Altador Cup 2012

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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

No kidding, the gameplay amounts are crazy for those tiers. Then again, if you're going to be spending a full-time-job worth of effort into it, i guess you could get a trophy for the trouble. I'm just glad i'm going to reach Rank 1. I might try for higher next year, now that i'm getting better (still suck though) at YYB. And i'll try *hah* not to procrastinate on it so badly then.

And i don't know about their ranking system either, but Meridell (my team) is actually doing pretty well.
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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by Gumdrops »

I got to rank 13 which is the highest I've ever gotten. I only bothered to play this much because Meridell is actually gonna place this year. Now that my team has finally placed top 3, I won't feel the need to play much in the future. I'll probably do rank 1 in future AC because I want a trophy, but that's it. Prizes always sucks. There's never been anything I wanted (cept books and stamps, but those are more for future reselling).

I'm just so sick of flash game events. We have GMC, DD, and AC every year. That leaves, like, the negg hunt event, but you don't get a trophy for that one.

We're overdo for a plot. Tyrannia needs a revamp, like, last decade.
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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by Kantark »

Gumdrops wrote:I'm just so sick of flash game events. We have GMC, DD, and AC every year. That leaves, like, the negg hunt event, but you don't get a trophy for that one.
Agreed... tbh AC's the only one I can be bothered to participate in, and I'm still very fond of the whole concept in spite of TNT's best efforts to bugger it up this past couple of years.

I've been thinking about this and I just don't understand the secrecy around the bracket results... why not award points based on the daily results and tally them up in a table so people can see at a glance exactly how well/badly they're doing? E.g., score 3 for a daily win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss. Or even weight the games, maybe 6 for YYB win, 3 for YYB draw.. but 3 for a win in the support games, and 1 for a draw? And then display these tables! Maybe have a 'win difference' (think 'goal difference') column as well to sort out points ties at the end of the bracket. At least that way people could see how their team is fairing daily.

For example: Say Shenkuu beats Kreludor in YYB, Kreludor wins in Slushie slinger, the teams draw in MSN, Kreludor wins in shootout showdown:

_______ YYB --- SS --- MSN --- SS(2) --- Total --- Win Diff.
Shenkuu: 6 ------ 0 ------ 1 ------ 0 --------- 7 ------- -1
Kreludor: 0 ------ 3 ------ 1 ------ 3 --------- 7 ------- +1

So, although level on total points, Kreludor would rank above Shenkuu because they'd won more games. Simples! This way the team with the most wins is rewarded with better WD, teams that are better at YYB have an advantage (the exact weighting of the scores for different games would probably have to be investigated depending on how much influence TNT wanted to give YYB players over a team's placing) - and everyone can see at a glance how well (or not)their team is doing, what it needs to do to progress, etc,.

I realise this is probably a very confusing description of a relatively simple system but TL;DR: score it like a football(soccer) tournament :-P
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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by Tom »

I'm pretty sure that is how it has worked in previous years, just without the transparency. This year, with the bracket overhaul, it's become very confusing though! Speculation was previously of a 'score' system, where, say, instead of simply looking at the W/D/L loss statistics, it would be determined as, say, 74 - 58 and the standings would be decided by your actual score (which doesn't make sense; you'd generally play harder against bigger teams) but that becomes impossible when you get swept teams finishing above their sweepers. So speculation has shifted to the idea that previous brackets count towards your standings, which is silly as it's totally against the idea with which they rolled the idea out - 'to give smaller teams a better chance'. A team like Altador has been totally shafted by our latest bracket, containing KD, KI, DC, MQ and TY. They have no chance at anything other than sixth. And also the fact that most teams didn't face at least four others...

And whoops, I didn't realise it ended yesterday! Uhh I needed three games of YYB to get to rank 2. Hahah, oh well. :P Better than last year, at least, where I had a single win to my name.
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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by Marah »

I beat your last year version Tom. I won twice. This event just can't hold my interest for longer than that. Too repetitive for me.
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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by Usul_Princess »

Wow, it's over? I didn't even get in one game of slushie slinger. Where was Shenkuu this past weekend? 6th place?

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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by Tom »

Yup. Sixth in their bracket and sixteenth overall. Definitely a victim of the bracket system!
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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by Usul_Princess »

So....Faerieland actually beat us this year? We're dead last?! (Not that 11th place last year was some milestone, but...ouch.)

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by TCStarwind »

It's over already? Hahahaha whoops. I completely forgot about it, and didn't play any games at all. :/ Not a big loss. I never make enough points to get any decent prizes anyway.
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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by Tom »

Usul_Princess wrote:So....Faerieland actually beat us this year? We're dead last?! (Not that 11th place last year was some milestone, but...ouch.)
Haha, nope, you're still above Faerieland and Altador! But below Moltara. Slightly depressing!
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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by Gumdrops »

My suggestion for AC is to do like the real World Cup and only schedule it once every 4 years. Even every two years would be better than every single freaking year. Actually, my preference would be to get rid of it completely, but I understand that some players (inexplicably!) love this stupid, tedious event.

It's just so boring imo. None of the games are fun. YYB, esp. against certain AIs (MI and MT) is just really frustrating. SlSl just isn't worth it at all. It's the same length as YYB, but apparently, not worth as much in points. Either shorten it, or get rid of it.
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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by Ailiel »

Totally embarrassed after that calculation thingy to admit I made All-Star this year. It helped that I have a job with a looooot of mindless downtime and a computer in front of me. Also I utilized some audio books for a few late nights of YYBing.

I've been a pretty unapologetic Altador Cup hater since its inception. I don't like sports, I don't like these games, and I am not overly fond of yearly repeating events.

But I really wanted a nice trophy, and as I stuck with Mystery Island for the second year in a row, I found myself surprisingly on a team doing very well. And then I sort of actually cared about helping my team.

I actually had a lot of fun this year. The only year I had more fun was when my guild got together and we all supported Krawk Island and Krawk Island won! But even then I didn't hit All-Star.

The bracket system was pretty terrible but I really didn't find myself minding terribly even if there were a few senseless results. Kreludor seemed to have it wrapped up since day 1.

So yeah, All-Star. That happened.
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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by _neo_kami_91 »

I'm not sure I even moved up a rank, 'cause the last time I played it was still on Beginner. Is that because I didn't get more than 3,000 points in MSN?
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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I think you might get a chance to go up a rank, Tom. Apparently, tomorrow (and maybe today?) you can play a few more games to improve your personal rank.

I think tomorrow i'll play a bit harder, maybe try for rank 2 and help my team edge out the tie.
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Re: Altador Cup 2012

Post by Bif »

I'm confused. The news said that there is a tie-breaker and that everyone who is not on one of those teams can use this time to up their rank, but I can't seem to play YYB? Am I just slow? (probablly yes :mrgreen: ) Could someone please point out to me where I find YYB now?
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