World of Warcraft - European players?

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World of Warcraft - European players?

Post by Kuroro »

In response to the previous topic. Are there any European players on the boards? *waves* :mrgreen:
Set by WIS!
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Post by Akjara »

Well, me for one. *g* And I wouldn't have any problem with making a new character, but I vote for a PvE realm, because I'm seriously bad at PvP and it's quite frustrating to be killed all the time. *g*
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Post by Kuroro »

Heh, I actually never got far into a pvp realm to 'feel' the consequences. I started on an rp realm, and heard, read about pvp. But since I was busy and happy on the rp realm, I never checked out pvp realms.

However, I did got to 30 or something on a pvp realm.. boy, I'm not sure if all the pvp realms are that way, but the language people, the language. I can handle that one, though. On top of that, I had some nasty experiences when in instances (being someone looting all the chests for himself, not answering and such). Then again, on rp realms language is kinda important, so I might have been spoiled. But my first thought was, that overall 'age' on pvp realms seemed lower then on (my) rp realm. :|

So no, I don't have to have pvp. I would try, just to try.

Maybe it's better though, if I join your german realm, if it's just the two of us on NC. :mrgreen: You said speaking english wasn't a problem? Is it a pvp realm or pve?
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Post by Akjara »

It's a PvE-Realm, and I'm on the Horde side there which is seriously outnumbered by the Alliance (I think 80% to 20% or something like that), which is why I'm very happy that it isn't PvP.
I saw a few english speaking people on there, so you have to be prepared that people think your a china farmer, because those often speak a smattering of english and no german at all. *g*
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Post by Kuroro »

:shock: Auch. Well, I guess I will train my German a little. Maybe they will think I'm a Dutch farmer. :mrgreen:
Set by WIS!
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