it's normal lineweight, but I'm used to what it looked like before. It's in Deschain's treasures and I go to stare at it a lot. I'll probably take it out of his treasures. His treasures that I haven't touched in... years, probably. Because it bothers me that much.

It also worries me because there are so many minions that I didn't think would need revamps that just got revamped. A lot of my pets have minions that are even older art (although not bad art! let me stress that!) so now, what, they might get changed too? I would overlay them on the pets' lookups, sure, but I don't want to see revamps I don't like if I go to my Pets page. This is a stupid thing to have to worry about.
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by Huggles »


Calvin's cursed moon rock. The red rock looks better, but I don't like the black squiggly things. Where before it looked like shiny metal, now it looks more like rubber. I got it mostly for what it was and not what it looked like though.

I'm not sure, but I don't remember this having that face.

Image ???

Image Totally different. Before it looked like some weird tiny watermelons with gold metal swirling around them. Now it looks like a catpigmelon.
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by AngharadTy »

There was a board about the pie minions on Subeta, but it got locked before I got there because the creator of the board found out you can overlay item images and that was good enough for them. That's ridiculous--sure, let's cut off a discussion because one person is done with it. No one else has opinions, no sir. If we did that here, I would go crazy.
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by Arbor »

I have not been here in FOREVER, it took me a million years to remember my login information.
Tiki wrote: I'm not sure why she's being allowed to do this; no other artist has such a monopoly on any other item group like toys, weapons, clothes, etc, as far as I know.
I didn't go and ask andi "HEY I WANT TO REVAMP AAAAAALL THE MINIONS *evil chuckle.*" The artists are going through old items, shop by shop. I got the minions market, because I know the stock so very well. I asked for either that, or the book nook, and went with the minion shop first. I've just been a lot more active in getting mine done, I think, so it is a lot more visible. The minion shop also has a really large inventory.

RE: the purplug. It bore a remarkable resemblance to a character of the old artist's. That is why it specifically got changes.

RE: Neep. It's always looked like that.

AngharadTy - you're welcome to make a new board if you want to continue complaining about them on subeta. The OP asked for their topic to be locked, and it's just standard procedure to follow that request.

The bitten pie minion was someone custom item, a million years ago. That person was happy with it. I'll count it as a success.

I am done with minions now. They haven't all been released yet, but you can sigh with relief (Or shake your fist and your screen and yell "with my last breath, I curse Arboooorrrrrrrrr") once the last ones go out.
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by Silverevilchao »

The only one I'm really disappointed with is the Firefox. The flames on its back look like orange spikes and it's missing the sense of flow it had before (mainly because the entire thing looks cramped in its box). The other ones I'm indifferent about (since they were minions that were not in any of my pet's wishlists or were ones I were indifferent about to begin with), though I like the revamped Zodiac minions and the new Magical Watermelon Plant.
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by Aqua »

I think most of Arbor's revamps are lovely (I was a little sad to see my Horacles updated but at the same time like her version of it better). I did like the old firefox a bit more (the back flames look a bit like matted hair to me for some reason), but I have a couple of the zodiac minions and I like them even more now. :D
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by Huggles »

I think what was not taken into account was the minions fall just below pets on most people's list for the things which appearance is paramount. So, one person did the revamp for not just a species or a line of related minions, but the whole lot of them from an entire store. I am not at all fussed by the revamps, but I'm thinking that taking that route for that particular shop may not have been the best idea.
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by AngharadTy »

Arbor wrote:AngharadTy - you're welcome to make a new board if you want to continue complaining about them on subeta. The OP asked for their topic to be locked, and it's just standard procedure to follow that request.

The bitten pie minion was someone custom item, a million years ago. That person was happy with it. I'll count it as a success.
I don't just want to complain for the sake of complaining. I mean, I can do that here. I'm not going to make a board just to have a lot of popular people, some of whom I actually like and respect, tell me that I'm wrong because it was so old and ugly before. Especially because I guess the only person whose opinion matters likes it? I'm not sure what you're trying to say there, but I didn't feel reassured. =( I don't like being this upset. I really like your art, and I do love most of the updates to the minions, but the pies were just very important to me the way they were.

I could maybe get used to the teeny one--I honestly can't find any item I like more than I liked the old version to replace it--but the animation has that jump at the end. I can't get past it.

edit: When did the Phaloroceas items get revamped? They're so different and plain now, I don't like them at all anymore. They looked magical and almost crystalline, and now they're just plain and fake-looking.

Image Don't have the old image saved, and it's not on SHQ, so I guess these are old and I missed them getting redone.
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by Seerow »

A lot of the minions I like or am indifferent about, but like most of you, there are some that I just don't like.
I really don't like the new Chirps face and expression, though the body is better. Still can't get over the new face though.

