Achievements and Tales of Woe

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Marah »

If you click on a potion in your inventory equipping them is an option under Other Options.

I'm currently battling every opponent I can to get to +/- 20 wins to get tokens to buy stuff now that the timer is off (yay!)

As a coding/battling issue, I really think the way we attach modifying crystals can be easier. The long scroll down list of random weapons is a bit hard to navigate.
And to balance with something positive, I love Levia. I tried to figure out my own tactic (instead of running to the forums) for beating her. I think I should be able to scrape one win with my tier 4 if I stock up on enough potions and temporarily give her the better scrolls. Trying that later.

Also wingsrising, I really love the azazoth combo for my tier 5 (now 6) it is not so expensive as some of the other weapons. Azathoth Curled Bow, Poisonous Azathoth Tentacle & Azathoth Spiny Gauntlets. Azatoth curled bow is currenly inflated to 14 mil, but it was 1.5 mil. Maybe something to keep your eye on after the battle event is over? (Or maybe you have one in your wardrobe?) You do need to equip all 3 of them to get the best stats.

Azathoth Curled Bow
2 Mod Slots
w/o Combo
Attack: 5-6 Physical, 4-5 Dark, 11-13 Earth, 5 Wind (25-29 icons)
Defense: -
Curse; Will of Azathoth (3 Dark, 3 Wind)
Other: -
w/ Combo
Attack: 7 Physical, 5 Dark, 13 Earth, 5 Wind (30 icons)
Defense: -
Curse; Will of Azathoth (3 Dark, 3 Wind)
Other: -

Azathoth Spiny Gauntlets
1 Mod Slot
w/o Combo
Attack: 2 Physical, 3 Water, 3 Earth (8 icons)
Defense: 4 Physcial, 4 Ice, 4 Magma
Other: -
Attack: 10-12 Physical, 10-12 Dark, 8 Earth (28-32 icons)
Defense: 4 Physcial, 4 Ice, 4 Magma
Other: Boosts Strength by 10

Poisonous Azathoth Tentacle
1 Mod Slot
w/o Combo
Attack: 4 physical, 5-10 dark, 5-8 earth, 5 water (19-27 icons)
Defense: -
Other: Heals -3%
Attack: 4-5 physical, 8-10 dark, 6-8 earth, 5-7 water (23-30 icons)
Defense: -
Other: Heals 6%
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Tom »

People recommend investing in health because it's least affected by diminishing returns, and a pet with higher health can typically take on stronger opponents sooner. Your % heals increase in effectiveness linearly when you boost health, up to 7500HP, whereas all other stats become less useful with each point you invest. Obviously there needs to be a balance though and in my opinion moving up through the tiers more quickly, to better weapons, is more important than boosting the more expensive health at lower levels as there are some important milestones to reach. When you start to feel confident in what you're doing, I'd say it's probably a good time to considering how to specialise your build.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

Marah: Thanks! Site suggestion: I think the new system for equipping weapons could stand some refinement/clarification: this is twice now I haven't been able to figure out how to do something to my equipped weapons without asking.

Yep, the Azathoth set is what I'm using now. I generally attack with the Bow and Gauntlets, but maybe I should be using the Tentacle more for the healing.

Tom: Thanks! I'll wait to worry about HP.

I tried a Shinwa's quest and I think at this point in my career I'd get more from selling the stat boosters than using them... assuming they sell well. (I was lucky and got a stat booster, but it's not selling at the moment.) Those library quests are very annoying though --I had to go through a lot to get one I didn't consider excessively expensive.)
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Iggy »

Wow, gutting knife is down to 12M? I sold mine for 45M a while back :)
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

Iggy wrote:Wow, gutting knife is down to 12M? I sold mine for 45M a while back :)
Ooo. In what is a heck of an impulse purchase for me, I bought one. (Dunno if it's any good as a weapon, but it's been on my wishlist for a while for Duskfeather's treasure, but it's one of those things I've kept on my wishlist but basically had written off because of the price.)
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Marah »

So I finally decided to make some changes in my account.

I started by using one loyalty box to create Esmy Image. I thought she was a chibi escalade, but I checked just in time and found that that colour is in fact nostalgic. I assumed I needed a plushie makers kit, but of course I needed plastic (only one I didn't have in my vault.)

