Marriage equality sweeps the election!

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Marriage equality sweeps the election!

Post by Jessi »

So for those of you that missed it (...somehow XD) the US had a pretty big election yesterday. Not only did Obama get elected for another four years (WHOO), but there were four major, major bills for equality that people were voting on:

In Maine, Maryland, and Washington, the vote to legalize gay marriage was on the ballot
In Minnesota, the vote to define gay marriage as between a man and a woman and ban gay marriage was on the ballot.

They've been called "The Four" for the past few months, and obviously it's been a Pretty Big Deal.

So after 24 hours of nail biting nerves, I am really, REALLY happy to say that the first three issues all PASSED in their states, and the last issue was REJECTED in Minnesota!

This is a -major- win for equality in America. This is the first time that a referendum involving marriage has been on the ballot where it was -passed- by the people -- and passed (or in Minnesota's case, rejected!) in FOUR states is just an unbelievable victory.

We were the last to find out here in Washington -- we are a vote-by-mail state, so last night enough of the ballots weren't in yet. I went to bed with it winning 52%/48%, and this afternoon we finally got the official announcement - Ref 74 was the last of the Big Four to win marriage equality!

(This naturally means Lindsey and I will be getting OFFICIALLY married! Many of you already know we had a commitment ceremony back in 2008 [dear god 4 years ago], and it's SO exciting to finally be wife-and-wife legally. We'll be able to fix my insurance, which right now takes a LARGE chunk out of my paycheck cause Lindsey's benefits get taken out separate from mine post-taxes), we'll be able to file our taxes together, we'll have right/power of attorney to each other... basically it opens a LOT of new opportunities and rights to us, ones we don't even get with Washington's Civil Unions. SO EXCITED)
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Re: Marriage equality sweeps the election!

Post by AngharadTy »

I can't even express how happy I was to see all those votes come in. It's hard to believe that all four states went the right way! It really gives me hope.
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Re: Marriage equality sweeps the election!

Post by Marah »

Congrats, congrats, congrats, congrats on EVERYTHING. I also read that women have now more senate (?) seats than ever before. Go you!
I truly believe that if somewhere in the world progress is made when it comes to equality, any kind of equality, it makes the whole world a little bit better for all of us.
So congrats again and I'm really happy for you. YAY for OFFICIALLY married!!
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Re: Marriage equality sweeps the election!

Post by thelonetiel »

It's been so awesome! I loved seeing all the green Ref 74 signs around Seattle, but I'm still a little in shock that it managed to pass. I think the number is that gay marriage has failed in all 30 of the previous votes (before yesterday, only legislatures and courts were responsible for gay marriage, not public polls), so I was getting ready for another failure. It's a huge change in public opinion, one that's been too long in coming!

I spent last night on Capitol Hill in Seattle, which is well known for being one of the queer-friendliest parts of the city, and one of the main streets was shut down because of the giant throng of people celebrating in the street. There were (surely illegal) fireworks launched from the middle of the street and a balloon arch for pictures.

I imagine there were similar celebrations elsewhere, but I'm glad I got to take part in the local ones. :D

And congrats to you and Lindsay, Jessi! Washington will give you a beautiful wedding I have no doubt. ^_^
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Re: Marriage equality sweeps the election!

Post by Color Wheel »

That's fantastic! It's wonderful that you can finally get married.~ *celebration huggle*
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Re: Marriage equality sweeps the election!

Post by Wingsrising »

:Happy Snoopy Dance!:
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Re: Marriage equality sweeps the election!

Post by Fury »

Incredible, amazing news! A huge congratulations to you and to everybody who voted for it. This is how it should be!
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Re: Marriage equality sweeps the election!

Post by TCStarwind »

Yes, the election had some really good outcomes, I think. But congrats to you and Lindsay and finally being able to get married! :D
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Re: Marriage equality sweeps the election!

Post by Kantark »

I hadn't heard about this at all until you mentioned it, which was surprising considering the amount of US Election coverage there's been here in the UK (tons of it, seriously) in the run-up to the election. But then in the next day's paper along with something like 12 pages of analysis of the results I finally spotted a half-page article on the success of those gay-marriage votes. Well done, guys! Good news for sure :-)
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