Maraquan and Silver Boris

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Maraquan and Silver Boris

Post by Purr »

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Oh boris, I love you guys so much but conversion really killed you D8

It's time to play, Guess-What-Sea-Animal-TNT-Is-Basing-This-Pet-On-Now!!! First thing that pops out to me on the maraquan is the color. Bright cyan, anyone? Though cyan (Actually this is more like a blaring seafoam. Excuse my green-blue color vocabulary XD) is one of my favorite colors.. it doesn't look to hot on the boris. The artist could have done something more creative with the shell, I wouldn't have minded another sea turtle. The coral pink though calms it somewhat, at least they didn't choose neon pink. Hahahaha... kay onto critique. The tail is at a bit of an odd angle, that crease there is a bit strange and awkward looking. The claws are now fingerlike appendages, and there are now two sets of ears. Hmm. The face is borilike though ;) And those random spots... awkward looking, but the work somewhat. It would be plain without them. The back is so STIFF looking, but then again after conversion all bori's backs look stiff. But this guy has no neck! D8 Erm... I like the gradient though? :*

Silver is typical silver. The lines are clear and colorfilled, and the darker parts on the bori is reflected (pun much?) in the dark silver. That's all for now... *stares back at maraquan bori*
Last edited by Purr on 14 Oct 2010 04:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Silver and Maraquan Bori

Post by Kamil »

Oh dear. Silver is not a particularly shiny representative of the color and maraquan is really bad. The tail is super-long and its positioning makes no sense. Tucked under and then swirled around up and behind? Oh dear. And I don't care for the colors; they aren't super matchy.

At least the species clothing is nice; I really like the girl's.

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Re: Silver and Maraquan Bori

Post by Rakumel »

Wow. That's one horribly lazy Maraquan design. They could've made the claws into flippers or have algae growing on the shell or something. Yeesh. Nothing really remarkable about Silver. =\
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Re: Silver and Maraquan Bori

Post by Seerow »

I actually rather like the Maraquan. The tail doesn't make any sense, but it doesn't bug me too much. I like what they did with the ear and tail fins, and I think the claws turned out nicely as well. Wish the head was a tad bigger though.

The clothing is indeed lovely though, the dress is really pretty.
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Re: Silver and Maraquan Bori

Post by tagcat »

The sad thing is I actually quite like the mara design. The colour is nice and the idea of webbed everything is cute.
But they messed this one up pretty bad. I like the arms positioning but the lines make it look so awkward. The ears are nice with the thin outer bit as a border, but the one on the right looks like its facing the same way giving it a cutout feel.
The tail.. Something wrong with it. I cant figure it out but that curve forward and suddenly back looks plain painful.
The markings are alight, they could have done large rectangles markings with small ones coming of of it though. it would give a nice scaled effect.

The silvers pretty distinct.. For silver that is. The edging of the shells has a small highlight on each piece.
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Re: Silver and Maraquan Bori

Post by AngharadTy »

Silver seems oddly washed out, to me, which is funny. The shells and claws do have that nice highlight, true, but the shading doesn't look very deep overall. A bit like if the whole thing was set to 80% opacity.

I loathe the maraquan. A lot. There are some things that would have been nice, like the ear fins, and the positioning of the hands, but in a way that makes it worse to me; the details have merit but the overall thing is so bleh. I don't like the color, I don't like the gradient-ish shading (is it pretending to be translucent?), I hate the pose, and I can't handle the mutant broken tail. Ugh.

But thanks for posting the clothing, Kamil. I looooove the miner outfit.
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Re: Silver and Maraquan Bori

Post by Kantark »

The Maraquan certainly grabs the attention, it's pretty lurid. I like the pink fin bits, but the rest seems a bit of a mash-up. The front limbs and general bodyshape are reminiscent of the pre-revamp Lutari, but they're huge compared to the rest of its body. The tail looks very spindly in comparison, and the head looks too small. Now I've seen it, the shrunken head is really bugging me.

Silver is another workaday lead-like recolouring. The shell is nicely shiny.
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Re: Silver and Maraquan Bori

Post by Pyrostatic »

I don't like how the Maraquan is positioned. It makes it seem more horizontal in the box, like it's not filling up the space correctly. As a perfectionist, it's driving me bonkers the more I look at it. x.x
The colours don't really serve it justice. Would have been awesome had they gone with maybe a hermit crab theme. Dunno if it'd work, but I bet it'd be a bit more creative.

So overall, with the release of two Maraquan pets since the revamp, it's a bleak future for this colour. But hey, there's always, "third time's the charm".

Silver is good enough for Silver standards.
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Re: Silver and Maraquan Bori

Post by Snowager »

I actually really kinda like the maraquan. I think I like the colors. And The position is ok to me. It looks like the bori is paddling.
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Re: Silver and Maraquan Bori

Post by Jessi »

Damnit. I saw a flash of this in the News, was like OH NEW BORIS, came here, really looked at Maraquan and just...


I love Boris. I actually really like reposed Boris and have two. I would have loved an awesome looking Maraquan Bori, but this just... isn't doing it for me. Its head looks so pasted on. And I know in a way it is but... it's just so, so off. I don't even know.
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Re: Silver and Maraquan Bori

Post by Purr »

We had 3 maras already though, right? :O The usul, poogle, now the bori.

Re: Silver and Maraquan Bori

Post by Pyrostatic »

Oh yeah, forgot the Usul. That was very nicely done, I'll say that. I think it was done by a different artist though as the style for the Usul doesn't look similar to this Bori or Poogle. =o
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Re: Maraquan and Silver Boris

Post by Haken »

The concept for the Maraquan and the colours looks nice in my opinion. But I think they came about it the wrong way :(
The arms look way too big and the back and tail look way too long. The pose makes it look really awkward. I like the cyan, blue, green whatever colour it is but the pink looks rather strange. It could be the gradient or the colour used :/

Silver is okay. I like the shines on the claws and back but the lack of shine on the rest of the body makes it look washed out.

The clothes are REALLY pretty though, love the candle in the hat thing on the male Bori. The clothes always seem to look nicer than the actual pet now a days.

Hmm I'm also wondering, did they not use the Bori base for the maraquan Bori? Cause it looks like they didn't unless it's cause they took out the lil ruffles Bori usually has. I still think they could have changed the posing cause not only does it look different from a normal Bori, the image also looks smaller than normal Boris. I tried doing the same Bori design using the normal Bori base and was able to make it fit and look more Bori like.

I would have liked it better if the normal Bori claws with the exception of making it a bit longer to give it that nice curve instead of turning em into finger like things. The tail could have also been slightly thicker as it is real thin and looks almost breakable. (don't mind my ugly sketching...)
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Re: Maraquan and Silver Boris

Post by invaderhorizongreen »

i looked at the mara one and went 0_0 ummm ok what are you supposed to be ?? it looks kinda like that seahorse that looks like seaweed but not quite. silver is kinda dull blah
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Re: Maraquan and Silver Boris

Post by Faun »

I actually like maraquan. Although the tail is too long and I have no idea what it is supposed to be, I like the colours and the fins. :3
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