New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Kamil »

I'm at 400/150/80 right now. I'd ultimately like to get to 500/300/150, but they'll need to be around for a bit longer for me to get those numbers. I'll get going nicely, then the lag will frustrate me into giving up for a bit -- or I'll get tired of playing with Kaotika every other battle - not so bad with the 2nd and 3rd wave challengers, but those damned minions drain a happiness point almost every battle. At least once they've got more than 250hp.

And while I trust TNT to keep to their word about UC pets being immune to color-changing REs, six years of Neo history make me twitch when I see a painted pet with low happiness. Especially if it happens to be mine. xD So I haul out the plushie and off we go again.

And that gets boring too. So who knows if I'll make my goals or not. Either way, I'm really enjoying this plot. Especially the random bonus Neggs/map pieces/books/codestones/faeries they toss one's way once you're over the caps. Those are nice. And the tier bonuses are getting progressively nicer as well. Yay. ^^

If you don't mind my asking, what part are you stuck on, Wings? JN has a really good walk-through on the peg-people step - at least it got me through it. =D
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Jamie »

I just reached the caps on all of them which I'm happy about considering I was away ALL weekend and was fighting on my iPhone at one point Can't be bothered fighting beyond the caps as I have a mountain of uni to do, but I'm pleased to be keeping pace so far.
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Alicorn »

Yay for my 300plus hit point lab pet. With some burrowing of weapons from my wife, I was able to get the five of a kind achievement. Now I think I'll aim to try and get the caps out of all of them. This will be the first time I really tried so hard on the battling part of a plot so I'm kinda excited. And I'm quiet happy they didn't update the plot today because I missed fighting time over the weekend so I have a chance to try for capping. ^-^ Thanks again for the help Kamil! And good luck to everyone with goals in mind.
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Wingsrising »

Kamil wrote:If you don't mind my asking, what part are you stuck on, Wings? JN has a really good walk-through on the peg-people step - at least it got me through it. =D
That was the guide I was following, but I found the whole thing really confusing. Why does the number of pegs keep changing? Why does nothing seem to happen when I get to stairs, except when (all of a sudden) I change floors for no apparent reason? Is there something special I'm supposed to do to go up the stairs? Where am I trying to get to, anyway?
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Silver Link »

Wingsrising wrote:
Kamil wrote:If you don't mind my asking, what part are you stuck on, Wings? JN has a really good walk-through on the peg-people step - at least it got me through it. =D
That was the guide I was following, but I found the whole thing really confusing. Why does the number of pegs keep changing? Why does nothing seem to happen when I get to stairs, except when (all of a sudden) I change floors for no apparent reason? Is there something special I'm supposed to do to go up the stairs? Where am I trying to get to, anyway?
The whole point of the puzzle is to get out of the maze. To get out, you need to land in the hole with the key symbol next to it and then exit out the gold doors (they're a bit hard to see)

You start out with 3 pegs and can go down in number by either exiting the maze or meeting up with another peg and combining. Either way, all 3 have to get out for you to be done

To go up or down the stairs, you just need to land in the hole with stairs next to it. You can accidentally land in one if your color sequence goes wrong

To go where you want, you need to mark out a path and open up the corresponding colored doors to get there. Say you're in a room with a blue and red door and need to go out the red door. You just toggle the lever to red and then afterward to the color you want to move past

I was really confused about the whole thing as well until a few days ago. I was even in the process of making a post when I went to Jellyneo on a whim and I finally understood what I was supposed to do
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Wingsrising »


I think I figured out my problem -- I didn't realize you could scroll up/down to view other floors. So peg near stairs kept vanishing/reappearing and I didn't realize what was happening because I didn't know to look for them on the next floor.

OK, that was totally crazymaking. No way am I doing that again for achievements.
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Gumdrops »

Ugh, this is so tedious. I finally got that Battle Faerie avvie though, so yay.

I wish the Furies would hurry up and be released so I can get that last achievement and be done with it.
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Fury »

Wee! I've reached the cap on all of the challengers and gone over on the Minions (120 wins) and Brutes (50).

