Book discussion / Werewolf

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Book discussion / Werewolf

Post by Wingsrising »

I don't know if anyone else is having this experience, but I find I'm not often checking up with the book discussion thread because every time I look at the forum, I see that the latest post in Epilogue is a Werewolf post. So, I think, "I don't care about Werewolf" and don't check that forum. Since for whatever reason the forum randomly marks posts I haven't read as "Read" when I leave the forums (sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't) when I actually *do* check I don't see that there are new posts in the book discussion.

I'm wondering if Werewolf should be moved to Forum Games board? I mean, it is a forum game. IIRC, the reason it's in Epilogue is that there wasn't a Forum Games thread at the time it was decided it was taking over Chit-Chat, so Epilogue was the next-most obvious place to move it to.

It's not that I have anything against Werewolf -- I don't care about it, but I certainly don't wish it any harm -- but I wonder if what (I admit) little non-Werewolf traffic that does happen on the Epilogue board would get more attention if Werewolf wasn't swamping it out.

Edit: Another possibility if we really want to keep up the book discussions is to move them back to Chit-Chat -- which is where other book and movie discussions happen, after all Right now they don't seem to be taking up much space, and in Chit-Chat they would get more attention than they are in Epilogue. In that case, I think it would still be worth discussing what we want to happen with the Epilogue forum and whether we want a writing forum that isn't mostly Werewolf.
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Post by Monkeyguy »

I agree with you, I do the same thing whenever I see Werewolf.

I don't think Werewolf and Deforestation would suffer from being in the same board. They probably have a number of the same members playing them, it could make things easier...
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Post by Zap »

I think the reason it has stayed in Epilogue is because of the writing bits in it... the introduction, the night scenes, and from the players, well... I guess there's poetry. ;)

I wouldn't mind Werewolf being over with the other games. *shrugs*
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Post by Kidnemo »

Wasn't Epilogue essentially created just for Werewolf?
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Post by Wingsrising »

Well, my point wasn't that Werewolf doesn't involve writing or that Epilogue wasn't created just for Werewolf so much as that anything posted there now that doesn't involve Werewolf seems to be largely ignored.

If we want to leave Werewolf in Epilogue, then I think if we're planning on continuing the book group we should to move it out of Epilogue and back to Chit-Chat, where it doesn't take up much room and would get more traffic.

I don't post writing to the forum so whether non-Werewolf writing posts get noticed or not doesn't make a difference to me personally one way or the other. :shrug: However, people who do (or would) post writing to the forums might have an opinion on the matter.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Y'all just need to start using the new posts link.

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Post by Wingsrising »

I'm aware of the existence of the New Posts link. I don't like looking at posts all thrown together instead of sorted by forum, which is why I don't use it.
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Post by Riddler »

Mm, I too hate seeing writings and the book club threads being swamped over by Werewolf posts, especially given I'm running the swamping half at the moment ;P - Epilogue was originally created as something to encompass the Writings subforum and the WW game, yus? I can see problems with having a subforum dedicated entirely to Werewolf, but having it with the usually much slower-moving book/writing threads does seem a tad unfair. I can also see WW being grouped with the Deforestation game, but as pointed out the (albeit little and loosely-defined) roleplaying does set it apart slightly.

I'm wondering if it's at all possible to have a subforum 'Games' which can then branch into further subfora concerning, exempli gratia, Werewolf, Subeta, Deforestation, Pokémon, etc.? I've seen it done elsewhere, so just throwing up the possibility, but I'm sure Jazzy'll be able to clear it up either way =P
Thanks to Twisted for the awesome set!
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Post by dandelions »

Can't have subforums for two reasons:
- I can't install any mods right now, I have no FTP access and am likely not to for a while.
- The mod is really, really ugly. I've considered it several times but it is a pain in the arse; we would be better with an Invision board for those.

So, any solutions you can come up with have to be possible using what forum options I have access to right now, and preferably also without the admin panel (so no new boards, either).

One option I don't think anyone's brought up: make a Werewolf-only board with a Werewolf usergroup (open membership), and hide that board so only people in the usergroup can see it.
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Post by oogabooga »

I would argue against having the book discussion back in Chit-Chat. Unless it starts getting a lot more traffic, it'll get pushed too far down the page. At least in Epilogue it stays near the top so it's easy to find.

I think it would be better to move Werewolf, if people think having them together is a problem. I don't see a problem with putting it in games, but I also rather like Jazzy's suggestion of it being a usergroup. Easy to ignore if you don't want to see it.
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Post by Joey »

I can attest to nothing but WW getting attention, AS NO ONE EVEN BOTHERED TO COMMENT ON THE STORY I POSTED THERE ASKING FOR ADVICE DESPITE BEING STICKIED! So yeah, out with WW. It's a game.
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Post by Mistress Morbid »

Ooh, I definitely vote for the Werewolf Usergroup idea. I always dislike having to mark it as read even though I never pay attention to its threads.
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Post by Madge »

I am also totally for the usergroup, as it means people like me who are far too important to waste their time with piddling matters such as WEREWOLF, of all things, don't have to be subjected to the HORROR.
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Post by Jazzy »

I was jolted into action by Madge's use of capital letters, and voila! WW usergroup. Scroll up to the top, to usergroups, click to join the WW one and daisy will approve you.

points for the future:
the WW hosting poll for the <b>next</b> Werewolf, WW10, will go in Epilogue.
The signups for the next Werewolf will go in Games and Polls.
Once the next WW has begun, all the remaining WW topics in Epilogue (ww9 and the ww10 hosting) will go in the new forum.
The WW hosting poll for the <b>following</b> werewolf, WW11, will go in the Werewolf forum.
The signups for WW11 and all subsequent WWs will stay in Games and Polls* and <b>not</b> move to the new usergroup. This is so new and returning members know WW exists. Also, the thread must direct users to the usergroup.

*If putting the signups in Games and Polls means they disappear quickly, since that forum can be high-traffic, the signups will move to Chit-Chat. I'm attempting to keep WW getting as many new players as possible here, but also attempting to avoid people coming back and saying "I'm avoiding Chit-Chat while the ww signups keep getting bumped", like people did with the games threads.

Does that make sense? Now I'm going to log into my alt account and hope I don't have to log in again here for a while.
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