I ended up abandoning Polar Aurora, who was a galactic sheeta. I loved the galactic sheeta, but the name wasn't working for me. I was bored with my galactc anyu however, So Borealis is now my new galactic sheeta.

I created Ceirdre Image, my overly happy hippo in the empty slot.

I have been working on minion, treasure chests and battlesets (finally bought that Phoenix Quill). I was looking for the perfect minion for my spectrum Jollin, because my first choice, spectrum blob kitties, weren't for sale anywhere. And then they put it back in the crystal shop....!!! I slightly panicked and went frantically fragging everything I could for the missing 120 crystals et voila: Caipirinha
Perfect pair, they look like two idiots bouncing on a trampoline. Very happy with that.

I have one loyalty box left (but I think I will wait till I have two, I really don't like an uneven number of pets on my lookup), a lot of keepsake boxes to buy, some minions to sort out, half a vault to sort and chuck in my shop while I still have a few days of auto pricer and last but not least to decide to make Ashelon a sun tigrean or a steamwork anyu... suggestions?
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And if anyone is interested, the pet name Colour becomes available on july 14th. Congrats if you read all of that!
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Seerow »

I did it! I made it through the Crypts! I never thought I'd see the day. I didn't get any of the special prizes (got a Frankencluck piece) but I also got that achievement so yay.

I had never really seen beyond the first three or four rooms, there are some pretty ones later on there.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

Achievement: I hit Tier 6! A little anticlimactic because honestly, I don't know that any of the Tier 6 weapons are better than the Azathoth combo I'm already using. Is the Reborn Ice Wand of doom worth it -- or at least, picking up a Reborn Wand hoping the Freezewand shows up in the Millionaire Center again as winter approaches? Keep in mind that I'm only sitting on about 40 million so 20 million for the two wands is a big chunk of change for me.

Woe: Thanks to being on vacation for most of the last month (that part isn't a woe) I totally forgot to pick up the research notes to get the Tier 6 challenger for July. :-/
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Cranberry »

Yeah, the Reborn Icewand is a good weapon, probably the best buy in that tier. Cherry Blossom Scythe is nice, if you can snag one from the BHH. Frozen Ocean Curl and Shards of Space and Time are both decent, as well. Both have a chance to freeze.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

Do either of them take up my freezer slots, though?

So if I could only get one of Reborn Icewand or Frozen Ocean Curl, it should be the Reborn Icewand?
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Cranberry »

The Frozen Ocean Curl does not take up the freezer slot, but the Shards do. And yeah, I'd go for the wand over the curl. The wand is useful more often, and it heals 10%. It also has a small freeze chance and does not take up the freezer slot.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

I found an Icewand in the user shops for 25 million and broke down and bought one. Still having trouble with the next tier of opponents, though. More strategizing is needed. :-)
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by lavender »

Got the 500k cumulative achievement for Cybill Sledding tonight - another game I never have to play again!
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

I went ahead and activated a 1 Week GA for the Reading Drive for the Autopricer and the extra Library Quests, which meant now I have access to two free pet slots. So I went ahead and made a pet I've been wanting for a while:

While I was thinking about pets, I puzzled over the question of what to do with my pet Clearbrook again. I'd never been happy with her color -- Cream Legeica -- as she's supposed to be a water spirit pet, but the one water-related pet I really liked -- Glade Chelon -- didn't really seem like a "Clearbrook" to me. (For one thing, she's female and the Glade Chelon looks male to me. For another, it's clearly a saltwater rather than freshwater pet.)

I was even thinking of making a new water spirit pet as a Glade Chelon (but then what to do with Clearbrook?) when I discovered that, unnoticed by me, the Glade Swampie had been revamped earlier this summer and was now perfect for a pet named Clearbrook! I don't like the pet itself quite as much as the Glade Chelon (I may make one of those eventually, too, who knows?) but it was so perfect for the name I took the plunge and I'm very happy now.

Of course, maybe now Murphy's Law dictates that we'll get a true water color like the one on Neopets the way I've been hoping... but, well, I'd be OK with that!

Yay, new pets!

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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by AngharadTy »

Skydancing is a really great name for the nostalgic torrent, too! Very nice choice.
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