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Post by Cheese »

AngharadTy wrote:Once upon a time, Sam had us do tryouts for the news, but nothing ever came of it. I remember really enjoying Cheese's writeups, but that's all. Something like that might be nice, again. Only, definitely without names, as you say.
D'awww (:

New things like lab logs and german site do not affect me much...so I'm indifferent to them, but I would be interested in the position of news type man.

Only problem with annonymous applications, like with WW, is that it would be so obviously mine as to make not putting my name on it almost pointless ;p
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Post by Twofold Black »

Joeno wrote:<i>snip explanation of German Neocolours thing</i>
I for one am not bothered by this. So we're so awesome they're exporting us now. Sweet. Now, let's get back to what's really important, which is cataloguing vaguely sexually suggestive item graphics.
Joeno wrote:start_gender VARCHAR(8), now_gender VARCHAR(8)
I know it's dumb, but this kind of thing cracks me up.
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Post by dandelions »

Yeah, I could edit the post so that they don't display but I think they look rather...cool :P

I don't mind other people using our coding, but would prefer if in future you didn't let them use the name. I know I've been around long enough to remember the site before it even had a name, but it's ours by now. Ours and that band's, that is.

I can accept money to do a banner using subeta artwork, can't I? *plots* But seriously, come up with a name and I'll create a banner in the same style using their pets, as long as that's what people want. (hint: make this name 10 characters or shorter- it makes things a lot easier.)
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Post by Twofold Black »

JazzyMod wrote:But seriously, come up with a name and I'll create a banner in the same style using their pets, as long as that's what people want. (hint: make this name 10 characters or shorter- it makes things a lot easier.)
'Etacolours' seems like the obvious thing, having precisely the same rhythm as Neocolours. Of course, I will typo it 'Eatcolours' and 'Teacolours' all the time. (Interestingly, I originally, without thinking about it, wrote every instance of 'colors' in this post without a U <i>except</i> the one in 'Neocolours'.)
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Post by Huggles »

Actually, Jazzy, you can. They even let you post your commission stuff on the forums. Of course, all I have are subeta points and a couple pesos. Instead of coming up with a new name, what I mean was to just use Necolours, but with Subeta pets. Although, I'd be perfectly fine with Teacolours if there was a minions section called Biscuits.

German guy—The codes obviously yours to do with as you please, no snarkiness or the like intended, but I'd honestly rather not have him using our name. Any chance of convincng him to changing it to Neopetcolours— I curse him with extra letters!—instead? I'm not going to argue over a domain name he already purchased, but the site name irks me so.

Grarkenstompfles was a word Gibbly came up with upon my request, and Deku made pictures of, after a recent batch of crappy expensive pets. I believe it was the grey korbat that started it all. It also exists as Joeno's ogrin. Pretty much stamped out, spat on and discouraged before it ever became popular, and even I had mostly forgotten about it. It was a five minute thing.
Last edited by Huggles on 11 Oct 2006 06:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Wingsrising »

Yeah, I don't think that section of the site necessarily needs its own name. It's still part of Neocolours, after all. Sort of like PPT is still PPT in the Subeta section (and, I'm assuming the PPT they refer to on Subeta itself is that PPT) even though there are no Poogles in Subeta.
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Post by Twofold Black »

Huggles wrote:Although, I'd be perfectly fine with Teacolours if there was a minions section called Biscuits.
I had no real investment one way or the other in a the subject of whether Subeta should get a subsite with its own name, until you said this. Curse you, Huggles!
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Post by Joeno »

Okay, this isn't going to work out that easily through the forums.. I'd like some rapid feedback on some things. Even if it might not keep communications available for everyone, try one of the IMs listed on this page.
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Post by Trick »

I don't think it's a terribly good idea to be doing more outside of the forum at this point.

A forum is after all the best place for discussions and decisions anyway.
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Post by daisybell »

I'm not really happy with site things being discussed by IM :/ I mean, we're a forum, and a forum is what discussing things is for.

And I don't like the German Neocolours at all- could we negotiate on a name change? I mean, as others have said, we took a long time before we decided we could use the name. And it feels like it's just happened behind our backs. The FAQ and links page too, though they're more minor issues, but still... it would have been nice to have heard about it happening before it went live.

