Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

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Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by Usul_Princess »


Hmm. I dislike Jollins in general, but the pose and snarl is very reminiscent of my late Miniature Pinscher, who my friend's little sister called a demon. :)

The sheeta is odd. I'm leaning towards liking it because it's a nightmare pet that doesn't have a grin, but its aged look reminds me of the esophagor. The horns are beautifully twisted, but it feels inconsistent with the droopy/dreary look. I honestly don't have a better suggestion other than it's nice to see a different facial expression.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by Elucifer »

I see Rah drew another Jollin, and this is actually adorable. Look at those itty-bitty teeth! The choppy fur threw me off a bit, but it really works here. I like the tail; it's all whispy and broken up feeling. I feel I could write a tiny story about one of these. Rah, is it possible for a full version? =3

The Sheeta doesn't really appeal to me. I do, however, like the mouth in the sense that it reminds me of the NM Kumos. The texture for its ears is nice too as are the horns. But it doesn't feel very scary. It feels more like a harmless ghoul just walking around the graveyard. =o
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Re: Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by Kamil »

I too dislike Jollins in general (I will never ever get over seeing their spots as decaying pustules) but in this case, it kinda works. And Etienne is right about the snarl looking realistic; I can't tell you how many times I've opened a crate door and seen that very expression looking back at me . . . . and then had to put bows in its ears and polish its toenails.

But that aside, this is one Jollin I like. I don't think I'll need one, but it's a nice addition to the color.

The Sheeta is just not working for me, and I usually really like Jill's sheetas. Something about the mouth is bugging me, but I can't decide what it might be. I think it looks like its been opened wider than its conformation supports maybe. And the feet are bugging me too; they look more like pads than hooves.

But I love the horns. Whole great big bunches. I also like that the shading on these pets is light enough that I can actually see them. Yay for that.
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Re: Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by Rah »

Fullsize jollin is HERE :)

Re: Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by Elucifer »

Thank you Rah. ^^
I have a little critique, if you don't mind. Looking at the full version, the teeth don't really make sense to me. The top row is right-on, but the bottom row of teeth remind me more of tacks in a floorboard than realistic teeth. Teeth at this angle should look more like this example. Does that make sense? I mean, it's not too big of a deal, but just for future reference if you use an angle like this again with a fox or really, any species of mammal. =)
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Re: Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by Rah »

Do you mean the middle two teeth being longer than the outer two? If so, that was actually intentional. The idea with nightmare is to distort to the point of creepiness, as well as allowing for resize. It's not something I would do with other jollins (you can see more realistic teeth on spectrum and graveyard!) If you mean there should be teeth going up the sides of the mouth, I'm not sure your example is quite correct! Fox 'grinning' kind of shows the teeth going back up into the head, not outwards into the cheek. Tbh, I could have done that for a more distorted look (I've certainly done it before on some pets) but I kind of found it freaky enough without adding in a cheshire cat style grin!

If I missed your point completely, I promise to keep an eye on the teeth in future xD (I try to, for the most part! Skulls are awesome.)
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Re: Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I've been waiting for the Nightmare Sheeta to be released since I adopted my latest pet, so I'm really excited to see it in the news today. It does look a bit odd and different than I expected it to, for the reasons I think Usul_Princess pointed out, but that didn't stop me from using a Nightmare Potion on my Sheeta as soon as I could get into my vault. I love the horns and it's overall expression.

The Jollin is abso-frickin'-loutely awesome, Rah. I think the pose and expression are perfect; definitely one of my favorite Nightmare pets.

Re: Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by Elucifer »

Ah, that makes more sense, in keeping it creepy and distorted! I guess it can go either way, be it from that anime or your art, so long as the original anatomy is generally kept. Bad example on my part. ^^;
But thanks for correcting and explaining! =D
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Re: Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by AngharadTy »

I would love the sheeta (the creepy mouth, ears, and horn really work for me), except for the claws. The very distinct, separate, too-shiny, overly pointy* claws. I always thought sheetas had paws; there's no line separating fur from paw, just a color change (I figured it was a seal-point effect, like on Siamese cats). They're round and squishy-looking! Suddenly they're full-on hooves? Clearly made of another material? Clearly divided by a line? (I know they're more like hooves in steamwork, but come on, I figured that was just a stylized made-from-scraps thing.) I can't handle it. It's breaking my brain. Have they always been definitely distinct hooves? I have to go away now. edit: I went away into NC's search function and found a post from Luxe from 2008 that said, "Sheetas have camel-style toes," so now I at least know I'm not completely wacko when I am surprised as hell to see claws. Still can't handle. Still brain-breaking. But at least they weren't hooves the whole time.

* I know that "never seen a nail file" is one of the nightmare elements, but I always hate it when it's so overdone. Like on the irion--all I think is "why yes, that would be a nightmare to try to get it to hold still so I could clip those ridiculous nails." Why can't they just be scary-long, like on the kumos? Why do they have to be unhealthily long, having developed that curve that means you're a really bad pet owner?

edit: In my confusion, I forgot to talk about the jollin. It's a very good jollin. I love the way the tail is kind of dissolving into nightmare at the end. That is awesome.
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Re: Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by Teera »

Ty, don't you remember that trivia a very long time ago? It was I think... a who-am-I question? One of the clues was something like "my hooves pound the ice" and the answer was a Glacier Sheeta. So I thought they always had hooves (though I do remember that also being a bit of a surprise to me at the time as well.) Either way, I still did them like a I always do! They aren't completely divided from the leg by a line, it's just hard to tell with the shading (or the angle, 'cause the hoof rises up a bit.)

Sorry about the curve to them, though. I actually really like that in Nightmare pets.
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Re: Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by AngharadTy »

No, I don't remember that at all. It would have upset me at the time, I'm sure. They are not hooves to me at all. They're paws. I'm also upset here, because damn, that is a really good sheeta. With hooves. My brain hurts.

edit: I googled and found that it was from early 2008, but about a month after the line Luxe posted here saying they had camel-like toes. I guess she's wrong, but still. Really not hooves to me. They're so round and paw-like in every case but this (and steamwork, but see above re. scraps of metal).

edit edit: By the way, I do know what camel feet look like (I am a fan of artiodactyls), and they do have a hardened keratin part, but they're pretty much just toes other than that.
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Re: Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by Rah »

Oh man I totally just googled camel toes and forgot about the other meaning.
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Re: Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by AngharadTy »

I'll admit, it was hard for me to have a serious discussion about them. ;P
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Re: Nightmare Jollin and Sheeta

Post by Alicorn »

Yay for more nightmares! **clears throat** Now that that is out of my system. I like these. They are both solid additions to nightmares. The sheeta being my favorite of the two. The mouth is so nice, I love how it's hanging open like that. And the horns are to die for! I want to own a pair of those horns, oh yes.
The jollin is great as well. The wispy tail is a nice touch. And the expression is great. It reminds me of a very angry little chihuahua dog about to bite whatever it can on you. o.o Quiet scary.
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