Transparent and Silver Unis

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Transparent and Silver Unis

Post by Fury »


Transparent looks pretty damn cool even if there does appear to be some odd floating bones in that body. I think the muzzle especially is very well done!

Silver has an interesting sheen to it, it's not as flat and dull as a lot of Silver pets but it's nothing extraordinary.
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Re: Transparent and Silver Unis

Post by Kantark »

The muzzle/skull looks great - much higher level of detail than we'd usually get. The whole pet seems to have quite a lot going on, bordering on a little too busy in places. Looks a little odd that the horn does not appear to be bone (though I have a vague recollection we had some sort of discussion about keratin showing up on x-rays before?)

Silver seems suitably silvery with plenty of highlights to minimise the lead-like sheen. The highlight on the rump looks a tad out of place but otherwise it's a solid recolour.
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Re: Transparent and Silver Unis

Post by Darigan »

Excellent example of a Transparent pet.
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Re: Transparent and Silver Unis

Post by AngharadTy »

That's not a highlight, it's a lens flare cutie mark.

For transparent--I like a lot of the details, very much, but it does still bug me when it's obviously horse-based anatomy and I'm not sure they even looked at a photo of a horse skeleton. Still, it's a cool effect, and I'm glad there are no ear bones. I really like, visually, the ribs along the side.
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Re: Transparent and Silver Unis

Post by Madge »

I love the silver - it's awesome. Reminds me of the original gradient-heavy silver shoyru:

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Re: Transparent and Silver Unis

Post by RNA »

It bugs me that the wing has bones like a bat wing, and not a bird wing....
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Re: Transparent and Silver Unis

Post by Color Wheel »

Transparent: Before I say anything about the anatomy, let me just say that this looks amazing. The shading and highlighting, the colors, the details... wow.

Now, onto the anatomy itself. It’s about as accurate to a horse’s anatomy ... -horse.gif as you could get with the uni’s body type. There are only four problems I see with it, and they’re really more nitpicks then anything. One, there’s an odd bone under the head going diagonally that I can’t quite figure out. Two, usually I’ll accept the bones in the wings due to anthropomorphism, but seeing as a Uni’s wings are on their back, I’m not sure I can give that a pass. The horn bothers me a bit - the color is actually the problem, as it appears to be cartilage, when it should be keratin and therefore be the color of the hooves. Also, looking at a horse’s anatomy, the tail bones should be branching directly off the back and be up higher, though this is a Uni and not a horse, so... Anyway, as I said, that’s nitpicking.

The ear’s don’t have bones in them, the ribs are correctly placed, there’s a fair amount of organs, the skull’s very well drawn, especially the nostrils... Really, I love this. Best transparent pet by far.

Tl;dr - It’s beautiful and detailed and I WANT IT.

Silver: Silver pets look the nicest with detailed, soft shading, and that applies to this pet as well. It does look metallic, the colors are pretty, ect. The one problem I can find is compared to the other silver pets, the shading on the body looks like it might be too hard. The highlights seem a little too circular as well, and this really needed some sharp, well-defined small ones to really show some shine. Also, I think the lineart should have been lightened in the highlighted areas, much like they did with the Kyrii. It gives the whole thing more depth. Also, that highlight on the rump seems rather misplaced.

Tl;dr - Could be better, but not too bad for what it is. Certainly pretty to look at.
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