Reading Drive 2013

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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by Seerow »

Can anyone explain the breakdown of the Library/Alexander quest points for me? I currently have 151 where I feel like I should only have 150. 120pts from doing library quests for four days then 30pts from Alexander since I thought I read somewhere that his scavenger hunts were worth 10pts each. Where does that extra 1 come from?
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by Griffin »

It looks like there are a lot of glitchy point counts. I haven't been keeping track so I have no idea if mine are accurate either. :0

Today I made the decision to autoprice my book stash and the money's rollin' in. It means I'll have to pay more for the quests, but I can buy lots more books. Speaking of which, any zombies want to buy a set of books from the den for me? I tip 0:)
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by Wingsrising »

I also have something to ask our resident zombies...

I posted a ways upthread about how I accidentally priced some books at "1" instead of removing "1" from my shop?

Well, I did it again... except this time someone bought up a bunch of my books at 1 sP. :-(

Ironically, they were all Zombie Den books I'd already turned in -- the ones I hadn't turned in, I caught in time.

But I may be hitting up some zombies when this is all over to possibly take pity on me and help me with replacing them for next Reading Drive. (And even though none of them were books I lost, if any zombies wanted to help me buy the Zombie Den books I don't have yet, I wouldn't say no...)
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by AngharadTy »

I am ill and therefore less reliable than usual, but with no shop timer on Skitters (yayyyyyyyy finally yayyyyy), I can buy stuff if someone sends me a list in my comments or smail or whatever. By "less reliable than usual" I mean that it might take me several hours to get to the trade accepting button. (Exhausting virus. I keep falling asleep. Luckily that's all. Just really inconvenient to sleep for so much time every day.)

Now that we're past the halfway point in the event, there's one thing that's really, really bugging me. I have several hundred unique books just hanging out. I know we're not expected to make as many points as last year, and obviously that's why, but geez, I put so much effort into this and those hundreds of books are just sitting there. Some of them are really expensive, too, because the last time, we got more points for more rare books. This time, I've turned down a couple Alexander quests because I'd rather have a book worth 10 million than one reading drive point. (I tried to test with rare books to see if he gave more than one per quest, but my tests all turned up one point each.)
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by Cranberry »

I believe that next time, we won't do a straight-up reading drive, but an item drive instead, possibly with different themed days (like food one day, toys the next, stuff like that). Keith seemed to like that idea (and I do, too!).

And yeah, I sold something like 220mil worth of books, but I have a bunch now sitting around in my shop. I think they may sell closer to the end of the event, though. Sales have been fairly steady.
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by AngharadTy »

I guess I would also be better off selling my books rather than sitting on the useless pile of them, but at the same time, I spent so long collecting these... it hurts!
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by Cranberry »

My first priority is always to read to Visla (although I am not sure why, as once books hit the 1mil point, it's much more cost-effective to use intelligence boosters and only read a book on every 16th to activate the alchemy point). I just really like reading books to her. I don't feel too bad about selling books she's already read. I suppose I'll read any leftovers to my secondary battlepet once the RD ends!
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by Ierosbats »

Before I waste even more of my life on this event, is there an easy way to maintain a checklist of what books I've turned in? Subetalodge has a list of all the eligible books this time around, but the mass add feature is broken so... that's not particularly useful. I've already turned in over 200 books, I really don't want to add them in by hand. That task might not be so bad if your turned-in books were sorted in basically any way. Alphabetical would be best, but even the order you turned stuff in would help. Right now it's totally random, and changes every time you view the page. Which... why. Why. Is that intentional, or just lazy coding? It would also be really helpful if books submitted to the Reading Drive showed up in an account search, even if only temporarily, but of course they don't.

I do understand Keith's motivation for changing the event so that you actually have to put work into it over the course of a week and can't just dump your books then come back later and *poof* prizes. That's fair. But yet again (I feel like we say this every event) there's a major difference between drawing your event out and just making the whole thing a huge chore. Like Ty said, a lot of people have already put years worth of effort into this Drive. I know I have. I feel like the very least we deserve at this point is the ability to turn in more than one damn book at a time.

I'm gonna hop on the bandwagon and say I'm very skeptical about what's happening with my Alexander points. Is there any official word on whether or not it's been glitchy? I've started keeping track on paper, but I'm not sure if that makes me feel better or worse.
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by Griffin »

Actually the mass add does work! You just have to find the part of the source code where the books are listed, which should be on line 361 and begins after the text "Alexander has also given you x points for your help!" Copy that whole long ass line of book data into the mass add and it should work. c:

I totally agree about the lack of any discernible order for the books.
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by Wingsrising »

Tomorrow is the last day, right?

What I wish is that you could still view the books you haven't read sorted by user price low to high on SL. Or rather, you CAN do that, I wish it worked.
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by Marah »

Oh yes, that would be lovely. I have turned in 169 books, sold some and read some to my battlepet. I want to turn in 31 more books, but finding the cheapest ones is hard.

I have 96 points from alexander right now. I haven't been doing quests for the first few days because like so many people I had 600+ books in my inventory to sort through. It took me a while to figure out that extra shops are a better vault than the vault itself: Instant sorting in categories. I'm going to use that one a lot more!

I liked the scavenger hunt and I'm proud that I actually read some expensive books to my pet and sold some achievement prices in my shop. battling my pixel hoarding tendencies here. Other than that I'm not sure what to think of this event. Like Ty I never saw the old version as easy points because of the sorting out and making lists of books I had to do.

Edit: And adding reading drive to account search would have been a really good idea. I can't believe that that wasn't done actually.
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by Wingsrising »

Well, I have 385 points between books, library quests, and the scavenger hunts and I may be done -- I think I've turned in all the books below about 250k. I may check again later tonight.

Like wading through a sea of molasses to finish everything this morning, too.
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by Rakumel »

Error 502
Error 502
Error 502
Error 502
Actual Page!
Error 502
Error 502
etc. etc. etc.

I'm only on Day 4. I'm not going to finish them all in time, am I?

Edit: Managed to complete all days of the scavenger hunt. But after that I decided to do Subeta a favor and quit for another good long while. I'll probably kick myself later for not starting sooner or trying harder to earn just a few more points, but for now...god, I'm sorry, but I just can't take it.
Last edited by Rakumel on 09 Sep 2013 01:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by Foghawk »

I've been trying to finish the last day's scavenger hunt, but ugh. So, so many bad gateway errors. I was gonna try and do my library quests and get up to a round hundred books, but I dunno if it's happening.

EDIT: OK, I did finish it.
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I don't know whether to be pleased that Alexander's curious insouciance (Call the police! I kept saying. Please!) was satisfactorily explained, or to be mad 'cos apparently he's a lying liar. He was the only NPC I liked. :I
BTW, I have duplicates of a bunch of the old Masquerade invitation books; anyone wanna swap? (I'm also a 2009 zombie, so if anybody's still missing any Zombie Den books, I'd be happy to help out—at cost or trade, whichever.)
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Re: Reading Drive 2013

Post by AngharadTy »

Good lord. The site has been awful the entire day. At least it's up now, but every page is taking ages to load and there are still occasionally bad gateway errors. This is how you know the event has a deadline! Makes it more exciting!

edit: Haha, while I was typing this, waiting for a page to load, I got a nice fat Subeta is Down page.
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