The colour day predictions and news

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The colour day predictions and news

Post by Nogitsune »

This isn't going to sound neopets-related, and this technically is more related to this site, so this might not be the best place for this topic, but here goes.

When I came to neocolours, I noticed the colour day predictions had stopped and the news on the colours had stopped, and I wanted to reinstate both. I've been generally happy about how the prediction threads have been received and I try to do my best with the news. I had hoped that I could inspire other folks to do the prediction threads or help with the news, but I think people ended up believing I took it up as my 'job' on the site and that they might be stepping on my toes somehow to do a prediction thread. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. People have offered suggestions over time how to help spice up the prediction days, and I've tried to take that advice to heart and do what I could to make things interesting.

Near the end of May of this year, my grandfather died. MalionX stepped up to help me with the colour day predictions because I was in a lot of emotional turmoil and there were lots of visiting relatives, and I'm very grateful for his help.

At the end of this month, I'm going to have a lot of other real-life stuff to do - so much that I fear I'll have very little time to post anything to this site. I don't know for certain how busy I'll be, but I'd rather err on the side of caution. I'm hoping by putting this up I might get some response - one way or another. I don't want poor MalionX to be stuck with the prediction days on his own if other folks might also like to try them. I certainly don't want to see the prediction threads and news die out again.

I hope I don't sound emo or like I'm making drama - because that's not my intent. My intent is to get some kind of response to help make sure this site stays healthy and vibrant. If you are at all interested in the news, please PM AngharadTy; if you are at all interested in the colour day predictions, please post here to volunteer!
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Re: The colour day predictions and news

Post by MalionX »

You've been doing a great job man. I'm glad to help in any way that I can.
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Re: The colour day predictions and news

Post by Darigan »

I'm sorry about your loss, Nogitsune, and it doesn't sound 'emo' in any way.
It's natural that sometimes you will need to take your time and concentrate on your real life problems; that happens to all of us and no one will ask, or have the right to ask, that you keep doing the prediction topics while you are busy or your mind is not at it anymore.
I feel MalionX had fun doing his prediction topics so I think the rest of us will be happy to wait for the new ones made by him.
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Re: The colour day predictions and news

Post by Kantark »

Firstly, I'm very sorry to hear about your grandfather.

With regard to the prediction threads, I enjoy reading and participating in them but I lack the imagination and organisational skills to do an accepable job of actually creating them. You guys have both been doing an excellent job with them for a long time now and I would be very happy to see them continue under your or MalionX's control as and when you wish to. But entirely at your convenience - off-line stuff has to come first. Thanks for everything you've done to keep activity up on the Neopian threads - for someone who isn't into Subeta sometimes it's all there is to read.
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Re: The colour day predictions and news

Post by Fury »

I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather, Nogitsune. I hope in time things will start to get better for you.

As for the colour prediction threads, both you and MalionX do a dynamite job. I am sure though, if neither of you have the time, somebody else would be happy to step up and take over for a while. I wouldn't mind giving it a go if needs be!
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