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Re: Morostide!

Post by Sunwolf »

Ouch. I beat Carrion Lord this year pretty easily, but Nightlady is still way too tough for my Tier 10 :( Apparently you need certain weapons that I will never be able to afford.
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Re: Morostide!

Post by Rakumel »

Pffft, I'm not faring at all. XD My strongest pet is a mere tier 7 and I don't even have so much as a legendary weapon, so yeah, not even gonna try. I had to draw the line at Wolve. That was still fun though; as I said on the Subeta boards, last time I went up against him I couldn't even last a single round. This year, even taking the battling changes into account, I was able to get 10 wins, enough for the special loot and even a lucky Mage Amulet drop. So yay for visible progress!
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Re: Morostide!

Post by Tom »

You guys should be able to get a few wins, I'd imagine. She does a lot of physical, dark and earth, mainly. I managed to get up to 5 wins with my t9 which was nice - with much turtling behind a Maleria's Short Sword and Chancellor's War Shield, which block all of the above. Also, don't underestimate throwing vials (mercurial and necrotic are pretty helpful) and potions and pylonics. :P Heh. I wouldn't have got my fifth win without my glaciating pylonic freezing. And parched baguette crystals! Mod your main weapons with as many of those (or blessing of the natural armor - which are cheap in the battle shop) for freeze protection.
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Re: Morostide!

Post by Marah »

My biggest battler is a tier 5 (just) so I managed to beat torchbearer once. Wolve was too hard and I can't manage a second win against torchbearer. My battle set isn't that good but I just read Toms post and realised I haven't added any crystals since they all dissapeared so I migh be able to scrape another win if I put some thought into that.
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Re: Morostide!

Post by Tom »

I'm happy to lend out my weapons, btw. The only thing is that my Malerias Short Sword has 3 singed baguette crystals in which are about 550k each, which I'd ask to be replaced. In terms of the exp/potential loot/bragging rights, I'd say it's worth it. I did have to borrow the war shield from a friend and it was pretty much indispensable to me - but if you do find a lend, feel free to send me a comment. I'm happy to lend to anyone here. I also have a Shriek of Despair Scroll which I can lend out, which takes 15AP but has a high chance to freeze (~80%) which REALLY helps when trying to set up the parched blessing.

My strategy is something like:
Trident + 100% Freezer + Healing Scroll
^ the step which you probably die most at. She can hit really hard. Might be better to use the CWS but my trident is modded with 4 parched crystals (which I didn't want to change around) so that's what I used to get freeze protection.

Trident + Attacker + Shriek
And then hope she's frozen so I can attack again. Hope I have parched up too! If I'm frozen I'd go trident + attacker + healing, if not I'd turtle with the war shield + short sword + healing.

Then kinda use my Shinwa's Temple Shard, Phoenix Quill and One Ring as I see fit. I also had a Glaciating Pylonic, Negating Pylonic, Mercurial Throwing Vial, Necrotic Throwing Vial, Water Shard and a whole load of Dark Light/Fire/Magma Potions equipped. I'd use the freezers if my parched blessing dropped, in hopes I'd be able to buy another turn. The water shard synergies well with the war shield and short sword as it shuts down her daggers, which she has loads of. Blasting and stealing is pretty useless against her because of this. I'd throw potions if my first turn went okay basically every turn, as the extra damage can make all the difference.

I also have a thread on Subeta, in the battle bit, with (pretty) accurate stats for all the Morostide challengers, which might help when choosing what to defend against/attack with. If anyone wants to ask anything too, I'm always happy to talk about battle, heh, if you couldn't tell, so feel free to drop me a comment. I'm by no means a pro, by a long shot, but have a decent grasp of how things work.
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Re: Morostide!

Post by AngharadTy »

I don't have 3000 csc hanging around to buy a shield with or I don't even know how much to buy a trident with. Nor do I have Forj to fight to get crystals from. Or a STS. The only reason I have Malerias Short Sword is the Hustler. I have thief and crit crystals on everything, so I guess I should replace those, but if I put freezing crystals on things, then that does nothing against a bunch of important enemies that can't be frozen. What does the natural armor blessing do to help here? I thought it just blocks a couple icons of everything? I also still have the shitty Soothing Current because I can't be bothered to spend the millions to make the 10% healing scroll. I am very, very stingy with my money (I'd rather spend it on my pets) but it still pisses me off to have a pet trained so well who can't kill things.
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Re: Morostide!

