Masquerade Plot Thread

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Griffin »

I finally got done with the stupid first step. I had to talk to everyone prior to Abigail, not two people like the plot board currently says.

The plot is exciting, but I'm nervous about the upcoming battles. I was supposed to have bought a Trident by now, but my sP is low and two of the bobbleheads I need aren't even on the market. I know I'll fall short if I don't start borrowing weapons... gonna get creamed by a riftborn, whatever it is.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Cranberry »

If there's battling in a plot, it's rarely mandatory, at least... and if it is, the critters are really, really easy. :)
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Rakumel »


Okay, I thought things were better on my end, but no. Still running into problems. I can't accept every dance invitation, sometimes I can turn in tokens fine and sometimes I can't, and I haven't even bought anything yet because I'm afraid of the duplication thing happening. And now there's a plot step? Really?

I'm sorry for whining, I really am, but god damn it I don't WANT a plot step now. I just want to be able to dance and buy pretties without having to worry about whether or not my invitations and tokens are going to count. I'm going to switch over to Chrome and see if that helps, but honestly? Too buggy right now for me to really enjoy this.

ETA: It does seem to work better in Chrome, knock on wood.
Last edited by Rakumel on 29 Mar 2013 04:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Griffin »

Cranberry wrote:If there's battling in a plot, it's rarely mandatory, at least... and if it is, the critters are really, really easy. :)
I gotta win for achieves and drops. Missed battle achievements from the Steele plot mock me forever, although that was the last time they had plot battle achievements. Hopefully never again?

By the way, it seems that the double purchase glitch doesn't happen in Chrome. I bought most of the new items with it last night =D
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Ierosbats »

I hate hate hate refresh-until-you-find-it plot mechanics. It's not fun, it's not creative, it's just a waste of everyone's time. It's especially frustrating when the site is slow, and at this point we've all come to expect that during any subeta event. I want all those bits and bobs you can find at the crash site but not if it means wasting hours of my life waiting for them to appear. I haven't found any of them yet. I know it's not realistic to expect every aspect of a plot to be equally engaging, but surely there are some feasible alternatives less clunky than this.

At least the art is pretty so far! If there's a silver lining to the dumb refreshing step it's that you get to look at that neat crash site.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Slugawoo »

I like that I found out the plot was happening here first and not from an official news post. Apparently it had already been going on for a day before they decided to say anything. ...Except on Facebook, that is. /siiigh

Unfortunately I'll have to save any praise or complaints for when I've progressed further, because I'm a day behind and still working on the invitations.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Wingsrising »

I certainly haven't found any invitations of any sort yet. You're just supposed to go to the dance page for every dance and eventually they show up?

I *think* the double-purchase glitch has now been fixed by a bit of script preventing you from making 2 purchases less than 30 seconds apart. (Of course, that also means I can't open-in-new-tab a bunch of purchases quickly.) And I haven't had any token-submission problems since they moved them to currency. (I'm using Firefox.) Note that you can get your tokens back (and the extra items deleted) if you got the double-purchase glitch by submitting a ticket.

EDIT: Public bitching FTW, I got one. There doesn't appear to be a random event, they just show up in your inventory. But... I need ALL the invitations!?! Meh.

EDIT2: OK, I didn't get all the dialogue that the forum thread said I was supposed to get. Is there something else I was supposed to do? I'll be cranky if this means I can't progress.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Seerow »

Glitches are still happening with buying for some people so I haven't even bothered anything yet. I feel like the site is eating my tokens since when I go to turn them in it will say "You don't have any!" sometimes but I have no proof. I can't accept all dances since it says I don't have any either sometimes. And good lord Subeta, get the lag under control.

I would love to be playing Subeta right now and enjoying the plot, but I can't. So back to Bioshock Infinite for me.

Forgot to mention the new CS clothing box sets and how ridiculously expensive they are. I can see some of the pieces like the wigs or masks being 250csc, but most of the pieces aren't worth more than 100csc. I just don't get why they weren't priced like every single other box similar and have it be around 500csc and you get all the items in there. Instead of potentially making a decent amount of profit on the items, they are likely making very very little if the three pages of complaints on the Forum thread is any indication. The items in both sets are really very nice and I would love to own them, but not for $40 for the pair!
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Wingsrising »

Now that there's definitely a plot, any chance a mod could use their magic modly powers to split this into its own thread?

I agree, Seerow. I don't understand the reasoning behind that pricing when you compare it to the prices in the CS boutique or to trunks. I like a few of the female items but not at that price.

1)There now appears to be a message when you get an invite.
2) The time-between-purchases has been reduced to 5 seconds, which does still seem to catch the double-purchases, but if you go to buy something and you get the "don't buy a item less than 5 seconds apart" message, check your inventory -- you probably bought it successfully and the message was for a bugged double-purchase it caught.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Griffin »

Wings, what I did to finish the invitation step was this:

1. "Take a closer look" at the free book (must be done first)
2. Use invitation from Georgiana - refresh the page until she stops saying new things (do this for all)
3. Cassandra
4. Boudewijn
5. Anthony (possibly must be second-to-last?)
6. Abigail (must be last)

Then you can go to Thorpe and enter the crash site. The order of the NPCs besides Abigail may or may not be important, but that particular order did work for me.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Wingsrising »

I got Boudewijn first and got almost nothing from him. Then I got Anthony, Abigail, and Cassandra, and comparing what I got from the bits listed in the Subeta plot thread, it looks like I got everything. So I think probably Anthony must come before Abigail (based on her conversation) and (at least) Cassandra has to bome before Boudewijn. I have another invite from him but I think I'll wait until I get Georgiana just in case.
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Ierosbats »

Did they change it so you need to get invites from all five? The only invitations I got were from Anthony, then Abigail, and that was all Thorpe needed I guess. I hope that doesn't come back to bite me in the ass. I'm already kicking myself for moving on so quickly because I didn't realize the opened invitations are readable. Now I can't stock up on extras. /greedy
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Griffin »

I guess the invite process was changed pretty early on, or it was glitched at first.

I think the opened invites will get pretty cheap since every participant will generate at least five. Also the crash site junk is deflating fast (one's already under 1k) so you can save yourself some trouble on the refreshing!
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Wingsrising »

Crash site junk? Am I missing something?

I'm now getting multiples of invites I already have instead of the ONE that I need... :grumble:

EDIT: Oh, it's from the next step of the plot. I thought it had to do with how much Subeta has been crashing... :oops:
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Re: New Features/Updates

Post by Marah »

You don't have any!" sometimes but I have no proof. I can't accept all dances since it says I don't have any either sometimes
That would explain so much. I kept thinking there was somthing wrong with my dances, the number of dances other people accepted from me and the speed with which my token count is going up. I dob't understand why this thing has a glitch, it has worked fine before. I'm also not understanding why I'm getting dance times of 8+ minutes while there is still an unsolved glitch. If you're going to eat my tokens, at least let me dance more.

Haven't even started on the plot yet.
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