RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by AngharadTy »

Giving up a pet is always, always sad, Alecko. And I know how much you care about birds. I'm sure you did the right thing, because you would, but sometimes that's not much comfort.

And Kali, that's really good! I would have been skeptical too, but sometimes anything is worth a shot. I've tried a lot of weird stuff for my eczema because it drives me crazy (itching is not pain, but it is goddamn frustrating). Some of it made me really hopeful, but nooo. I'm glad your thing worked out better, haha!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by FaerieInGrey »

By an amazing stroke of luck (which frankly I think was due, after all these years of consistently horrible luck), I just became Acting National Sales Manager of my company. When the new actual sales manager is hired, I'll be training that person and then getting a new position of my own :)

My position hasn't been officially decided yet, but it will involve marketing and travels to the parent company in France.

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by thelonetiel »

Alecko - I can only imagine doing that. I know that it has been killing me to be away from my cockatiel while at college. Giving such a member of the family away would be incredibly difficult, but I'm sure yours will have a good new life!

My own achievement, tomorrow I go to Washington, DC for five weeks. I'm interning at my senator's office. I have no idea really what I'll be doing, but it should be a great experience. It'll be... Exciting, I suppose, to be so close to the drama going on in congress at the moment. Or very frustrating, that could be too.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

STILL having issues with my teeth. The right side has completely healed now and doesn't hurt at all, but my left side where I got the crowns is awful.. I went in two weeks ago to have them adjusted and went in again TODAY and my gums are still throbbing, all the way up my cheek and to my ear. Sigh. Going to give it a few more days since I just went in today, but it's becoming unbearable.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

So now I am 29! I had an absolutely amazing birthday! I got spoiled like I couldn't believe! My lovely Subeta friends spoiled me rotten and I got such sweet messages I had a constant smile :D

Ali got me some gorgeous frog wall art (we collect frog stuff) the last collection of Slayers that I needed (I don't really watch anime any more, but that's not because I don't like it, it's more because my ADHD won't let me watch TV) and BOOKS! Heh, a great looking yaoi manga and a literary fiction by a Canadian author that looks great! She also bought me 3 books for my Kindle, another yaoi and 2 serial killer true crimes! If it weren't for Subeta's cash shop sale I'd most likely be reading right now!

My parent's got me a bunch of clothes, which I really needed cause I'm kinda lax on buying clothes for myself. They all look great and comfy! A little annoyed by the brand names and feminine look of some of them, but still great stuff! The funniest part of it needs a bit of an explanation: I had a breast reduction when I was 19 due to back pain, and I have always hated wearing bras because they hurt. So I just stopped wearing them. I suppose this annoys/embarrasses my mother because she bought me a tank top with a built in sports bra. I almost fell over laughing!

Ali baked me a wonderful gluten-free cake. It was her first time baking anything gluten-free and she did an amazing job! Today shall be great too because my lil' sis is coming up from the city to see me, as much as I am excited to see her...I can't wait to see her doggie (my niece :P ) Lilly-Beans!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

Hahaha, remember how I said "my final exam EVER" was like a month ago? Turns out I failed the exam before that and thus the unit in question... Luckily I can do a second exam and if I pass that they'll let me pass the unit... but if I don't I'm going to have to repeat that one unit =/

The annoying thing is my job/scholarship kind of was contingent on me passing all my units so hopefully they'll not mind. People I asked about it basically said they'll likely just make me repeat the unit and keep me going on.

However I'm currently working full-time for them as a graduate and I'm worried that I'll lose my progress in the graduate programme and/or continue to be paid as a non-graduate (which I guess I deserve and all, but a student gets paid $36,000 a year and a graduate $59,000, so it's not exactly small change we're talking about here.) So, I guess - fingers crossed I pass the exam the second time around. I'm kind of hating myself for failing.

In happier news, I went shopping with Anna (who some of you may remember?) today and I bought some men's pants and a men's work shirt so I can kick some androgeny at this office job I have! I also bought a chest binder online just because I figure if I'm going to dress slightly masculine I may as well dress COMPLETELY MASCULINE WITH NO BOOBIES.

Also, my new job is pretty cool. I'm looking at an intersection and the crashes there for the past five years and yesterday I went to check the intersection out to see what could be causing the crashes. It looks like there's not too much that can be done because the crashes are 96% rear enders and those are nearly impossible to get rid of without increasing the number of more dangerous crash types...
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

yikes, no fun Madge! Hope everything turns out well!

As for the binder...I am jelouse!!! I guess I dress as masculine as I can except for the chest part *sighs* i wish I could just get them hacked off :P The only woman's clothes I really like are tank tops. Heh however my lil' sis sometimes gets embarrassed when I am out with her in shorts and a tank top as I don't shave my legs or armpits :D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

Kali - the binder I bought was only US$30 so they're not as expensive as I was expecting!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by AngharadTy »

Of course we remember Anna! Say hi to her for us. And good luck on your exam!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

Thanks for letting me know. I'll have to check it out. I've been bound before when preforming drag and it wasn't a really great experience, lol but I bet this would be a lot better.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

My lease is up in a couple of weeks, so I've been packing up my things. After I crammed my car with as much as I could, I stood outside my apartment and cried. I didn't know giving it up would be so difficult. I'm really going to miss this place.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

awwww.....change is hard. I hate change! Hope the next place will have just as many memories!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Xelio »

Major achievewoe. I was offered a teaching position today, but it's 3 hours away from my home and family. I get so giddy thinking about the job (which starts in two weeks) then bawl when I think of leaving everyone and everything I've grown up knowing. Is it strange to take some consolation knowing that no matter where I am, the internet is the same?
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by EofS »

Xelio wrote:Major achievewoe. I was offered a teaching position today, but it's 3 hours away from my home and family. I get so giddy thinking about the job (which starts in two weeks) then bawl when I think of leaving everyone and everything I've grown up knowing. Is it strange to take some consolation knowing that no matter where I am, the internet is the same?
Absolutely not. When I moved to Finland for my semester abroad, I took great solace from the fact that my internet-centric social habits meant that nothing would really change. My timezone would mean a bit of a rethink, and of course new schedules and routines in life, but I could still 'see' them about as much. That's the massive advantage of keeping your friends online.

Congrats on the job anyway, I'm sure once you get used to being away from home it won't be so difficult. I tend to think about 2-3 hours is the perfect distance to be from parents - close enough that you can see each other and be on hand in an emergency, but far enough to discourage visits without warning.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Xelio »

Thanks for making me feel like less of a weirdo, E. It's appreciated. Really, it is nice to know that some people will always be the lovable nuts I've grown accustomed to, even if I move hundreds of miles away. I really don't know how I'm going to plan a semester of teaching in two weeks. Honestly, I know I won't. I'm sure the first semester will be planned a day or two at a time, but it's only four preps, so I'll survive.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
Subeta - Neopets

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