Reading Drive

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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Kali_Lupine »

Gah...I really need to get going on this. I haven't gone through my freakin' 48 pages in my vault to find books or bought any recently :P Marah has been sweet enough to send me some extras though, thanks again hun!
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Gumdrops »

I had around 200 books in my vault, and then I bought up the ones under 100k (thank to Saggi and the weekend special quest thing, I had a ton of sp on hand). I've only got a little over 700 pts. I'll probably buy up the ones under 500k next.

I've never participated in a reading drive before so there's quite a bit of stuff I need from the shop, including 2 each of the Wind In The Willows Plushies. 1 set for my plushie collection and another set because it's one of my fave books and I want them for my gallery.

I'll probably buy anything that's on the cheaper side from user shops so I won't have to use up all of my points.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by bonecrivain »

Wingsrising wrote:OT: Oh, the CS Hustler! I'd forgotten he existed. Pinging? How does that work?
If you join the forum group Topher linked, you'll get a notification in your sidebar when someone in that group "pings" everyone about a hustler shop restock. I've found it helpful, since I forget to check the shop that often. It still requires you to be on the site, though, so if you'd rather bookmark the shop and check it every so often, that would probably work as well.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Wingsrising »

Thanks! I've never used that feature before.

In other news, this is weird:


I guess it's because that one book is still on my WL?
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Marah »

Oh, that explanation sort of makes sense!

Having been rather unprepared I'm not doing so bad on my first reading drive. I have turned in 370 books and I'm now pondering trying to get to 400. It will take some sorting to find the books I haven't turned in yet. Might have to dig up my subetalodge log in.

Also would any of the NC zombies be willing to help me by buying 4 or 5 of the (relatively) cheaper books from the zombie den for me? I can't remember if there is a timer on the shop, but if there is and it is too much hassle (or if you want to buy books to sell for profit for yourself :) than don't bother.

I'm looking forward and am a bit afraid for the new prizes. From the current stash of goodies I want the secret garden background, the tamura, at least one of the belted books and possibly 2 of the harry potter wands. All that I can buy with my current points. But I know the new prizes are going to be awesome too!
(On an unrelated note, is there a list somewhere that explains all the books the items refer to? I can figure out a lot but not all of them.)
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Alicorn »

Finally, I get to turn in all those books I've been hoarding! I've almost turned in all my books. I've been doing a bit each night after work. So glad I put them all in their own category. Made it so much easier. Then after I think I'll try and grab some more. I want to be sure I have enough points with all that talk of how cool the prizes will be. I can't wait to see what they have come up with.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Cranberry »

I'm up to 957 points now. Just went through and spent all the leftover points I had for the Vesnali, Pirate, Epicon and Steamworks Menagerie shops on books, so I should be able to sell those for a nice amount of cash. I've sold a lot of books in my shop over the past few days!
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Gumdrops »

I've got over 1300 points.

I emptied my shop till and ended up using all of the sp to buy books, but whatever. Not like I was doing much with all that cash anyway. I've still got quite a bit in my bank account, so it's not like I'm broke.

I don't think I'll do something like that next time we get a reading drive though. I'll just hoard books and be happy with what I turn in. I just did a lot this time because I've never participated in the drive before.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by shaelyn76 »

I am still a zombie from last year so I can buy books from this year or last in Skitter's shop for people that want/need them. Just drop me a line on Subeta (I'm HighlandLass over there)with the book title you need and I can snag it for you. I have close to 600 points as of now after cleaning out my vault (I did not stockpile like I should have), cleaning out my shop of the less profitable books and doing some shopping in user shops. I plan on hopping back on here Friday and going through the HQ list to see if I can pick up any other cheapish books in hopes of getting closer to 1000 points which is where I think I would be more comfortable.
I still have a ton of stuff from the previous two reading drives on my wishlist since I completely missed the last Reading Drive and didn't have enough points from the one before that to get everything I wanted. I am just happy that I get to participate in this one.

EDIT: okay, I went through the list on HQ, bought the books I found I still needed that were around 100k and I am sitting at 758 as my total for the book drive. Sigh. Are there any original zombies here that i could talk into buying the following books for me?:
Zombie Journal
Zombie Fencing
Corpse Burning 101
How to Cook Brains
Sewn Together
Stained and Torn Family Album
The Art of Lung Shui
Zombook(or is it just a minion?)

I am more than happy to pay a mark up that you feel is worth it for you.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Goldenchaos »

:( drive is over...too soon, I thought it was going to last till friday evening.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by shaelyn76 »

Whaaaaaa????I was really counting on having at least until the weekend. Although the news that it has ended does make me really really glad I stayed up later than I had planned last night so i could buy up some more books. Oh well...such is life I guess. If anybody is willing...I would still love the books I listed above from Skitters so i can read them to my "smart" pet.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Wingsrising »

I'm with you on the Whaaaa? I was expecting it to end on a weekend, also (and was expecting a little warning!)

I'm also with you in being glad I bought and turned in some more books last night.

But... whaaa?
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by AngharadTy »

That does feel abrupt and strange, and I actually felt like it was going on too long. Maybe they should set actual dates for things so people know what to actually expect. But that would be hard.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Wingsrising »

Yeah, I was expecting it to end at the end of LAST weekend. However, given that it didn't letting it run until the end of THIS weekend would make a lot more sense.

I too wish they would just say how long events like this were going to last, so we wouldn't have to guess.
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Re: Reading Drive

Post by Wingsrising »

Bump to let everyone know... new prizes are up now.

So far nothing that's really TOTALLY blowing my mind, but defintely some stuff I like, and it looks like I'll have enough points for plenty of items.

Now I have the sung dialogue between Javert and Jean Valjean from the beginning of the Les Miz musical going through my head, though.
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