The way the shading was done on the new just doesn't seem to flow right for me.

There's more I don't really like, but those are the main two. I adore Arbor's art as much as the next person, but I agree with a previous poster that it looks a bit strange seeing all these minions in her style. I love the variety of styles on the site and am sad to see a large part of that go.

And ditto Ty; Old art does not equal bad art!
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by Kamil »

Aww, man, again with the complete nuking of things I once loved. I guess, I can find the yay side of this, if I think about the money I'll get for the shit I'm going to have to yank out of treasures and my gallery because I can't stand to look at them anymore.

But honestly? I don't see how having to sell once loved items improves the 'fun' factor for a site that's supposed to be all about the fun.

I hate hate hate the new cavie, and I loved the old one so. It was a present from someone, years ago, and I feel badly about wanting to get rid of it now. So I probably won't. I guess I can throw it in my SBD and pretend it's not lurking in there. But it was pretty, and fluffy, and looked like a guinea pig. Now it looks like a shaved Pekingese with a human-like grin and raccoon eyes. *twitch*

The firefox is very confusing to me as well, since it no longer really looks fiery in any way. Instead, like someone said, it looks like it has a lot of light orange hair. Matted light orange hair.

The poor patches has been discussed to death, but I too woe over the muddy color and the smooshed face.

The lurid butterfly . . . isn't anymore. Its colors aren't vivid anymore, and it's much more subdued. The inchy has huge dark lines now, same with the love matter - which I suppose was some sacrifice on the altar of GOD CONSISTENCY. Can't have colored line art, because I guess the world will explode otherwise.

And the poor Eaglet looks like a plucked goose now.

I guess I can go buy Teracoon Plushies now, because their revamps are adorable. ♥♥♥

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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by Jessi »

Does anyone have an image saved of the old Love Matter and Bottled Love Matter? A friend wants to find them and I figured this was a great place to ask!
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by Cranberry »

I want the old Firefox and Noctou, if anyone has those. :)

Edit: Never mind, I had the old Noctou! Image Still need the fox, though.
Jessibean wrote: Also, Cran, I asked my friend Damien about the treasure overlay thing for you and I will let you know as soon as I hear from him. Since treasure items have individual ID#s now, it might be possible!

ETA- He's gotten back to me already with this code!

Code: Select all

#treasure_1 img {width: 64px; height: 0px; padding-top: 64px; background: url(item overlay url here) no-repeat}
I'm assuming #treasure_1 is where you'd put what actual treasure item you want to overlay :3
Thanks very much for that! <3 I will try the code once I get the old pictures.
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by Alicorn »

I'm loving the updated teracoon plushies. They are a huge improvement. I think I might even collect a few now.

And some books were updated. Check out the forum for it here. I love the picture on the front of 'How to Write III'. I find the book cover picture just so pretty. And I'm happy to see Ai no Torrey Koibito (one of my favorite books on the site) updated, it really needed it. It looks so nice now!
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by Rah »

I still had my old firefox .psd, so here you go.

Haha, I remember taking so long to draw that one because I just wasn't at all good at fox anatomy. I think I've come out liking about 95% of the minion redraws, which feels good to me. Change is always scary! I was a big fan of the old Starpy and will miss the old one but I do love the new one.
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Re: Revamped Items, Minions, Etc.

Post by Tiki »

Arbor wrote:I have not been here in FOREVER, it took me a million years to remember my login information.
Tiki wrote: I'm not sure why she's being allowed to do this; no other artist has such a monopoly on any other item group like toys, weapons, clothes, etc, as far as I know.
I didn't go and ask andi "HEY I WANT TO REVAMP AAAAAALL THE MINIONS *evil chuckle.*" The artists are going through old items, shop by shop. I got the minions market, because I know the stock so very well. I asked for either that, or the book nook, and went with the minion shop first. I've just been a lot more active in getting mine done, I think, so it is a lot more visible. The minion shop also has a really large inventory.
Duuuude my one quote looks so much more bitter when taken out of context from the rest of the "I'm glad it's Arbor" post. :C :C :C This is why I don't like forums.

I think the fact that you were doing them so insanely quickly made it look like a much bigger deal than it really is. And like someone else said, minions are definitely Serious Business for a greater number of people than, say, toys. Or books. I think this is why there is a much stronger reaction on both sides of the spectrum. And now that all the minions have been brought up to "speed," at least we know other artists will continue to add new ones and the styles will become varied again.

Now that it's almost over and done with, I just have to say I am astonished (in a good way) that there are a grand total of 3, maybe 4 minions that I truly don't like anymore in their revamped versions. Crisis averted!
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