Post by Tom »

I understand there's a lot of nuances with prices - I totally agree that the price of scrolls, STS, etc, are out of control at the moment. I am hoping things like these, or at least decent alternatives, will make an appearance in the criminally underused Battle Shop as they're 'staples' imo. On the other hand, I'd say I'd spent about 175 million sP on my current set, max. Where my wardrobe has an (notoriously inaccurate) estimated worth of 6 billion. I've had to borrow a few things along the way, like the CWS, but I see it as a stepping stone to earning my own rewards so it doesn't bother me too much. There are great rewards too! If you don't have an interest in using tomes or amulets, lot of the harder challengers drop them and you can earn a few million there. Nightlady's Shriek of Despair fetches about 50 million sP. So with investment, you can be rewarded.

I also understand about not really caring - last year my pet couldn't even beat Carrion Lord. I guess there needs to be a duality between spending and stats but I think the BC is moving away from the idea of necessary equipment to beat a single challenger. Even as someone with one of the smallest pets to reach five wins vs Nightlady that I've seen, my set isn't optimal by any stretch of the imagination. Something like the Trident isn't much use with its wind block - as she does no wind at all. I had to improvise as I didn't want to move my mods around though. I've seen a lot of other successful combinations too! The Gelatin Slayer + MSS make a good combo, for example; while I just brute-forced my way through with my Cork Tipped Cutlass and Trident the first time. Things do become more specific as you scale up the tiers but I guess that's to place a greater emphasis on strategy.

(sorry for all the words!)

ANYWAY sorry for not wording my previous post very well! I wouldn't say thief crystals are great these days; particular against Nightlady, as she has a LOT of daggers so you don't gain much from stealing. Critical strike crystals are decent and can be decent modded in bombs to give them the potential for more oomph. For my main weapons, I feel the parched and signed crystals are better to give you more reliable damage, though. Each parched baguette crystal adds 4 icons of damage and gives a 10% chance of activating the Parched blessing - which prevents your opponent from freezing you for five turns. The parched tear crystal has an 5% chance to activate, iirc, and adds 2 icons, but is much cheaper.

There it might be better to use Blessing of the Natural Armor - which has a 10% chance to activate the blessing which prevents the opponent from stealing and freezing (alongside the block) for three turns. I also have a few weapons modded with singed baguette crystals, which add 5 icons of damage and have a 10% chance of activating the singed curse, which does 8 icons of unblockable damage for three turns.

If you're freezing your opponent on the first turn while using a weapon socketed with crystals to prevent freezing, you stand a good chance to get the blessing up. Keeping the blessing up is important as being frozen is pretty much the worst thing that can happen to you.
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Re: Morostide!

Post by AngharadTy »

I do appreciate all the words. I'm fine with not being able to just brute force everything, and I do like the idea of having a strategy... it just gets really dismaying when you have to have two dozen super expensive items just so all the damage types are covered. All of my really good items were bought in "other" ways--like my Malice with reading drive points and my Helm of Six Fangs from the Nightlady's first year (before she became impossible for me).

I didn't know the natural armor blessing had freeze protection. Steal protection would be nice too, or am I crazy? I think she did steal something from me when I tried and failed miserably.
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Re: Morostide!

Post by Tom »

I know what you mean about having to cover a lot of icons - nearly all weapons I earn are mercilessly shoved into my armoury (heh, okay, maybe profiting from battle is never going to happen!) 'just in case'. In retrospect, I was lucky to have snagged the Maleria's Short Sword from the Hustler as it's served me well on quite a few occasions. And a lot of the time, you need a decent block, a decent attack and a decent heal which does narrow down your choices.

I also have a Pretty Big Tooth absently sitting in my wardrobe which I forgot about if you want to borrow that - it only blocks a little of her attacks but it does have a 9% heal, 3 mod slots and a decent attack which might be able to help.
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Re: Morostide!

Post by Seerow »

Thanks to Tom lending me his Shriek scroll and useful tips above, I managed to eek out 5 wins against Night Lady. Kinda sad it was this hard since last year I didn't have too much trouble with her. But still happy I was able to win. I even found a Shriek scroll of my own during the battles :)
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Re: Morostide!

Post by Wingsrising »

The trick-or-treat and Pumpkin Patch timers have now been reduced.

Here's hoping that brings some of the prices of the ToT items I want and don't have yet down...
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Re: Morostide!

Post by mellaka »

I just wanted to say thanks to anyone who trick or treated at my profile - I got notices of a few NCers as my 5th ToT. I did click on a few people here who are on my friends list, but didn't go through the whole list of names like I usually do.
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