Since I am not sure if anyone is still here I will make my long story short: logged back into neo on a whim; found out with great delight that everyone can now have five pets, transfered my UC fae peo to main. Let's do some old skool ~aesthetics~ discussion on a petpet match!! This board was THE BEST at that stuff. I also have fond memories of the pretty items thread, I gotta go find that again.
Her name is Lanierenna. My old art of her is looking real fuzzy and small on our giant new monitors, 10 years later.

Her current match is a Belonthiss. I think at the time I attached it I cherished some optimistic daydream that a faerie version would come out one day. I checked the available colours and the only other one available is... mutant. Meh!

I am looking for something light, pretty, winged or finned, colour matchy-match 'cause I'm a basic bitch, hit me up with your ideas... Budget is dumb, like 10 million, I ain't got nothing left to save for now!