Cybill Revamp (Pending)

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Cybill Revamp (Pending)

Post by Officer 1BDI »

So, this is what the default Cybill looks like now:


And this is the proposed revamp:


The relevant poll can be found here.

I think the art on the revamp is a much-needed improvement over the original, but something about the wings doesn't sit well with me. I think they've been brought too forward on the body, but other people in the news comments think one wing is oddly angled or too long and maybe that's what's really going on.
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Re: Cybill Revamp (Pending)

Post by Gumdrops »

I'm voting for the new one. The old one kinda looks like a toy. It's so plasticy.

I don't really love the new one though. For one thing, that neck fluff needs to be trimmed down.
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Re: Cybill Revamp (Pending)

Post by Ierosbats »

I like the new one, and I voted for it, but I agree it has some problems. The flippers look way too long and floppy to be useful limbs. I think that's kinda funny, because usually the trend on Subeta is for appendages to be too stumpy, if anything. The one on our right seems especially strange.

I think the feet are too big, which I guess is appropriate for a cartoon penguin, but I don't really like them. Maybe it's not the size, and it's more about them being too rounded. I'm not suggesting realistic birdfeet, that would be creepy, but... something has to change. Could they be flatter, maybe?

I see what people are saying about the old one looking like plastic, but I actually miss the sheen on the new one. Penguins are sleek! A little bit of shine would be appropriate. This one isn't really a dealbreaker for me, though, just personal preference.

My biggest concern is the neck-fluff, which totally just looks like a Santa beard. It's really odd, and the more I look at it, the more hilarious it gets. I know the old one has it, but... does it need to? Not every Subeta pet needs a fluffy neck. The fluff on the cheeks and head and ankles would be enough, I think.

I really like the changes to the face. The eyes on the old one are so off; the new ones are much better. The smile is cute, and the beak still looks mostly functional. I'm not usually into the emo-hair-flop on pets, but I think it looks okay this time around. The pose is a lot better, too. The raised foot was kind of cute, but mostly ridiculous, and I don't miss the crucified flippers (even if the new ones have some issues). I like the new tail better, too, although... I don't really know why tail direction makes such a difference, but apparently it does.

In general I'm pretty excited for this revamp! It has a few problems, but it's going in a great direction. I would definitely consider owning a basic-posed Cybill now, minus the freaky beard.
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Re: Cybill Revamp (Pending)

Post by Wingsrising »

I'm not a penguin expert, but I don't think penguin flippers flop that way.

I think it will be cute when it's finished, though!
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Re: Cybill Revamp (Pending)

Post by AngharadTy »

The flippers are all weird and alarming and I don't like the hairy feet. But this could be great if some minor things are fixed, which have already been listed, so read Topher's post again.

I think that the artist should be forced to watch adorable penguin videos over and over until they figure out how flipper-arms work. The cheerful, thrilled, outflung wings of a penguin are one of its best features. Let's not cramp that style.
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Re: Cybill Revamp (Pending)

Post by Jazzy »

I think the reason the feet look odd is that they look too much like toes with fur above, not webbed feet.
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Re: Cybill Revamp (Pending)

Post by Runic »

Some stranger I've met with a couple of times said the new Cybill should be sliding on it's belly.
I told her that that'd be better for Spectrum, but hey, it's an idea, right? xD
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Re: Cybill Revamp (Pending)

Post by Seerow »

I rather like it. The old one always annoyed me with it's plasticity so it's nice to see the Cybill finally getting some attention. The feet and wings don't really bother me on the new one though I can see what people are pointing out.
I find it amusing that the old version has almost 300 votes heh, I thought it would have far less!
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Re: Cybill Revamp (Pending)

Post by shaelyn76 »

The flippers look almost like silly putty and the feet are weird, but other than that, the revamp is a vast improvement imo. My middle son saw the revamp picture and tried to convince me that I should have one of those pets...I lol'd.
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Re: Cybill Revamp (Pending)

Post by Silverevilchao »

The revamp is an improvement, but the flippers definitely need to be changed. They look far too flexible and gooey for swimming properly. The neck fluff is also a bit oversized...
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