Revamped Dark Matter Lasirus, Darkonite + Wyllop

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Re: Revamped Dark Matter Lasirus, Darkonite + Wyllop

Post by Rakumel »

Purr wrote:Image Image

...and the wyllop just has new artwork (though it's less evil looking for some reason...).
I think I can tell you why. It's subtle details. :) Look carefully at the face and the head shape of the old and the new. The old one has more triangular-shaped eyes, a more angular jawline and snout, and the iris itself is more washed out, almost to the point where it looks like it doesn't have one. All of that adds up to what most of us consider a more evil look.

But I'm not complaining. The new art is so, SO much better, plus it retains enough of the feel of the old one to suit me.

Speaking of fixing, hurray for the Lasirus! It looks fantastic! I don't recall offhand if bat wings can actually bend that way, but quite frankly, I don't care. XD I loooove its greedy little "Eeeeheeheehee! Mine, all mine!!" face.

As for the Darkonite, it also looks great. I especially like that the eyes were darkened. Usually I don't like it when DM pets' eyes become more visible, because I think of them as being possessed - having a nearly invisible iris contributes heavily to that impression. But on this pet, making the eyes darker actually made it look creepier, which I like. Also I'm glad this one got a different pose; it works quite well, too.

All three, very solid. Raku likey! :D *thumbs up*
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Re: Revamped Dark Matter Lasirus, Darkonite + Wyllop

Post by MissBatty »

I WANT to love the Lasirus. But the wings take it away from me. They just seem a bit jumbled up as if the poor thing broke 'em or something. But I know how difficult it is to draw a bat's wings, let alone fit it into a specifically sized box. And this new one TRUMPS the old one. (I seem to be the only one who thought the old one was still cute, though...)

I really don't have much of an opinion on anyone else, though.
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Re: Revamped Dark Matter Lasirus, Darkonite + Wyllop

Post by 23639377 »

I'm one of those weirdos who prefer the old DM Wyllop too.

That's probably because old Wyllops look more foxy and I'm not that fond of round chubby faces on rats. Also, the thin neck on them just really bugs me. I -think- rats do have thicker ones.

Please don't take offense, these revamps are lovely.
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