Ty Appreciation Day!

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Re: Ty Appreciation Day!

Post by Jessi »

I already told you all my birthday wishes in private, Ty, but I just wanted to affirm that you are an amazing person, one of my best friends and an absolute joy to know <3 I hope your birthday has been amazing, even though Derek is in Ohio - and I hope you got your cake!
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Re: Ty Appreciation Day!

Post by bonecrivain »

EofS wrote:Ty is so awesome they turned her name into netspeak for thank you.


Ty for giving us your name, birthday girl!
Seriously, every time I'm reading something where someone uses the "ty" shorthand for "thank you," I briefly get confused. But it's fitting, because a lot of the time it's something like, "ty, you are awesome," so my brain goes, "Why yes she is, but how does this stranger know her?"

Also, it's fun to say, "ty, Ty!"
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Re: Ty Appreciation Day!

Post by AngharadTy »

Just wanted to say again, thank you guys all so much. It's actually been a bit of a rough birthday in many ways and you all absolutely brightened it for me. Also, I got an amazing cake that was checkered chocolate and white cake, and that also helped a ton. As cake does. =)
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Re: Ty Appreciation Day!

Post by Huggles »

I used to think Ty was cool. I still think Ty is cool, but I used to too.

Birthdays are also cool. One day, I hope we can both concurrently be the same age. I don't know what that means, but Ty does. She's just that cool.
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Re: Ty Appreciation Day!

Post by Alicorn »

Oh my, I'm late to the party! Better late then never right??
Pretty much everyone said what I feel. So I'll just say ditto to what they said. Really Ty, you're awesome. Never change. **big hugs** Also, thank you for making zombies and bones become even cooler to me. :3
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