Maybe I'm getting too worked up, but there's a tradition of consultation about things on NC and it seems like a lot has happened without the community being consulted :|

The issue of blogs and news is an important one, and so may I suggest that it gets put in a separate topic? It's a different sort of issue IMO and merits its own topic.
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Mad Cavy Lady
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Post by Trick »

I'm also not happy with another site using our name without permission, permission of the community that is.

And I agree, more topics for different subjects would make it easier for people to give their opinions without getting side tracked by other things. Specifically those they are annoyed with.
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Post by Illuen »

Honestly, I'm horrible fucking pissed at this whole thing, for an assload of reasons.

When we had to migrate, we ourselves had a gigantic damn debate/argument on whether we ourselves should be allowed to use the name.

How is it right in any way shape or form that, without even discussing it with the forum, someone who has NOTHING to do with us is able to just take the name, and the coding? I know it's your coding, Joeno, but at the same time, this was made for our forum, I think that it was wrong. It was not the right thing to do, and I don't like it.

Neocolours is nothing if not democratic. We have debates on whether to ban people, for fuck sakes. Our Benevolent Dictatoress takes input on everything, from what mods to add to what to name the forum sections. A community this democratic should definitely have a say in something that is quite as important as this.

I also must say, on the same topic, I am not OK personally with you posting saying "I've added this, this and this kthxbai". I think that things should be put before us, and get our approval before they begin. This is the way neocolours has always worked, and for someone to make this decision who is NOT jassy or even one of the mods, I just think it's wrong, and I daresay there are others out there feeling the same way.

I am very appreciative of all you've done for us Joeno, but at the same time, we've not elected you admin, or moderator even. I do not feel you have any right whatsoever to be making decisions for this forum that are as gigantic and important as you have.

I must also say I do not like the other website having our name, in any way shape or form. They are not fucking neocolours, we are. They are not (to the best of my knowledge) even part of our forum. In what sick, twisted world do they have the right to represent us? If they wanted to, they could turn the site into preteen lesbian bestiality, and we'd have no say in the matter. In addition to this, they ARE representing us, just by using our name, and having premission to do so from someone who, frankly, I do not believe was in the situation to give permission.

I agree this should be made a separate topic, and bolded, and stickied. Every person on this forum should know about this, and should put their two cents in. This is the way neocolours works. Not by having someone go behind our backs making decisions.

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Post by Joeno »

I'm trying to negotiate things, but it's already hard enough when your German is bad and their English is as well, when you're having problems responding to his arguments because you don't have one either and when there's several other things going on around you at the same time that also need to take priority.

We can't have a real discussion here because some of the people involved don't speak English, and so would not be understood, so I have to be in between anyway.

The FAQ and Links page have been mentioned in both my signature and on the site for a long time. I have not linked them from anywhere yet except for this thread. Before I did, nobody knew about the pages. Usually, discussion is facilitated by at least having the basics done - that is why they are there currently. If you wanted to discuss it earlier - the mention of the pages have been around for at least six months now. What else could I have done? Next, I should mention every feature I update or bug I fix?
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Post by Wysteria »

I'm going to second Daisy that we really need to split this into two topics - the issue of the german site needs its own thread, separate from discussing generally very spiffy ideas for our own site.

Assuming this thread will be concerning the new features, not the german site, I'd like to chime in on the Subeta site issue and say that I don't think it should be linked from the index page of Neocolours, as people don't come to the main page for Subeta stuff. Us forumgoers may be all about the Subeta stuff at the moment, but that doesn't mean the folks who visit the site for new Neopets colors have any interest in it. Perhaps a sticky in Offsite Games that links to it would be appropriate? We could include other Subeta links like dailies and so on as well.
Bless my whiskers. {Formerly Grey Cloud.}
Mad Cavy Lady
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Post by Trick »

Seems like people missed the FAQs and links discussions so probably that was another thing deserving of its own topic.

I don't think it's too hard to sort out what is worthy of consultation and what isn't. New features are always something to discuss, while bugs and updates are usually not.

I think the more information presented here for everyone to see from the outset the better. We can certainly discuss at this end what is going on with this other site and what we can now do about it if anything.

Also, I think given the wealth of information in the first post concerning both major topics (as well as the number of posts addressing both) that a new topic for one thing or the other would be better than a split? Perhaps with this one concerning what should and should not be discussed, with other topic(s) as appropriate for discussing new features?

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