Transparent and Eventide Gelerts

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Transparent and Eventide Gelerts

Post by niklnip »

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I rather like Transparent, but the teeth really throw me off. It looks like a Goofy type grin, and it bothers me.
Eventide looks alright. The clouds almost feel copy/paste though. There's a decent amount of night sky, and the stars look lovely. I never did like the red outline on the yellow, though :\ That still bothers me.

Also clothes. The army/spy (?) type outfit looks awesome. The other is... Eeeeh. Too busy.
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Re: Transparent and Eventide Gelerts

Post by tagcat »

I'm going to ignore the clothes and go straight to the clothes. The first armoured one, a bit busy but pretty cool (you can never go wrong with armour) But the second one. A Lara Croft gelert? Amazing, especially considering the new lara croft game was recently released. There has to be a Lara fan somewhere on the art direction team :)

-See if you think so too
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Eventide... Nice I guess for such a boring colour. But I really dig the transparent, its pleasant to have two so quickly together. By leaving in the 'smile line' they destroy the teeth which ruins and the eyebrows make the eyeball sockets weird. But I like the complexity and how the whole skeleton connects closely.
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Re: Transparent and Eventide Gelerts

Post by AngharadTy »

Definitely Lara Croft, agreed.

I like the transparent gelert a lot. Simple bone structure but done pretty well!
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Re: Transparent and Eventide Gelerts

Post by Runic »

I immediately thought of Lara Croft when I saw those clothes too! Geez, I feel old... xD
The other set of clothes isn't too bad...I kinda like it. I'll go mess around in Jellyneo's wardrobe thing to see if I could make it work for my Gelert pup!

As for the new colours, Transparent's is Eventide. I was really hoping for Stealthy or Water, but ah well. Next year, I suppose. Unless they decide to do a Water / Stealthy theme day. :O
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Re: Transparent and Eventide Gelerts

Post by Kantark »

Two Transparents back-to-back. This one isn't as interesting as the Uni and suffers a bit in comparison. It's not bad, but the goofy expression and unconvincing eye sockets don't appeal to me so much.

Eventide, lots of Little Fluffy Clouds... the light blue colour in the eyes and under the belly looks a bit jarring and, yeah, that red outline again too.

Lara Croft Gelert, heheh, wonderful!
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Re: Transparent and Eventide Gelerts

Post by RNA »

The Eventide Gelert's belly is messed up ><

Transparent...well I'm glad they didn't put bones in the ears or tail. I'd never own one because of the teeth though. Why are the eye sockets in the shape of half-lidded eyes? they ought to be bigger than the default Gelert's....
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Re: Transparent and Eventide Gelerts

Post by Color Wheel »

Transparent: It’s a shame that the anatomy is a little messed up, as this is really nicely detailed, particularly in the bone texturing. I like how they did the tail as well - starts out with bones, but then becomes only cartledge as the tail lengthens. The ears are only cartilage, the rib cage looks decent, and I suppose there’s a fair amount of organs. But... I don’t know, maybe it’s just because I’m a dog person, but there’s quite a few anatomical problems. To quote likethestarsabove and bootywraith on Tumblr:
likethestarsabove: DOGS DO NOT HAVE CLAVICLES. STOP PUTTING CLAVICLES ON THEM. Also, look at the back legs, specifically past the hock (ankle). There are NOT three long bones in the canine hindlimb. That last bit beneath the hock is actually equivalent to the sole of a human foot and made up of a bunch of little bones.

Maybe that’s nitpicking - as I said, I’m around dogs often, so maybe I’m biased. But one thing that is bothersome to anyone is the teeth. What in the world is going on with them? One, canine teeth are sharp, and they kind of interlock like this: ... irdale.jpg. Two, why are they below the actual mouth? I realize that Gelerts have jowls, but the way the mouth line really messes the whole color up. If they had just redrew/erased said line, it really would have helped this.

Tl;dr - Decent, though there are some anatomy problems. Like I said, I may be biased. Either way, the mouth’s really bothersome.

Eventide: Geez, the shading on this seems really dark. I’m not sure if it’s just because of the colors or if it is actually darker, but it’s a bit too extreme.

As for the rest of it, it’s... well, what we’ve come to expect from the color. Straight-across gradient with colored outlines. There’s a fair amount of stars and clouds here, though as others have mentioned, the red outlines around the yellow legs are odd-looking. Also, the underbelly’s rather odd - the lighter color extends onto the chest normally, but I can’t even tell that on this. That wouldn’t be a problem except the color on the stomach is a completely different shade, to the point that I can’t quite figure out how the whole thing blends. The muzzle is well shaded, however, and I like the colors used.

Tl;dr - Other than some really dark shading, this is what we’ve come to expect from the color.
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Re: Transparent and Eventide Gelerts

Post by sydwinx »

I must say, I am a bit dissapointed. I thought the Transparent Gelert would look much better, with the month and all. The teeth look like Uni teeth...

I do like the little crack on the skull, though. I think that's a nice touch.

The Eventide looks nice.
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Re: Transparent and Eventide Gelerts

Post by Keleri »

The first outfit looked soooo familiar but I couldn't place it-- I just realized it's based on Loki's outfit from Thor/The Avengers.
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