It's annoying that the Neggery is down as I have a load of unused Negg Tokens that I should use on stat-increasing neggs. Boo.
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Kantark »

Not anywhere near the caps myself, but having a longstanding lab pet really helps (651HP). It turned into a Shoyru today and I received an avatar after battling ('Shoyru-tough') that I didn't even know existed.

Chapter 7 looks like it'll be along soon. At the moment the flash comic is missing from the TFR page and the text to the side reads "Chapter 7: This is the chapter 7 copy!"
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Kamil »

TNT Plot Board wrote:12th October 14:44 - The fight has begun to turn to our advantage! The onslaught of wraiths has slowed, but each new wraith that appears seems stronger than the last. But perhaps the end is at last in sight...

So I can't say for sure, obviously, but it sound like this might be the last wave of these attackers. There are some 320k left, so if you have achievements left to earn or plan to try for any of the caps, now might be the time.
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Madge »

All that remains now is just under 400 of the brutes! The minions and furies are all dead! :)

After 156 battles with the brutes (2 draws + 1 loss among them), Nouvelle's done. By the time I PBB heal her up with my 50HP healing item they'll all be gone...

In fact, I'll keep refreshing until they've been defeated. 187.... 167... 138...119... 110... 63! .... 45... 35.... 23! .... NONE

(shut up, it was kind of exciting to refresh until the NONE came up :()

Nothing seems to have updated. I guess all that will tell is if a new wave comes up in short order... I'm done for now. I'm annoyed my goal of pretty cap numbers was thrown aside in a quest to battle :P
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by thelonetiel »

Man. I would've reached the cap on all three, but last night I decided to stop at 26 furies and do homework instead. Stupid school getting in the way of my Neopets.

Though, the final tier doesn't seem to be finished. I feel like if there are ~100,000 that's about a wave, right? Just seems odd to stop so close, but maybe it isn't calculated like that.

Fresh wave right after I posted! This be the last then?
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Cranberry »

It's still going on, but I think I've had enough of mindlessly one-shotting enemies for now, haha. I had some fun battling... got 183/125/127 on the different wraiths. I'm hoping for (and actually expecting) some more challengers in later plot steps. :)
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Kantark »

In case anyone's given up on checking the 'Into the Fray' page a new tier has just started (tier 9), you might want to check in for the prize.
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Re: New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin

Post by Rakumel »

I'm at 335/140/80 on the wraiths, which is way more than I thought Drilax was capable of doing! I'm so proud of my little bunch of pixels. But the minions are the only ones I can go any further on; I've pretty much maxed out the other two kinds. Maybe can take on one or two more of each, if I get super lucky and the Snowglobe Staff works. But for now I'm done battling, unless there's yet another tier after this.

I wonder if we'll get to square off against Nox in the Battledome at some point. I hope so. >:D It sounds stupid, but I already didn't like him because he gave ALL of my pets Cricky Neck in a random event once. (At the time, the cure cost about 40K a pop, which meant I spent a lot of time switching between active pets and going to the Healing Springs, because of *course* my luck was so bad that the Faerie wouldn't heal them all at once.) Then there was the irritable experience that was the Fort Nox puzzle. I'm already a poor multi-tasker with a bad memory, so keeping track and coordinating the movements of three pegs on four boards, of which I can only see one at a time - well, that was pretty much torture. To save my sanity I had to focus on just moving one peg to get the key, then move each one to the exit. (Though I lucked out and somehow two of my pegs found each other, plus I miraculously found the hidden treasure without trying, so my experience wasn't nearly as maddening as it could have been.) Still, I'd love some revenge. But if we do fight Nox, he'll most likely be a boss or sub-boss, which means he'd probably be out of my amateur battling reach.

But who knows? The story may take another interesting turn in the future. Speaking of which, this is probably the best storyline I've seen from a Neopets plot. Usually those are pretty weak and by plot's end I'm not even paying attention to them anymore, but this one's got my interest so far.
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