RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Post by Kantark »

Woe: I have just been informed that the turkey has 'gone off' (since I didn't hear an explosion I guess they mean it's inedible). More sprouts please!
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Post by Wingsrising »

:headdesk: I meant to delete a few of my PMs on the forum and deleted all of them by accident.
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Post by General Erin »

Whee: I just got a message from my sometimes boss asking me to work an event on New Years Eve!

He runs a big theater and some evangelical church is having midnight mass on NYE. Not to thrilled about the evangelical part, but the pay is awesome. I'm not likely to be doing anything fun on NYE, so I might as well work. It'll be great to get a nice chunk of change right before I go to Puerto Rico with the fam.
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Post by Marah »

Achievement: I have a shiny new laptop!

woe: It will take me a long time to get all the icons where I want them and getting used to the new keyboard and... worse of all: not ONE of my huge collection of pretty wallpapers is 1280x800. grumble.

But still: shiinyyy new computer!
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Post by Monkeyguy »

:) : I start college tomorrow. I wish I had registered for more classes, but I was working full time during registration and only signed up for 2 courses.

:( : I bought a new computer chair and whatever material it is made out of stinks like dirty shoes and now my room is saturated in the stench. :(
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Post by Madge »

I passed my <strike>driving</strike> steering test! Third time is a charm after all!

Now according to West Australian regulations, I have to complete 25 hours of supervised driving in a log book (so far I've done 6.75 hours - I'm going for at least 2 hours a day and my parents are willing to sit through it, so yay), the practical upshot being that I will hopefully have my licence by the 20th.

Of course, after the 25 hours there's a computerised test to sit, but this takes less than an hour and is easy - everyone passes it, except of course for the obligatory friend-of-a-friend who failed it 3 times.
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Post by tallan »

GIGANTIC WOE: Just found out that Damien Rice is coming to Sweden, giving a concert, right here, where I live. And of course there are no tickets left. *dies*
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Post by ladynight6 »

Woe: I need to take notes on the Life of Pi, due tomorrow... I had three weeks to do it... Smart...
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Post by Monkeyguy »

Yay: I just bought my text books from Half.com and paid only $105 instead of $200
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Post by Charlie »

I passed my 4th year vet exams, woo hoo!

Very pleased as ~18% of the year failed so there were obviously hard! Although 2 of them were my housemates so that's a bit rubbish... but giving up the social life for 3 weeks was worth it, for me at least!
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Post by AngharadTy »

Yay, that's great, Charlie!
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Strawberry Limeade
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Post by Strawberry Limeade »

Yay: I talked my photo prof into letting me do a series of projects relating to the Myst series as an independent study course for 3 credits. This means I get to drop what sounded like a really lame anthropology course and turns my last semester into 4 art history courses and 2 photo studios.

Yay/Woe: I'm the chairperson of our gallery show at the end of the year. It'll be great experience, but it's the most responsibility. I have to decide where 15 people's work goes - who gets how much space, who gets prime space, lighting, amount of work people are allowed, and general flow. Thankfully, I like all the people who volunteered to be on my committee and we're making t-shirts that label them as my minions. :D

Woe: A woman I went to Italy with is in two of my four art history classes. This is a woe because she is completely batshit insane, like a 6 year old on meth, and I'm terrified that she'll discover we have classes together and talk to me until I stab my pen into the side of my head to make her stop.
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Post by ladynight6 »

Woe: So my internet went all funky and it turns out that because we didnt know how to secure our wireless, someone was able to send spam by using our internet connection. So the company cut us off and we found that out today.
Yay: My brother ran a scan and there were no viruses, so it definitely wasnt any virus in our computer doing the spamming. He made some calls and my internet is back up. Yay!
Woe: I still don't know how to secure our wireless connection...So I'm stuck on the wire...
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Post by Kamil »

Woe - well, actually, more along the lines of *owww*.

I borked my left knee a few years ago and never had it properly cared for (read, never had the surgery to repair the ligaments, because of no insurance at the time), and while it never was quite the same, once it had healed it caused no pain or major inconvenience.

Yesterday morning when I woke up it was quite stiff and fairly sore, but not too bad - today however. OY. As swollen and tender as ever it was before, and omgpainpainpain. *wince*

The odd part was I have no memory of stepping on the leg wrong, turning the knee, or hearing/feeling a pop, or any such triggering event. I've been helping a friend move, but he hired someone for most of the heavy lifting part - I've merely kibbitzed during the what-goes-where part of the deal.

I did toddle off to the emergency room and had an ultrasound run to make sure I hadn't managed to clot up under there or some such, and that was fine - apparently I just re-injured the knee somehow, so now I'm home with a hella big knee brace (that I have to take off to get up or drive a car, since I can't bend my leg at all with it on) and lots of hydrocodone.

Oh, yes, and crutches - which I fully expect to facilitate further injury when I break my arse by falling off of them. Because of course we're having an ice storm today and it's slippery as a greased pig's ass outside.

Oh well, we're going to be closed tomorrow at work (because of the ice) so hopefully by the time I go back (Tuesday) I'll be slightly less ouchy (and more ambulatory) than I am right now.

(*eyes post*)(my parentheticals are breeding)( o_0)
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Post by Madge »


After learning for over two years, I finally got my license, more than a year after the earliest point I could.

My actual license will be posted to me in about a week, but in the meantime I have a piece of paper that says I'm allowed to drive.

I finally have cast aside the yellow and black L plates and replaced them with white and red P plates!

And in another two years I can discard the P plates. :D

Now I finally can drive alone, I have much more freedom, most importantly, I can go see Jason on Sunday for a survivor marathon!

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