Pet trading advice needed

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Pet trading advice needed

Post by Jamie »

Hey guys! Misc. has been a little quiet lately so why not make a topic about a small dilemma I have?

My interest in Neopets is on the up again (perhaps because my assignment load is also up at the moment...) and I've decided that I want to work on getting a few of my 'dreamies'. Ironically, most of them are pets that I gave away here back before customization, oops! They are all, of course, unconverted pets which is going to be a massive pain in the bottom. My question is, which 'converted' pets are going to get the 'best' UC pets? I believe Draiks are the way to go, but which colour specifically seem to get the good pets? Cost is not a problem, although if it comes in a Morphing Potion that would be great for laziness' sake.

I know I could offer an 'unlimited custom' as they say, for an UC. But I haven't found any takers, I guess people are more apprehensive of people backing out. Whereas is the pet is there and ready to go they are more inclined to offer.

Any and all help is appreciated!
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Re: Pet trading advice needed

Post by Darigan »

I'd say you wait until you find threads of people offering what you want and see what they ask for.
No use to make a Royal Draik because it's popular if the person that has what you want will end up asking for a Mutant Draik.
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Re: Pet trading advice needed

Post by thelonetiel »

Draiks are certainly your best bet, though very nice real word names will also do it. Krawks have dropped in value recently, though I'm not sure myself how much, due to the magical plushie being released int he new Krawk Island daily.

A royal draik is a good easy place to start, but it won't get you everything. I traded a VWN Royal Draik recently for a WN UC Darigan Pteri though, so it can get you into UC territory without too much trouble. (for reference, the draik was Christmas and I offered up to a Royal custom, and it took a few weeks of sporadic searching, and a UC Darigan pteri is uncommon enough to be interesting to others, but not very sought after, and UC Daris are considered common) But, once you have a nice UC, something with a good name, and a relatively popular color/species combo, it's usually easiest to trade up with other UCs, as a lot of the higher end UCs won't trade for any draik, even the high end colors like Pirate.

A Pirate Draik (there is an egg, not sure about a morphing potion) is a great place to start if you have the funds, because of the price tag of the brush and the very nice clothes that are popular.

Also, name is really important, I try to strive for Cacac (C-Consonant, A- Vowel) sorts of names, with pleasing sounds - also no double I's and no unneeded H's. A draik without a pleasing name is hard to trade. You can also try to trade for short nice names that are basic pets, and then morph into a draik, especially if you can find a nice real word name not seeing very much.

Good luck Jaimie! Finding nice UCs is hard these days, but still can be done with patience. ^_^
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Re: Pet trading advice needed

Post by Rah »

It would definitely be a multi stage process if you wanted to trade up particularly high! a draik for a common real name. Then doing another draik custom on the real name, and probably a pirate paint job. Even then you have to have someone with an UC pet that wants the name that you have! Trading is definitely a pain and can be a lengthy process, but it can definitely be done.

I have a friend who traded an....not too awful but kind of badly named UC plushie bruce for a pirate krawk with a real name. And this was before krawks went down in price!
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Re: Pet trading advice needed

Post by Jamie »

Thanks for the input guys, after a few trades I now have four of my all time favourite pets on my main!! As you can see I'm not very big on customization. There's a few more I want to get, I'm trying to trade for a RW/RN and then morph it in to a Draik to trade. I'll probably have to do that a few times to get all the pets I want. But it has been a little bit of fun admittedly. I'm just so so excited to have an UC Faerie Shoyru!
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Re: Pet trading advice needed

Post by Rah »

I can't even fathom how much np you must have XD
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Re: Pet trading advice needed

Post by Kantark »

Wow! You work fast! And those are some beautiful pets.
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Re: Pet trading advice needed

Post by Usul_Princess »

*cries for Sezlly*
Well, you did trade for my favorite pet on the site. She's beautiful :) Any idea for a petpetpet?

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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