Recent Purchases

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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Ailiel »

I bought a box of Neopets Jakks plushies on amazon and a bunch from Treasure Seekers (an online shop). Treasure Seekers had a bunch that I needed from series 6, all at 60% off, and the entire box of series 4 (I believe) was $50 on amazon, including a limited edition halloween plushie. Considering the prices you see on ebay and other places these were great deals! Wish I could be having more fun playing with my tokens, though, as Key Quest is currently being glitchy for me.
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Kali_Lupine »

I hate shopping other than online...probably because I am a bit of a hermit and don't leave the apartment that often. Alicorn, however, loves to shop so she does our gift shopping and grocery shopping. My sister is a shopaholic especially for clothes and shoes...I seriously have no idea why someone needs that many outfits or shoes. Of course the good part of it is Alicorn gets a lot of hand me downs from her :) Even if I could fit into the clothes I wouldn't be caught dead in them. I'm into cheap and comfortable when it comes to clothes. And I hate brand names.
Overall I don't buy a lot of items, Alicorn is in charge of paying bills, and the money I get each month only really goes to buy 2 things 1-books, 2-Subeta CSC
I admit I spend more on both than my family thinks prudent, but we always put money in savings every month, so I don't really feel guilty about it.
The books I buy are usually e-books for my kindle ( is my addiction) I can go a little crazy with the one click ordering. I have also been buying a lot of CSC lately, which I would never feel bad about as it is a site I am happy to support.
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by EofS »

I love receiving parcels, but it's really difficult for me unless they fit through my letter box so I almost never order anything.
TraditionsRule wrote:I've never actually seen a half a cucumber for sale, even in my local market. I have seen pre-cut fruit though, can't remember if cucumbers were included in that. (I just think it's a cool idea, never heard of it!)
It does occur to me that possibly cucumbers are bigger in the UK than the US? I think pictures I've seen suggest yours are possibly shorter. I know it's a different variety too, because in the US everyone seems to peel their cucumbers and here... you would get a really odd look if you peeled a cucumber. (Wikipedia makes some claim that a supermarket here started selling a "c-thru" cucumber which doesn't need peeling. But... no cucumbers here need peeling! Then I looked at the newspaper it was citing and... yeah.)
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Fury »

I had a day off today and suddenly got an uncontrollable urge to splash out big time on clothes and shoes online. I reigned it in but I did end up buying a couple of little bits...

- Simple black tube skirt
- Elasticated black rose belt
- Heeled ankle boots (I love the look of heels although I'm generally shit in them. They have to be quite chunky and not too high! I'll probably wear these once, moan all the time they're on my feet and then sling them to the back of the closet in despair.) ... _212270521
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Cranberry »

I got myself a new phone today! I upgraded from a plain old LG Rumor to an Android smartphone -- the HTC Desire Z. It's so pretty... and so confusing. It can do way too many things! I'm not used to touchscreens and having Internet on my phone. :P Best thing is that I had a hardware upgrade on my account, so it only cost me $50 to upgrade, and my monthly bill is only going up by $8 even though I can now do a hundred more things with my phone than I could before (all I had before was 2500 sent/unlimited received texts per month and call display/voicemail, haha). I feel like I was getting ripped off before...
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Seerow »

Yeah, never seen a half a cucumber sold here, at least not in Indiana. And I work in a grocery store. We do occasionally sell pre-sliced ones though. I too find it odd when people peel their cucumbers! I like the skin.

I am poorer then poor so haven't bought much recently. Still trying to recover from Black Friday really where I bought a LOT of stuff. I've bought a couple blu-rays recently (Legends of the Guardians and How to Train your Dragon), some Maple Story cash cards, and tons of the Bolthouse Farms drinks since they are half off at work this week :D I am so addicted to them but they are generally very pricey.
I did buy a dress to wear on my cruise, so that's exciting. I may take it back though, after trying it on again I'm not 100% sold on it.
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Huggles »

I think peeling cucumbers here is more akin to peeling apples rather than, say, an orange. You don't need to do it, but some people just don't like them. I haven't seen cucumber halves, but I have seen quartered slices of a whole one packaged for sale. I mostly only buy food. I probably do need more than two shirts and two pairs of pants, especially since I bought those when I was 30 pounds heavier, but I can't be bothered when they're just for work. I suppose the most recent thing I bought was WoW Cataclysm, even though I still don't have a new computer. I also bought shea butter, aloe, cocoa butter, and almond oil for some magic concoction for my hair. The place I usually order my hair cream for was down to fill orders and I had run out. I don't know what I'm doing, but I've found that doing nothing is usually better than using most of the black hair products I can easily buy. I've also grown to appreciate that the price I pay for a finished product is expensive because of what goes into it rather than just greed and marketing. I should be getting a new batch this week. Yay!
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Skyela »

I bought 4 pairs of earrings :)
They were so cheap I couldn't walk by. But everything's on sale at the moment so go and get your bargain ;)
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Joey »

I bought 5 manga, and I really shouldn't have. I saved well and got them all for $30, but it was still probably a bad idea. Those damn buy 4 get the 5th free sales are too tempting sometimes. So I picked up volumes 5 and 6 of One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist #24, Hana Kimi #17, and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei #1. Buying new series is a dangerous thing, but I've liked what I've seen of the anime and the manga had caught my interest before then. I was also looking for Black Butler 4, but they didn't have it in stock.

