Joey's 2015 Jack-o-Lantern Thread!

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Joey's 2015 Jack-o-Lantern Thread!

Post by Joey »

It's back again, like the changing of the leaves, and all that other fall stuff that doesn't really happen in California~

And I forgot to post the end of last year's pumpkin carving! Halloween was on a Friday last year so it got kind of intense the two weekends surrounding it, and I think I had a post carving crash or something. So before I get to this year's carvings I shall post all of those!

At some point I was inspired to do a trio of video game pumpkins, starting with the Lorule Crest from A Link Between Worlds. I remember there being a lot of hassle with this one: stuff falling off, rotting in the back, dropping it, etc. I still made it look good though.
Then I did Luigi's Death Stare from Mario Kart 8, because it is hilarious. Not my pattern, still makes me laugh a year later.
And then I carved my weirdest pokemon pumpkin yet, a Helix Fossil in honor of Twitch Plays Pokemon.

Then came the Portal theme, which I had originally planned to do in 2013 but never got around to after I burned myself out on Majora's Mask.
Portal Dude #1
And Portal Dude #2! Dyed the shaded parts blue in this one, a neat effect that totally does not work in the pictures. Believe me it was awesome though.
Weighted Companion Pumpkin :D Not my pattern.
Aperture Science Logo, also not my pattern.
GLaDOS, because no theme is complete without a crazy difficult pumpkin :D It's my new favorite. Go bask in the glory of the full sized image: ... -492985397
The cake is, of course, a lie. (Also not my pattern.)
And one more to round it all off! Not my pattern again.

So that summed up the end of last year. This year I've gotten off to a bit of a rough start because my schedule at works sucks and I haven't had a lot of time to sit and carve. I've knocked out 4 so far though!

Arrr it be the annual pirate pattern! From the book of patterns that came with the dremel drill.
Arcanine, my second favorite Gen 1 pokemon which for some reason I'd never carved until now!
Got my haunted house out of the way early, this pattern from Orange and Black pumpkins.
And a cool witch pumpkin from Zombie Pumpkins, because I wanted to!

I'm actually going to be out of town on Halloween this year, so I'm not going to do a theme. Instead I have plans to do at least 3 sets of pumpkins based on the video games I've been obsessed with this past year :D And they're all stupid crazy designs but if I pull it off it will be awesome :D

And your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to kick me in the butt to make sure I post all of them before next year!
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Re: Joey's 2015 Jack-o-Lantern Thread!

Post by Jazzy »

Oh my gosh, that Glados is amazing!
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Re: Joey's 2015 Jack-o-Lantern Thread!

Post by Madge »

I look forward to your post every year! Thanks so much for sharing them with us again.

When people come to your house on Halloween, are they... like completely blown away by the pumpkins? Do you have lots of gawkers??? I must know.
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Re: Joey's 2015 Jack-o-Lantern Thread!

Post by AngharadTy »

I've already seen these new pumpkins reblogged (with credit) on a random tumblr I follow. I was so pleased.
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Re: Joey's 2015 Jack-o-Lantern Thread!

Post by Joey »

Jazzy: Thanks! Even after this year's carves it's still my favorite :D

Madge: I haven't gotten any trick or treaters at all ever since I started living on my own. But back at my parent's house they were super popular! And when I brought a couple to my old anime club in college they were a huge hit too (some of them were even stolen D:). I'm steadily increasing my outdoor Halloween decor so hopefully I'll lure them out one of these years so my pumpkins can be shown off again!

Ty: Nice! I love it when people add credit! I've been trying out posting them on my own tumblr with some success, but still more often then not they're more popular when other people post them. Tumblr is dumb like that.

Ok posting the rest of my pumpkins time!

The first of the mini-bunches of pumpkins based on games I played way too much the past year is Hyrule Warriors, because I had to. I've been way too obsessed with this dumb game. It took me forever to decide on a design but then the idea to use the wind waker style cutscenes clicked and then it turned out amazing. Fun fact: Cia refused to die! I carved it on the 18th, and finally it rotted enough to be thrown out on the 6th. It was kinda crazy.

Not really a cohesive group like the others, but I wanted to carve a nod to Kirby and Pokemon as well, since I've been playing through the entirety of the Kirby series and I'm always playing Pokemon too much. I wanted to try something different with Kirby by using the warp star as the cutout, and it turned out rather cool. And Noivern is because I have one on the team I spent a lot of time breeding for my X version, and I thought it would look cool and spooky on a pumpkin!

And then I carved Splatoon pumpkins! The Inkling Girl is probably my favorite carve of the year, it took forever but it looks so cool. The pumpkin I was working with was so fresh :D The Squid Inkling and Judd were also fun carves, they make a great set.
Spoiler: open/close
Obligatory MLP:FiM Pumpkin! This one is kind of a big spoiler for one of the recent episodes (5-18), so I'm gonna sneak it behind a spoiler because I ended up getting spoiled on it and was super annoyed about it. I wanted to enter this one in a contest but I was so busy with work and everything that I ended up starting this one at midnight when it was due at noon. But I finished in time and ended up winning!

And the last mini-theme, Crypt of the NecroDancer pumpkins! I have also been obsessed with playing this game, and knew I had to carve something from it. It was my first time trying out pixel style pumpkins! It was tough. But Cadance turned out really well, I played around with the cutout outline as well and it looks cool. Seriously go check out this game if you haven't heard of it:

And that is probably it for this year! I do have a few leftovers, including a big one that I might still carve a book themed design on if my friend gets back to me with a design. But I also exhausted myself a bit with all the late night carvings crammed in around my dumb work schedule, so I wouldn't mind calling it a season either.

Fun story: for all of the video game pumpkins I watched the original Sailor Moon series as background noise, and ended up getting through the entirety of the first 3 seasons, if that gives you a sense of how many hours I put in. Also watching that much Sailor Moon in a short amount of time does weird things to your brain.
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Re: Joey's 2015 Jack-o-Lantern Thread!

Post by Iggy »

Saw your Splatoon pumpkins on Reddit, that's amazing that you're still staying fresh! :D
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