Female Colours

For discussion of new pet colours- speculation and discussion of colours in general should be placed in New Features or Misc.
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Re: Female Colours

Post by Nogitsune »

Candy Gelert: Image

Transparent Scorchio: Image

Woodland Buzz: Image

Toy Chomby: Image

Steampunk Shoyru: Image

Silver Chia: Image

Sroom Chia: Image
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Re: Female Colours

Post by Nogitsune »

Origami Krawk: Image

Purple Lutari: Image

Camouflage Lutari: Image

Toy Kougra: Image

Relic Lupe: Image

Dimensional Hissi: Image

Biscuit Moehog: Image

Transparent Koi: Image
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Re: Female Colours

Post by Nogitsune »

Origami Yurble: Image

Pink Vandagyre: Image

Marble JubJub: Image

Maraquan Quiggle: Image

Toy Nimmo: Image

Pastel Kau: Image

Candy Flotsam: Image

Valentine Ixi: Image
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Re: Female Colours

Post by Nogitsune »

Toy Acara: Image

Oil Paint Tuskaninny: Image

Marble Kiko: Image

Burlap Peophin: Image

Silver Ruki: Image

Polka Dot Ruki: Image

Potato Chia: Image
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Re: Female Colours

Post by Nogitsune »

Elderlyboy Blumaroo: Image
Elderlyboy (girl) Blumaroo: Image

Elderlygirl (boy) Blumaroo: Image
Elderlygirl Blumaroo: Image

Transparent Meerca: Image

Swamp Gas Grundo: Image

Burlap Kyrii: Image

Steampunk Draik: Image
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Re: Female Colours

Post by Nogitsune »

Valentine Techo: Image

Water Vandagyre: Image

Pastel Poogle: Image

Valentine Grarrl: Image

8-Bit Eyrie: Image

Relic Bori: Image

Toy Jetsam: Image

Pastel Korbat: Image
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Re: Female Colours

Post by Nogitsune »

Halloween Lutari: Image

Valentine Pteri: Image

Maraquan Vandagyre: Image

Toy Poogle: Image

Burlap Usul: Image

Sponge Xweetok: Image

Toy Bruce: Image
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Re: Female Colours

Post by Nogitsune »

Elderly Boy Wocky: Image
Elderly Boy (Girl) Wocky: Image

Elderly Girl Wocky:Image
Elderly Girl (Boy) Wocky: Image

Snow Hissi: Image

Woodland Ogrin: Image

----END 2023----
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Female Colours 2024

Post by Nogitsune »

Oil Paint Aisha: Image

Gold Kacheek: Image

Maraquan Gnorbu: Image

Pastel Buzz: Image

Invisible Buzz: Image

Invisible Grundo: Image

Relic Elephante: Image

8-Bit Kacheek: Image

Mosaic Zafara: Image

Origami Lenny: Image
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Female Colours 2024

Post by Nogitsune »

Valentine Lupe: Image

Valentine Zafara: Image

Clay Chia: Image

Banana Chia: Image

8-Bit Tonu: Image

Snot Mynci: Image

Dimensional Uni: Image

Invisible Krawk: Image

Invisible Lutari: Image

Elderly Boy Gelert: Image

Elderly Boy (Girl) Gelert: Image

Elderly Girl (Boy) Gelert: Image

Elderly Girl Gelert: Image
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Female Colours 2024

Post by Nogitsune »

Origami Scorchio: Image

Candy Chomby: Image

Burlap Shoyru: Image

8-Bit Krawk: Image

Spotted Lutari: Image

Steampunk Kougra: Image

Burlap Cybunny: Image

Elderlyboy Hissi: Image

Elderlyboy (girl) Hissi: Image

Elderlygirl (boy) Hissi: Image

Elderlygirl Hissi: Image
Faster than a speeding cheeseburger, but not by much.
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Re: Female Colours

Post by Nogitsune »

Tyrannian Lutari: Image
Maractite Moehog: Image
Origami Koi: Image
Transparent Yurble: Image
Strawberry Peophin: Image
Toy Jubjub: Image
Candy Quiggle: Image
Maraquan Nimmo: Image
Polka Dot Kau: Image
Toy Kacheek: Image
Faster than a speeding cheeseburger, but not by much.
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