I'm such a nerd sometimes :D
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Kari »

Going along with my last purchase, I preordered Ar tonelico Qoga today. $70 is stretching it a bit, but...there's a calendar included!

Edit: I feel bad seeing everyone buying useful things, and I'm just buying video games. Of which I preordered Trails in the Sky today. But I had a gift card so it was only $27 for the limited edition.
Last edited by Kari on 02 Feb 2011 04:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Ierosbats »

I have a problem with clothes. As in, I buy and own way too many of them. It's not an exaggeration to say I shop for clothes at least once a week. To make me sound a liiittle less crazy, I don't always buy a lot... But I am guilty of never buying nothing. It's a terrible habit, I know, but I always tell myself "Well, I'm already HERE, I might as well buy SOMETHING." As a result, I have not only a lot of clothes, but a lot of boxerbriefs and belts and socks and rings and other "little" stuff. It makes me feel better to say "I went shopping, and I didn't find much but I got this ring" rather than "I went shopping just to walk around and touch clothes and buy nothing." Some people take a bath to de-stress, some people read a book, or go for a jog, but I shop. It's relaxing! I get to shop for my dad a lot too because he hates shopping, and we're pretty close in height and waist size and stuff so he just gives me his credit card and I get to try on DOUBLE THE CLOTHES. Perfect system.

So anyway, today I went shopping to look for a birthday present for a friend, and naturally I bought some stuff for myself... (I did get a gift for my friend too, if that makes it sound any better...) Zara is usually a little out of my price range given how frequently I shop, but the mall I was at didn't have an Urban Outfitters or an H&M (my staple stores) so I had to get creative. Lucky I did! I got two leather jackets, each originally $200, each on sale for $40. I was amazed. 90% of the time, sale sections are filled with junk that's on sale for a reason, but sometimes you can find great stuff so I always look.

I also bought avocados (not at Zara) because I wanted guacamole.
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Jamie »

Being a broke university student I don't buy much except for alcohol and knick knacks here and there. But yesterday I actually went shopping for some university supplies. I got a new bag for uni, which is a rather plain, black, leather satchel. I took me hours looking at every shop in the inner city before I found one I really liked in French Connection. I then went and bought a planner from Borders which was $2 down from $25, even though I already have a journal for the year, this one is better suited for uni. I also bought some notepads as well. Then I went to the movies and saw Blue Valentine with my friend, so it was a pretty good day.

Today I went to almost all the pet shops in my suburb with some of my friends before buying a pair of Corys and a pair of Platys for my fish tank. Fun times!
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I bought a cheap 44-inch shelf. It was the closest i could find as a reasonably-priced standing desk type thing. This is my first day trying it, and my feet are a bit sore. But i can already feel that it's better for my posture and calorie-burning than sitting on my lazy arse all day. I've even been bopping around a little bit while playing music.

I've also bought some other random "specific use" things that most people wouldn't really care much for, like googly eyes (the kind you glue on cutesy art projects) to use as fingernail polish samples since i don't like how fake nails do, and a pet stain UV detector light for my fascination with fluorescent stuff (going to have to find some invisible UV body paint to use with blacklighted places - or stick with drawing on myself with highlighter hehe).
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Fury »

On Sunday:

- The Simpsons Series 4 & 5 Boxsets
- A Kidrobot Simpsons Series 2 figure. Every so often I feel the irresistable urge to buy a blind boxed toy. I have too many really. I got...


Cute but I was hoping for Milhouse or Willie!
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Re: Recent Purchases

Post by Joey »

I ventured up to Sacramento to find a mall today, since there's been a lot of little things I can't find in town that I needed. It was a good trip, I got: Replacement earrings, since I broke one this week, an old Banjo Kazooie GBA game, because it was there at gamestop while I was getting suicunes, a giant lollypop, a converter to connect my headphones to my piano, and 6 more manga (Pokemon Adventures 11, Pokemon Arceus Movie Manga, Black Butler 4, Tegami Bachi 4, One Piece 7, and Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei 2). Tried to find some perler beads, but couldn't find any at Target or Toys R Us, nor could I find a shower cap. I also preordered Pokemon Black and White.
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